Azure Container Registry

Azure Container Registry

Use one of the following installation options, depending on the credential format used:

Authentication Using Registry Token

To run the scanner in Azure Container Registry (ACR) using a registry token, you must have a token with _repositories_admin scope map to read the full registry.

$ helm upgrade --install registry-scanner sysdig/registry-scanner --version=1 \
--set config.secureBaseURL=<SYSDIG_SECURE_URL> \
--set config.secureAPIToken=<SYSDIG_SECURE_API_TOKEN> \
--set config.registryType=acr \
--set config.registryURL=<ACR_REGISTRY_URL> \
--set config.registryUser=<ACR_TOKEN_NAME> \
--set config.registryPassword=<ACR_TOKEN_PASSWORD>
  • <ACR_REGISTRY_URL>: The Azure registry URL
    For example,
  • <ACR_TOKEN_NAME>: The Azure registry token name
  • <ACR_TOKEN_PASSWORD>: The Azure registry token password

The registry token must use the _repositories_admin scope map. For more information, see the Azure ACR documentation.

Authentication by Service Principal

To run the scanner in Azure Container Registry (ACR) using Service Principal, follow the Azure ACR instructions to create Service Principal with acrpull role and scoped to your registry.

$ helm upgrade --install registry-scanner sysdig/registry-scanner --version=1 \
--set config.secureBaseURL=<SYSDIG_SECURE_URL> \
--set config.secureAPIToken=<SYSDIG_SECURE_API_TOKEN> \
--set config.registryType=acr \
--set config.registryURL=<ACR_REGISTRY_URL> \
--set config.registryUser=<SP_ID> \
--set config.registryPassword=<SP_PASSWORD>
  • <ACR_REGISTRY_URL>: The Azure registry URL.
    For example,
  • <SP_ID>: The Azure Service Principal ID.
  • <SP_PASSWORD>: The Azure Service Principal password.