December 16, 2021 | Rule Changes | 0.49.2 |
January 03, 2022 | Rule Changes Created a new AWS Rule: Read Object through AWSSupportServiceRolePolicy Assumed Role . Updated tags for AWS Rule:AWS Command Executed on Unused Region . Updated tags for the following GCP Rules: GCP Invitation Sent to Non-corporate Account
GCP Create User-managed Service Account Key
GCP Create GCP-managed Service Account Key
GCP Create Cloud Function Not Using Latest Runtime
GCP Set Bucket IAM Policy
GCP Create Bucket
| 0.48.0 |
December 06, 2021 | Rule Changes Add a new rule:Find AWS Credentials: Find or grep AWS credentials in host or container . Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positives for rules: K8s ConfigMap Deleted . Updated IoCs Ruleset with new findings
| 0.46.2 |
November 30, 2021 | Rule Changes | 0.46.0 |
November 22, 2021 | Rule Changes Created a new GCP Rule: GCP Create Cloud Function Create following Azure Rules: Azure Remember MFA for User Access on Devices
Azure Users Can Consent to Apps Accessing Company Data on Their Behalf
Azure Deactivate MFA for User Access
Azure Container ACL Modified
Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positives for rules: Modify Shell Configuration File
Launch Privileged Container
Container Run as Root User s
Updated IoCs Ruleset with new findings Updated AWS, Azure,and GCP tags
| 0.45.1 |
November 16, 2021 | Rule Changes Updated IoCs Ruleset with new findings. | 0.44.1 |
November 15, 2021 | Rule Changes Added new rule for AWS Cloudtrail: Create Lambda Function Using Unsupported Runtime Modified rule for AWS Cloudtrail:Run Instances with Non-standard Image now checks the image ID from aws.ec2.imageID instead of getting this value from respondeElements/instanceSet/items using jevt
| 0.44.0 |
November 11, 2021 | Rule Changes Added new tags to the following rules: GCP Delete Resources from the PCI Blueprint Environment
GCP Create KMS Key Without Rotation
GCP Remove KMS Key Rotation
GCP Delete DNS Zone
GCP Delete GKE Node Pool
GCP Delete Router
GCP Delete GKE IAM Role
GCP Delete VPC Network
GCP Delete GKE Subnetwork
| 0.43.2 |
November 5, 2021 | Rule Changes Added new tags to existent rules for MITRE and NIST categories. | 0.43.1 |
October 29, 2021 | Rule Changes | 0.42.0 |
October 20, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positives for rules: Modify Shell Configuration File
Run shell untrusted
Launch Sensitive Mount Container
Outbound or Inbound Traffic not to Authorized Server Process and Port
Create Sensitive Mount Pod
Create NodePort Service
Attach/Exec Pod
Service Account Created in Kube Namespace
System ClusterRole Modified/Deleted
Default Policy Changes Lowered Severity to INFO for the following policies: | 0.41.0 |
October 11, 2021 | Rule Changes Default Policy Changes Added New Policy IoCs Malware Activity | 0.40.0 |
October 07, 2021 | Rule Changes | 0.39.0 |
September 23, 2021 | Rule Changes Changed net_miner_pool macro used in the Detect outbound connections to common miner pool ports rule. | 0.37.1 |
September 21, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positives for rules: Non sudo setuid rule. | 0.37.0 |
August 26, 2021 | Rule Changes | 0.36.0 |
POSTPONED August 20, 2021 | POSTPONED Rule Changes Added a new rule: Unprivileged Delegation of Page Faults Handling to a Userspace Process Update the list: sysdig_commercial_images
Updated the macro: interactive macro updated checking the tty state. The interactive session is with proc.tty != 0
| POSTPONED 0.35.0 |
August 13, 2021 | Rule Changes Added additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positive for the rules: Launch Package Management Process in Container
Terminal shell in container
The docker client is executed in a container
Updated the list: sysdig_commercial_images Updated the macro: interactive macro updated checking the tty state. The interactive session is with proc.tty != 0 | 0.34.0 |
August 02, 2021 | Rules Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positive for rules: DB program spawned process Rule
Change thread namespace
The docker client is executed in a container
Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container Rule
| 0.33.0 |
July 27, 2021 | Default Policy Changes Enable the Sysdig GCP Best Practices policy by default. | 0.32.0 |
July 25, 2021 | Rule Changes GCP events were consumed directly from the protoPayload , which removed some fields that are used and are not part of the protoPayload itself. All the rules that use jevt.value are updated now to reference protoPayload in the root path. It is a breaking change for GCP rules, and you are required to use cloud-connector versions above v0.8.0. Updated GCP rules to use protoPayload JSON path. Affected rules: GCP Create API Keys for a Project
GCP Delete Bucket
GCP Create Bucket
GCP List Buckets
GCP List Bucket Objects
GCP Put Bucket ACL
GCP Set Bucket IAM Policy
GCP Update Bucket
GCP Create Cloud Function Not Using Latest Runtime
GCP Create Cloud Function
CloudRun Create Service
CloudRun Replace Service
GCP Create a Default VPC Network
GCP Disable Subnet Flow Logs
GCP Enable Connecting to Serial Ports for a VM Instance
