Integrate with Container Registries

Some image registries can trigger an automatic event or action every time a new container is pushed into the registry. Sysdig has provided seamless integration with AWS Elastic Container Registries (ECR) for this kind of automatic scanning. Other image scanning pipelines use the container registry as a passive element, when you know which image you want to scan, you retrieve the target image from the registry. For this type of integration, you must provide the registry credentials in the Sysdig Secure interface.

For more information, see

End of Life Notice: The Sysdig Legacy Scanning Engine will reach its End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2024. After this date, it will no longer be supported or maintained. Please upgrade to our New Scanning Engine before December 31st, 2024 to ensure continuous service and support. For assistance, contact our support team or your account representative.

ECR Registry Scanning

ECR Registry Scanning automatically scans all container images pushed to all your Elastic Container Registries, so you have a vulnerability report available in your Sysdig Secure dashboard at all times, without having to set up any additional pipeline.

An ephemeral CodeBuild pipeline is created each time a new image is pushed, which executes an inline scan based on your defined scan policies. Default policies cover vulnerabilities and dockerfile best practices, and you can define advanced rules yourself.

Usage Steps

  1. Deploy: Deploy Sysdig Secure for cloud on AWS and choose the ECR Image Registry Scanning option.

  2. Insights becomes your default landing page in Sysdig Secure.

  3. Review the Scan Results to confirm that AWS Registry appears and use the feature.

Manage Registry Credentials

Registry credentials are required for Sysdig Secure to pull and analyze images. Each of the registry types has unique input fields for the credentials required (e.g., username/password for; JSON key for Google Container Registry).

The login requires at least read permissions.

Add a New Registry

  1. From the Image Scanning module, select Registry Credentials and click Add Registry.

    The New Registry page is displayed.

  2. Enter the basic identification information:

    Registry Name: Self-defined

    Path The path to the registry, e.g.

    NOTE: In some cases, you may have a registry with various namespaces, each with different permissions.

    You can use a partial path name with a wildcard (*) to subsume all those credentials into the single set of credentials you configure on this page.

    The wildcard indicates that any image located under the partial path inside the registry (/rg-2-1er in the screenshot) will use the registry credentials configured in step 3, below.

    Type Select from the from the drop-down menu.

  3. Configure the registry-specific credentials (based on the Type chosen).

    Docker V2 There are many Docker V2 registries, and the credential requirements may differ.

    For Azure Container Registry:

    1. Admin Account

      Username: in the 'az acr credentials show --name <registry name>' command result

      Password: The password or password2 value from the 'az acr credentials show' command result

    2. Service Principal

      Username: The service principal app id

      Password: The service principal password

    Google Container Registry:

    JSON Key

  4. (Primarily for OpenShift clusters): Add an internal registry address.

    The recommended way to run an image registry for an OpenShift cluster is to run it locally. The Sysdig agent will detect the internal registry names, but for the Anchore engine to pull and scan the image it needs access to the internal registry itself.


    External name:

    Internal name: docker-registry.default.svc:5000

Sysdig maps the internal registry name to the external registry name, so the Runtime and Repository lists will show only the external names.

  1. Optional: Toggle the switch to Allow Self-Signed certificates.

    By default, the UI will only pull images from a TLS/SSL-enabled registry.

    Toggle Allow Self-Signed to instruct the UI not to validate the certificate (if the registry is protected with a self-signed certificate or a cert from an unknown certificate authority).

  2. Optional: Toggle the Test Credentialsswitch to validate your entries.

    When enabled, Sysdig will attempt to pull the image using the entered credentials. If it succeeds, the registry will be saved. If it fails, you will receive an error and can correct the credentials or image details.

    If enabled, then enter the test registry path in the format :



  3. Click Save.

Edit a Registry

  1. From the Image Scanning module, select Registry Credentials.

  2. Select an existing registry to open the Edit window.

  3. Update the parameters as necessary and click Save.

The registry Type cannot be edited.

Delete a Registry

  1. From the Image Scanning module, select Registry Credentials.

  2. Select the existing registry to open the Edit window.

  3. Click Delete Registryand click Yes to confirm the change.

Next Steps

When at least one registry has been added successfully, it is possible to scan images and review scan results, taking advantage of the Default scanning policy provided.