Installation Requirements

Before installing the Sysdig agent and other components, ensure that your system meets the following requirements.
  • A supported distribution or Kubernetes platform

  • A Sysdig account and agent access key

  • Port 6443 open for outbound traffic

    The Sysdig Agent communicates with the collector on port 6443. If you’re using a firewall, make sure to open port 6443 for outbound traffic so that the agent can communicate with the collector.

  • Determine the Agent Mode

  • Allow traffic on port 12000 to communicate within the cluster for Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM).

Supported across all Sysdig Components

Kubernetes Platforms

  • Kubernetes (Vanilla)

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

    Note: AWS Fargate is not supported on EKS

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • RedHat Openshift

  • IBM Kubernetes Service (IKS)

  • RKE Government (RKE2)

Linux Distributions

  • Debian
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Amazon Linux
  • Amazon Linux 2
  • Google Container-Optimized OS (COS)

CPU Architectures

  • X86
  • ARM

We support additional Linux distributions depending on the feature required.

For Specific Components

See individual pages for component installation requirements and supported platforms:

Next Steps

Install on a Kubernetes cluster

Install on a Host

Install on an ECS cluster on EC2

Install on an ECS Fargate cluster