GCP Creation of a VM Instance with IP Forwarding Enabled
GCP Suspected Disable of OS Login in a VM Instance
GCP Enable Project-wide SSH keys for a VM Instance
GCP Shield Disabled for a VM Instance
GCP Create or Patch DNS Zone without DNSSEC
GCP Describe Instance
GCP Command Executed on Unused Region
GCP Create GCP-managed Service Account Key
GCP Create User-managed Service Account Key
GCP Invitation Sent to Non-corporate Account
GCP Operation by a Non-corporate Account
GCP Super Admin Executing Command
GCP Update, Disable or Delete Sink
GCP Monitoring Alert Deleted
GCP Monitoring Alert Updated
GCP Disable Automatic Backups for a Cloud SQL Instance
GCP Disable the Requirement for All Incoming Connections to Use SSL for a Cloud SQL Instance
Added a new rule: GCP Set a Public IP for a Cloud SQL Instance
| 0.31.0 |
July 22, 2021 | No rule changes. No default policy changes. Fix a defect related to installing rules for older backend versions (Sysdig 4.0.*). | 0.30.0 |
July 20, 2021 | Default Policy Changes | 0.29.0 |
July 19, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positive for rules: | 0.28.0 |
July 16, 2021 | Default Policy Changes Disabled Access Cryptomining Network Policy by default | 0.27.0 |
July 15, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positive for rules: | 0.26.0 |
July 11, 2021 | Default Policy Changes Rule changes have been applied in the following default policies: Suspicious Package Management Changes
Notable Filesystem Changes
Suspicious Filesystem Reads Policy
Suspicious Filesystem Changes
User Management Changes
Disallowed Network Activity
Inadvised Container Activity
Disallowed Container Activity
Suspicious Container Activity
New default policies created: Default policies removed: Suspicious Package Management Changes
Suspicious Filesystem Reads Policy
User Management Changes
Disallowed Network Activity
Disallowed Container Activity
Inadvised Container Activity
Existent policies status changes: Access AcceCryptomining Network enabled by Default | 0.25.0 |
July 01, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false proofs for rules: Netcat Remote Code Execution in Container
Launch Sensitive Mount Container
Redirect STDOUT/STDIN to Network Connection in Container
| 0.24.0 |
June 25, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false proofs for rules: Write below root
Change thread namespace
| 0.23.0 |
June 22, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats for rules: Change thread namespace
Create Privileged Pod
Modify Shell Configuration File
Write below binary dir
Launch Privileged Container
The docker client is executed in a container
ClusterRole With Wildcard Created
Create HostNetwork Pod
Service Account Created in Kube Namespace
K8s Role/Clusterrole Created
K8s Role/Clusterrole Deleted
K8s Role/Clusterrolebinding Created
Netcat Remote Code Execution in Container
Delete Bash History
ClusterRole With Write Privileges Created
Clear Log Activities
Modify binary dirs
Unexpected outbound connection destination
Unexpected UDP Traffic
| 0.22.0 |
June 19, 2021 | A new policy, Sysdig GCP Best Practices , has been added. Rule Changes New GCP Rules have been added for AuditLog: GCP Create API Keys for a Project
GCP Create Bucket
GCP Delete Bucket
GCP List Buckets
GCP List Bucket Objects
GCP Put Bucket ACL
GCP Set Bucket IAM Policy
GCP Update Bucket
GCP Create Cloud Function Not Using Latest Runtime
GCP Create Cloud Function
GCP Update Cloud Function
CloudRun Create Service
CloudRun Replace Service
GCP Create a Default VPC Network
GCP Disable Subnet Flow Logs
GCP Enable Connecting to Serial Ports for a VM Instance
GCP Creation of a VM Instance with IP Forwarding Enabled
GCP Suspected Disable of OS Login in a VM Instance
GCP Enable Project-wide SSH keys for a VM InstanceGCP Shield Disabled for a VM Instance
GCP Create or Patch DNS Zone without DNSSEC
GCP Describe Instance
GCP Command Executed on Unused Region
GCP Create GCP-managed Service Account Key
GCP Create User-managed Service Account Key
GCP Invitation Sent to Non-corporate Account
GCP Operation by a Non-corporate Account
GCP Super Admin Executing Command
GCP Update, Disable or Delete SinkGCP Monitoring Alert Deleted
GCP Monitoring Alert Updated
GCP Disable Automatic Backups for a Cloud SQL Instance
GCP Disable the Requirement for All Incoming Connections to Use SSL for a Cloud SQL Instance
| 0.21.0 |
June 17, 2021 | Fixed a defect in v0.20.3. The fix is for the detection of older backend versions when looking for accounts scheduled for deletion. | 0.20.4 |
June 17, 2021 | Skip accounts scheduled for deletion when verifying Falco rules compatibility. | 0.20.3 |
June 16, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional exceptions formats to allow addressing false positives for rules: | 0.20.2 |
June 11, 2021 | Rules Changes Add additional exceptions formats to help address false positives for rules: Run shell untrusted
Set Setuid or Setgid bit
| 0.20.1 |
