2018 Archive
Release 1472, December 13, 2018
Tuned the configuration of metrics rollups to handle high-scale environments
Release 1402 December 3, 2018
Sysdig Monitor
Global silence alerts for scheduled downtime
Administrators can now temporarily disable alert events to mute
notifications during planned downtime or maintenance. The new feature
also supports sending a downtime notification to selected channels.
Access the new capability via Settings > Notification Channels
. See
Disable or Delete a Notification

Dashboard Templating
New dashboard templating enables users to create and configure a fixed dashboard that enables alternating between multiple scope variables. Users can assign custom names for labels and choose to set fixed or variable label selection values.

Integration with AWS IAM role to grant permissions
New support for Amazon Web Services IAM roles grants permissions via IAM to applications running on Amazon.
See the Integrate AWS Account Using the Implicit Key (On-Prem Only)in the AWS integration documentation.
Updated Users and Teams Settings Pages
The Users and Teams settings pages have been updated to improve performance and now feature a streamlined full-page edit layout. See Manage Teams and Roles.
Sysdig Secure
CIS Compliance Checks
The ability to schedule CIS compliance tasks for the agent to run on your infrastructure is now available.
These tasks will generate metrics that are available in Sysdig Monitor and reports that are available in Sysdig Secure.

Bug Fixes
Several minor enhancements to improve performance and usability.
Release 1245 November 05, 2018
Please skip this release and install 1402 instead.
Enhanced connection tracking features
Security updates
Backend updates to address security vulnerabilities.
Teams functionality is now available in Sysdig Secure.
Caching on image scanning run-time page for performance improvements.
Various bug fixes and improvements
Release 1149 September 14, 2018
Your on-premises Sysdig installation MUST be running release v1091 before you can upgrade to this release v1149. Please upgrade to v1091 before proceeding.
Unified Events table and migration tool (Required before upgrade)
A change was introduced in how events are indexed and stored in the Sysdig platform. In prior versions, the three types of events were stored in three separate indexes based on their different sources. After migration and upgrade are complete, they will be combined in one index. Before upgrading to v1149 it is necessary to run a Unified Events migration tool.
Sysdig Agent Crash custom event
Generates a custom event if a Sysdig agent crash is experienced.

Node Ready alert reset
Enables transition of a notification from active => ok for a down node (NodeNotReady) when the node with the same scope becomes ready again (NodeReady).
Improved Mesos/Marathon label handling
Improved handling of Mesos/Marathon labeling to ensure proper display of containers within the Sysdig UI.
Various bug fixes and improvements
Release 1091 August 16, 2018
Component updates and CVE patches
Delivers minor-minor upgrades and CVE patches for all 3rd party components in Replicated install. The Kubernetes install includes a major upgrade for MySQL from 5.6.34 to 8.0.11. Please see product README for upgrade guidance and details.
StatefulSets for Kubernetes deployment
Provides StatefulSet option for select Redis and MySQL with Kubernetes. Please see product README for usage eligibility and further details.
New ‘Standard User’ role and RBAC changes
Introduces new ‘Standard User’ role for developers that includes edit access to dashboards, alerts, events but NO access to Explore. Renames ‘Edit user’ role to ‘Advanced user’ and ‘Read only’ role to ‘View only’. See Manage Teams and Roles for details.
Team scoping performance improvement
When creating or editing teams, the first 30 labels and tags are displayed with the ability to search for additional options.
Multi-select alerts and bulk actions
New checkboxes on the alerts page enable selection of multiple alerts for bulk actions.
Kubernetes Node Ready alert
A new alert provides notification when a Kubernetes node is not ready. Default alert level is ‘warning’ (user-configurable).
Release 987 July 11, 2018
Solr dashboards update
Modifications to default Solr dashboard
Metrics aggregation fix
Fixed an issue with metrics aggregation
Release 963 June 26, 2018
LDAP enhancements
Enabling and disabling of LDAP authentication is now performed via API configuration rather than Replicated console or K8S ConfigMap. See LDAP for details.
An option has been added to allow chasing of referrals during LDAP authentication. See the documentation for details.
HTTPS enforcement
Sysdig is now enforcing HTTPS connectivity and using secure cookies. With this change, we have disabled TLS v1.0. Users should modify any scripts and/or applications to use HTTPS and TLS v1.2 for uninterrupted operation.
Text Panels
You can now add text panels to your dashboards to provide additional information. Text panels can be used as title headers or to provide additional context that you would like to communicate. Features limited markdown support .
Multiple segments for a single metric
You can now add up to five different segments for a given metric in time-series and stacked area panels.

Default entry point
Admins can now set a default entry point for a team to simplify the onboarding process. This determines the first page users see when they start the application (e.g., a specific dashboard, settings, etc.).

