Review Scan Results

End of Life Notice: The Sysdig Legacy Scanning Engine will reach its End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2024. After this date, it will no longer be supported or maintained. Please upgrade to our New Scanning Engine before December 31st, 2024 to ensure continuous service and support. For assistance, contact our support team or your account representative.

When you have set up your build environment for scanning (if applicable), added the desired registries, and either triggered a scan manually or configured an alert to scan automatically, then an image scanning report is generated.

There are different ways to access scan results:

  • Externally (for developers): From an external Continuous Integration (CI) tool such as Jenkins.

  • Internally (for security personnel): From the Runtime tab or the Scan Results tab (formerly titled “Repositories”) in the Image Scanning module of Sysdig Secure.

NOTE: Images containing RPM packages with SHA512 hashes are not supported.

Scan Results Landing Page

Once a scan has been run, choose Image Scanning > Scan Results to see the landing page.

From here you can:

  • Check quick-view charts for at-a-glance summaries of:

    • Number of images scanned

    • Pass/fail status

    • Origins of image feeds

  • Search and filter results, by:

    • Keyword

    • Pass/fail status

    • Origin (drop-down menu)

    • Registry (drop-down menu)

      Save or Reset a search from the three-dots menu to the right of the nav bar.

  • Sort the results list by date.

  • Select an Image to see its Summary page.

Summary View

Select Image Scanning > Scan Results and select an Image to land on the results summary.

On the Summary page you can:

  • Review results of vulnerability matching and policy evaluations in two separate sections

  • Check the date and time of the vulnerability match and the most recent policy evaluation. These usually differ.

  • Expand/collapse the policy breakdown for ease of view and removal of visual clutter

  • Click Reevaluate Policies to trigger new policy results.

  • Download results as a PDF, including all the policy and vulnerability details.

Select detail pages from the left navigation to see detail views.

Runtime View

Runtime provides an always-updated report on images that have been running in your environment over the past 1 hour.

In the left column: view the Entire Infrastructure or drill down to a namespace.

In the Image Overview: See the percentage of Unscanned, Failed, and Passed images and click on each to get the relevant filtered list.

Use the Search bar: To find images based on Registry, Image Name, or Tag.

You can drill down to the Scan Result Details.

Unscanned Images

Select an unscanned image to manually trigger a scan.

Scanned Images

Select a scanned image to drill down into the details: a Summary page, Policy details, Vulnerability details, and Content violations (e.g., licenses).

Topics in This Section
Scan Result Details