June 03, 2021 | Rule Changes The Non sudo setuid rule: Add macmnsvc (mcafee service host) to set of programs that are allowed to setuid . The Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container rule: Add another zookeeper image pattern that's allowed to run network tools. The Clear Log Activities rule: Add another fluentd image as allowed to clear log files. Add additional exceptions formats to aid in addressing false positives for rules: System procs network activity
K8s Serviceaccount Created
K8s Serviceaccount Deleted
K8s Role/Clusterrole Created
K8s Role/Clusterrole Deleted
| 0.20.0 |
June 01, 2021 | Rule Changes The Read Sensitive File Untrusted rule: The Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container rule: Add another zookeeper image that is allowed to run nc inside a container. Add additional exception patterns for the following rules: Launch Package Management Process in Container
K8s Serviceaccount Created
K8s Serviceaccount Deleted
K8s Role/Clusterrole Created
K8s Role/Clusterrole Deleted
| 0.19.0 |
May 26, 2021 | Rule Changes Add additional Qualys binaries as exceptions for rules: The Write below etc rule: Allow newrelic to write below /root/newrelic instead of specific files Allow nessuscli write state file Allow masvc to write below /etc/ma.d/ Allow grafana to write state
The Write below root rule : Add an additional cmdline writing to exec.fifo . The DB program spawned process rule: Allow sqlplus spawn oracle. Add additional sets of exception fields for rules:
| 0.18.0 |
May 25, 2021 | The Sysdig AWS Best Practices policy no longer includes the Logged in without Using MFA rule. Rule Changes Add five new rules for AWS Cloudtrail events. Disable the AWS Cloudtrail rule, Logged in without Using MFA . The Read Sensitive File Untrusted rule: Let the TaniumEndpoint agent read additional sensitive files. The Write below root rule, docker_writing_state macro: Allow for paths that simply specify a path below an implied / or /root of current working directory. The DB program spawned process rule: Add additional allowed Postgres backup utilities. The Write below root rule: Use a more flexible string match against the /exec.fifo paths. Allow newrelic CLI to write to CLI log file. Allow the docker cleanup image utility to write state files below / .
The Write below rpm database rule: Allow tanium endpoint script to write to the rpm database. The Contact K8S API Server From Container rule: Add another fluent-bit program that is allowed to contact the API Server.
| 0.17.0 |
May 20, 2021 | Rule Changes Added exception to the following to address false positives: The Non sudo setuid rule: Let swiagent read setuid . The Read sensitive file untrusted rule: Let refresh-mcollec (tive-metadata), part of puppet, read sensitive files. Let puppet directly read sensitive files. Let Tanium endpoint read sensitive files. Let ir_agent (rapid7 agent) read sensitive files.
The Write below root rule: Add an additional command line pattern for Cassandra to allow writes to /root/.cassandra . Add additional exec.fifo path below root for runc . Let docker write to certain files below /. It is part of some docker-in-docker setups. Let Tanium joval write to /root/.jOVAL/ .
The Change thread namespace rule: The System procs network activity rule : Add an additional exception pattern. The User mgmt binaries : Let refresh-mcollec (tive-metadata), part of puppet, run user management binaries. The Contact K8S API Server From Container rule: Let fluent-bit images run programs to contact the API server. The Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container rule: Let certain OpenShift images run dig to perform DNS lookups. The Clear Log Activities rule: Let certain Workinggrafana-related images clear log files in the container.
| 0.16.0 |
May 19, 2021 | Rule Changes Additional exception fields are added to the following rules to aid in customization: K8s Secret Created K8s Secret Deleted
| 0.15.1 |
May 18, 2021 | Rule Changes The Detect outbound connections to common miner pool ports rule: Add additional known miner domains. Add additional exception fields to the following rules to aid customization: Modify Shell Configuration File
Write below monitored dir
Write below etc
Write below root
Write below rpm database
Launch Privileged Container
Launch Sensitive Mount Container
Terminal shell in container
System procs network activity
Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container
Set Setuid or Setgid bit
Launch Remote File Copy Tools in Container
The docker client is executed in a container
Disallowed K8s User
Create Privileged Pod
Create Sensitive Mount Pod
Create HostNetwork Pod
Attach/Exec Pod
Pod Created in Kube Namespace
Service Account Created in Kube Namespace
ClusterRole With Wildcard Created
K8s Secret Created
K8s Secret Deleted
The Change thread namespace rule: Add an additional exception for the Sysdig agent. The Pod created in the Kube Namespace rule: Allow users starting with "system:" to create pods in the kube-system/kube-public namespaces. The Read sensitive file untrusted rule: Allow puppet to run scripts that might read sensitive files. The Write below root rule: Add an additional way to detect Cassandra to allow writes to /root/.cassandra . The Change thread namespace rule: Allow Weaveworks Kured (Kubernetes Reboot Daemon) to change thread namespaces.