Default Istio dashboards
Sysdig provides out of the box dashboards for monitoring Istio using Prometheus exporters.

Test notification channels
New test function lets you pre-test your notification channels such as email, Slack, PagerDuty, etc.

Copy and share groupings
Copy and share unique groupings with all of your teams.

Icon labels
New icon labels appear on hover to clarify underlying function for users.

Alert on rate of change
Introducing a new ‘rate of change’ math function for metrics. Now you can alert by the rate at which a metric changes vs. a static threshold. For example, a default alert: Rate of change of disk usage alerts you if your disk usage increases more than x% in a day.

Release 925 June 10, 2018
Solr dashboards improvement
Increased number of segments for Solr default dashboard panels
Public dashboards fix
Fixed an issue that caused errors when loading public dashboards due to missing metrics
Release 917 June 7, 2018
Google OAuth fix
Fixed an issue with Google OAuth (On-Prem) login.
Upgrades in LDAP environments
Fixed an issue in upgrades with [LDAP Authentication Configuration for Platform v.1149 - 1511
Release 914 June 6, 2018
Solr dashboards
Added application dashboards for Solr metrics.
Release 904 May 31, 2018
Performance improvements
Enhancements to improve Sysdig Monitor response time during login.
Release 893 May 9, 2018
Daily metric rollup fix
Fixed an issue caused during daily metric rollup due to Cassandra-14092.
Release 892 May 2, 2018
Various bug fixes and improvements.
Release 890 April 30, 2018
New default ports for API/Collector containers (Replicated)
New default TCP ports are exposed from Sysdig backend API/collector containers to the host level in Replicated-based installs. Read this support article for info on avoiding possible port conflicts.
‘SSO CA certificate in PEM format’ option
Replicated-based installs using SSO that access their IDP via SSL/TLS and need to import a CA certificate for Sysdig to trust the connection can now do using the SSO CA certificate in PEM formatoption. This is available under the ‘Advanced’ section of the ‘Settings’ tab in the Admin console. Kubernetes-based installs can do the equivalent as described in this README.
LDAP settings changes
LDAP authentication settings are now configured via the Sysdig Platform Admin API. Environments running releases pre-890 will have their LDAP settings automatically migrated to the new API endpoints automatically when upgrading to 890.
New UI design
Our new user interface provides a more modern framework for interacting with the product. Navigation is re-oriented from a top-of-screen menu to an icon-driven left side panel, providing more space for viewing your metrics and dashboards. Click here for a quick video introduction!.

Alert on rate of change
Introducing a new ‘rate of change’ math function for metrics. Now you can alert by the rate at which a metric changes vs. a static threshold. For example, a default alert: Rate of change of disk usage alerts you if your disk usage increases more than x% in a day.

Support for Prometheus histogram metrics
Sysdig Monitor can now ingest a Prometheus histogram metric type and visualize them in a chart to show the distribution of specific metrics.

Link to Grafana plugin
Did you know you can add Sysdig as a Grafana data source? To help you get started visualizing Sysdig-collected metrics in Grafana, we’ve added a Grafana Plugin link to the help menu that takes you to the setup instructions.

Revised alerting with Kubernetes metrics
Alert configuration settings for Kubernetes metrics now limit scope and segmentation based on the metric that is selected to allow for more accurate alerting. Check out our support page for more details.
Compare-to for timeseries
In your time series line charts you can now compare time-shifting metrics to easily spot trends and anomalies. With compare-to for time series you can configure and observe how one or more metrics have changed since a previous time (e.g., 1 hour ago or 2 days ago).

‘Compare to’ for number panels
Metric number panels now feature a configurable ‘Compare to’ function to display the change in measurement since a previous time frame. Provides insight into the increase or decrease of metrics over time.

New Metrics for CPU Core Usage
We’ve added cpu.cores.used and cpu.cores.used.percent that align with the way Kubernetes exposes CPU usage. Now you can compare values using kube-state-metrics such as kubernetes.node.capacity.cpuCores, kubernetes.pod.resourceLimits.cpuCores in order to determine if resources are oversubscribed. These metrics are also key for capacity planning and chargeback calculations.

Improved documentation for CPU metrics
The Sysdig Monitor Metrics Dictionary now features updated CPU metrics descriptions to provide more insight into each available metric.
Resizable columns
The UI now allows columns to be resized for all tables in the application including alerts, events, teams, and users.
Suggest Mode
Suggest mode auto-selects only the relevant dashboards and metrics, hiding any inapplicable views. This is now the normal mode of operation. The turn on/off option is no longer available.
Redesigned login screen
We’ve put a new, more modern face on the Sysdig Monitor login screen.

