PostgreSQL Metrics

The following PostgreSQL metrics are available.

See Application Integrations for more information.

Metric NameTypeDescription
postgresql.seq_scansgaugeThe number of sequential scans initiated on this table.
postgresql.index_scansgaugeThe number of index scans initiated on this table.
postgresql.index_rows_fetchedgaugeThe number of live rows fetched by index scans.
postgresql.rows_hot_updatedgaugeThe number of rows HOT updated, meaning no separate index update was needed.
postgresql.live_rowsgaugeThe estimated number of live rows.
postgresql.dead_rowsgaugeThe estimated number of dead rows.
postgresql.index_rows_readgaugeThe number of index entries returned by scans on this index.
postgresql.table_sizegaugeThe total disk space used by the specified table. Includes TOAST, free space map, and visibility map. Excludes indexes.
postgresql.index_sizegaugeThe total disk space used by indexes attached to the specified table.
postgresql.total_sizegaugeThe total disk space used by the table, including indexes and TOAST data.
postgresql.heap_blocks_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read from this table.
postgresql.heap_blocks_hitgaugeThe number of buffer hits in this table.
postgresql.index_blocks_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table.
postgresql.index_blocks_hitgaugeThe number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.
postgresql.toast_blocks_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read from this table’s TOAST table.
postgresql.toast_blocks_hitgaugeThe number of buffer hits in this table’s TOAST table.
postgresql.toast_index_blocks_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read from this table’s TOAST table index.
postgresql.toast_index_blocks_hitgaugeThe number of buffer hits in this table’s TOAST table index.
postgresql.active_queriesgaugeThe number of active queries in this database.
postgresql.archiver.archived_countgaugeThe number of WAL files that have been successfully archived.
postgresql.archiver.failed_countgaugeThe number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files.
postgresql.before_xid_wraparoundgaugeThe number of transactions that can occur until a transaction wraparound.
postgresql.index_rel_rows_fetchedrateThe number of live rows fetched by index scans.
postgresql.transactions.idle_in_transactiongaugeThe number of ‘idle in transaction’ transactions in this database.
postgresql.transactions.opengaugeThe number of open transactions in this database.
postgresql.waiting_queriesgaugeThe number of waiting queries in this database.
postgresql.waiting_queriesgaugeThe number of buffers allocated
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_backendgaugeThe number of buffers written directly by a backend.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_backend_fsyncgaugeThe of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call instead of the background writer.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpointgaugeThe number of buffers written during checkpoints.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_cleangaugeThe number of buffers written by the background writer.
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_requestedgaugeThe number of requested checkpoints that were performed.
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timedgaugeThe number of scheduled checkpoints that were performed.
postgresql.bgwriter.maxwritten_cleangauge.The number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan due to writing too many buffers.
postgresql.bgwriter.sync_timegaugeThe total amount of checkpoint processing time spent synchronizing files to disk.
postgresql.bgwriter.write_timegaugeThe total amount of checkpoint processing time spent writing files to disk.
postgresql.buffer_hitgaugeThe number of times disk blocks were found in the buffer cache, preventing the need to read from the database.
postgresql.commitsgaugeThe number of transactions that have been committed in this database.
postgresql.connectionsgaugeThe number of active connections to this database.
postgresql.database_sizegaugeThe disk space used by this database.
postgresql.deadlocksgaugeThe number of deadlocks detected in this database
postgresql.disk_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read in this database.
postgresql.locksgaugeThe number of locks active for this database.
postgresql.max_connectionsgaugeThe maximum number of client connections allowed to this database.
postgresql.percent_usage_connectionsgaugeThe number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections.
postgresql.replication_delaygaugeThe current replication delay in seconds. Only available with PostgreSQL 9.1 and newer.
postgresql.replication_delay_bytesgaugeThe current replication delay in bytes. Only available with PostgreSQL 9.2 and newer.
postgresql.rollbacksgaugeThe number of transactions that have been rolled back in this database.
postgresql.rows_deletedgaugeThe number of rows deleted by queries in this database.
postgresql.rows_fetchedgaugeThe number of rows fetched by queries in this database.
postgresql.rows_insertedgaugeThe number of rows inserted by queries in this database. The metrics can be segmented by ‘db’ or ’table’ and can be viewed per-relation.
postgresql.rows_returnedgaugeThe number of rows returned by queries in this database. The metrics can be segmented by ‘db’ or ’table’ and can be viewed per-relation.
postgresql.rows_updatedgaugeThe number of rows updated by queries in this database.
postgresql.rows_deletedgaugeThe number of rows deleted by queries in this database. The metrics can be segmented by ‘db’ or ’table’ and can be viewed per-relation.
postgresql.table.countgaugeThe number of user tables in this database.
postgresql.temp_bytesgaugeThe amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database.
postgresql.temp_filesgaugeThe number of temporary files created by queries in this database.
postgresql.toast_blocks_readgaugeThe number of disk blocks read from this table’s TOAST table.
postgresql.transactions.idle_in_transactiongaugeThe number of ‘idle in transaction’ transactions in this database.
postgresql.transactions.opengaugeThe number of open transactions in this database.