| 0.15.0 |
May 17, 2021 | Rule Changes Add rpmdb_verify as an RPM Package Management program. This affects the following rules: Update Package Repository
Write below binary dir
Write below monitored dir
Write below etc
Read sensitive file untrusted
Modify binary dirs
Mkdir binary dirs
Run shell untrusted
Package management process ran inside container
Write below etc : Add haproxy-ingress as a program that can write below /etc/haproxy . Change thread namespace: Allow images ending with /ext-cilium-startup-script to change namespaces. Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container: Allow images ending with sysdig/cassandra and bitnami/zookeeper to run network tools inside containers. Set setuid or setgid bit: Allow the images in the sysdig_commercial_images list to include applications with setuid/setgid binaries.
| 0.14.0 |
May 05, 2021 | Rule Changes Add a macro to allow backward compatibility for using older pre-exceptions rules content. | 0.13.2 |
May 05, 2021 | Rule Changes Remove the aws_cloudtrail rule named Create Internet-facing AWS Public Facing Load Balancer without Required Tags from the previous release that uses features yet to be released. | 0.13.1 |
May 04, 2021 | Added the Launch Root User Container rule to the Notable Container Activity policy. Rule Changes All Rules with the source, aws_cloudtrail : Switch from using jevt.value[/path] to to extract information out of aws_cloudtrail events. A new rule, Launch Root User Container , has been added. It matches when a container is started and is configured to run as root. This works for Docker and CRI-O container runtimes, but not for OpenShift 4.x, which does not make the necessary information available. Macro spawned_process : Consider only successful executables. For example, where the return value is 0. This affects the following rules: Schedule Cron Jobs
DB program spawned process
Run shell untrusted
System user interactive
Terminal shell in container
Program run with disallowed http proxy env
User mgmt binaries
Launch Package Management Process in Container
Netcat Remote Code Execution in Container
Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container
Launch Suspicious Network Tool on Host
Search Private Keys or Passwords
Remove Bulk Data from Disk
Delete Bash History
Launch Remote File Copy Tools in Container
Detect crypto miners using the Stratum protocol
The docker client is executed in a container
Linux Kernel Module Injection Detected
Container Run as Root User
This could affect the following rules if they are triggered based on an exec() process rather than a container-started event. Launch Privileged Container
Launch Sensitive Mount Container
Launch Disallowed Container
Launch Root User Container
| 0.13.0 |
April 09, 2021 | Rule Changes Restore several old macros and lists that are no longer used by any of the default rules, but might be used by some users' local rules. | 0.12.2 |
April 05, 2021 | Fixed a defect that could prevent deploying rules to several older Sysdig backend versions. | 0.12.1 |
March 31, 2021 | Rule Changes Added new versions of falco_rules.yaml/k8s_audit_rules.yaml that uses exceptions instead of collections of macros and long condition strings. The rules coverage should be identical to older versions. | 0.12.0 |
March 19, 2021 | Fixed minor problems with the rules installation script. | 0.11.1 |
March 11, 2021 | Rule Changes Added 164 rules that detect suspicious/anomalous/notable behavior from a stream of AWS CloudTrail events. This requires a Sysdig backend that supports policy types and running the Cloud Connector for Secure for cloud.. For a full list of rules for different AWS services, see CloudTrail Rules for Secure for Cloud. Default Policy Changes The new policy, Sysdig AWS Best Practices, includes 41 of the above rules that Sysdig recommends using for the AWS environments. | 0.11.0 |
February 9, 2021 | Rule Changes rule Change thread namespace: Let cilium nsenter rule Change thread namespace: Let dynatrace setns rule Change thread namespace: Let sysdig agent setns (the process name was changed recently) rule Clear Log Activities: Allow fluentd to write/access log files in a container macro exe_running_docker_save: Added support for Crio setting up containers. This affects several rules including: Modify Shell Configuration File Update Package Repository Write below binary dir Write below monitored dir Write below etc Write below root Write below rpm database Modify binary dirs mkdir binary dirs Set Setuid or Setgid bit Create Hidden Files or Directories
rule Launch Package Management Process in Container: Let sysdig node-image-analyzer run rpm
| 0.10.5 |