Release 858 April 12, 2018
Captures and Sysdig Inspect fix
Upgrades the open source sysdig version in on-prem build to resolve sysdig capture and Sysdig Inspect compatibility issue.
Customers running version 693 and above can upgrade directly to release 858.
Release 800 March 13, 2018
New Explore design
We’ve redesigned Sysdig Monitor’s Explore page to give you extra screen space to view your killer dashboards and metrics. The new vertical layout helps you see more and get to what you need faster.
Golden Signals dashboards
New Service Golden Signal dashboards provide out-of-the-box metrics that developers need when launching and monitoring a service or app. Includes slowest transactions, latency, request volume, error rates, and most requested URLs.

Want a simple way to quickly see what matters most in your environment? Spotlight helps you quickly discover, detect, and optimize your infrastructure and services. A Spotlight health check shows you new integrations, infrastructure, app, and agent status, and more at-a-glance.

Export table data as JSON/CSV
You can now download table data in JSON or CSV format for offline viewing and analysis.

UI updates
We’ve simplified the dashboard panel copy function and added a duplicate panel option in menu. We’ve also redesigned the dropdowns in the top-right header including making it easier to quickly see and select your teams.
Additional items
Various bug fixes and improvements including:
Performance and stability fixes for metrics
Fix for issue with ElasticSearch migration
Configurable program retention by customer (default limit 12)
Fix for migrations using BE mapper – now use dedicated customer mapper.
Release 760 February 23, 2018
Explore grouping and scoping enhancements
We’ve massively simplified grouping and scopes. Our new approach gives you better, more precise data - with less chance of invalid groupings (e.g. Kubernetes deployment > hostname). Have questions? Watch this video, read this article, or contact Customer Success and we’ll analyze your account for you!

Sysdig Monitor now collects kube-state-metrics for monitoring and alerting on the state of Kubernetes objects. New dashboards provide visibility of metrics for nodes, namespaces, services, daemonSets, jobs, replicaSets and pods. Requires update to the Sysdig agent version 0.77.0 or higher.

Public URL dashboards
Ever want to share a killer dashboard with a colleague who is not a Sysdig Monitor user? Now you can! Just pick, click, and send your URL.
Team Manager role
We’ve introduced a new ‘Team Manager’ role that provides the privilege to add, delete, and modify team users as well as grant read or edit access.

Proxy support for outgoing HTTP/HTTPS connections
You can now configure outgoing HTTP/HTTPS connections to be made via proxy. Supports outgoing web connections to support notification channels, PagerDuty, Slack, Amazon SNS, VictorOps, OpsGenie, WebHooks, AWS CloudWatch data gathering. Read more here.
Suggest mode enabled by default
Last year we introduced suggest mode – available in ‘Settings>Sysdig Labs’ – as a way to boost your efficiency by showing only the views, metrics, and grouping presets applicable to your environment. This option has proven so popular that it is now enabled by default.
Custom headers for webhooks
When using webhooks, typically used to pass authentication credentials, you can now add custom headers to pass along additional details with an outgoing request.
Rename of Admin team to Monitor Operations
As part of the broader Sysdig Platform initiative, ‘Admin Team’ within Sysdig Monitor is now renamed to ‘Monitor Operations.’ The Monitor Operations team will continue to behave the same as the previous Admin team:
The Monitor Operations team cannot be deleted.
Monitor Operations users have full visibility to all resources.
To change settings for any team, admins must switch to the Monitor Operations team.

Support for JMX metrics from Java 9
Sysdig Monitor now supports JMX monitoring for Java 9 applications. To enable collection of Java 9 metrics, update to the latest Sysdig Agent. For more details, review the Sysdig Agent changelogs.
Introducing read-only users
Users can have different roles for each of the teams they belong to, either ‘Read user’ or ‘Edit user’. A read user can only use the app in read-only mode, with no permission to create/edit/delete dashboards, alerts, etc while the edit user is allowed to make those changes. This is a per team role defined by Admin users.

Memcached default dashboard
A new default dashboard has been added to the Explore page where you can see the most important Memcached performance monitoring metrics: connections, commands, get hits/misses, evictions, etc.
Python client changes: Team/User configs
Changes to support Role Based Access Control (RBAC) modify how ‘Teams’ and ‘User’ configurations are stored and modified via the API. This affects the functionality of the Python client. If you currently have scripts that use these methods, click here for details on how to upgrade your Python client and make the necessary changes to your scripts.
Release 722 January 8, 2018
CPU usage host-level segmentation
CPU usage at host level can now be segmented by CPU core.
AWS and Cloudwatch improvements
Enabled more reliable AWS metadata by separating AWS metadata from Cloudwatch metrics
Additional items
Various bug fixes and improvements.
It is recommended to follow upgrade best practices
- Keep upgrades current
- Test upgrades in a non-mission-critical or staging environment before rolling into production.
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