Install Sysdig Agent

You can install the Sysdig Agent on a wide array of hosts and orchestrators. Before you begin, determine the deployment method you want to use. You can install the Sysdig Agent as a Kubernetes DaemonSet, a standalone binary on Linux, or as a container. Check your environment to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements and uses the appropriate installation instructions.

Installation Requirements

Before installing the Sysdig Agent:

  • Ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

    • A supported distribution or a container platform.

    • Port 6443 is open for outbound traffic.

      The Sysdig Agent requires egress permissions on port 6443 to reach the Sysdig Collector, which receives data from the agent. See IP ranges for more information.

  • Determine the Agent Mode.

  • Collect the following:

    • ACCESS_KEY: The Sysdig agent access key.

      You can retrieve the key from the Sysdig Monitor UI using one of the following:

      • Settings > Agent Installation menu.
      • Get Started > Install the Agent tab. The installation wizard automatically populates the agent access key.
    • COLLECTOR: Use the collector address associated with your region.

    • TAGS: The list of tags for the host where the agent is installed. For example: role:webserver, location:europe.

For more information on agent configuration, see Configure Sysdig Agent.

If you need any assistance, contact Sysdig Support for help.

Container Platforms

  • Kubernetes v1.11 and above

    • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

    Note: AWS Fargate is not supported on EKS

    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
    • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS)
  • RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) 4 and above

  • Amazon ECS on EC2

Linux Distributions

  • Debian v10 and above
  • Ubuntu v18 and above
  • Ubuntu (Amazon) v18 and above
  • CentOS v7 and above
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v7 and above
  • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server v15 SP4 and above (running as a container)*
  • Fedora v36 and above
  • Fedora CoreOS
  • Linux Mint
  • Amazon Linux
  • Amazon Linux v2
  • Amazon Linux v3
  • Amazon Bottlerocket
  • Google Container Optimized OS (COS)
  • Oracle Linux (UEH)
  • Oracle Linux (RHCK)
  • EulerOS

* Linux service install is not supported on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server.

Container Runtimes

  • Docker
  • LXC
  • CRI-O
  • containerd
  • Podman
  • Mesos

CPU Architectures

  • X86
  • ARM
  • s390x (zLinux)**

** Prebuilt probes, Captures and agent installation using the agent container are not supported.

** Supports only RHEL and OpenShift.

Next Steps