Integrate with CI/CD Tools

You have the option to use image scanning as part of your development pipeline, to check for best practices, vulnerabilities, and sensitive content.

Review the Types of Secure Integrations table for more context. The CI/CD Tools column lists the various options and their levels of support.

End of Life Notice: The Sysdig Legacy Scanning Engine will reach its End of Life (EOL) on December 31st, 2024. After this date, it will no longer be supported or maintained. Please upgrade to our New Scanning Engine before December 31st, 2024 to ensure continuous service and support. For assistance, contact our support team or your account representative.

Inline Scanning

Sysdig provides a stand-alone inline scanner– a containerized application that can perform local analysis on container images (both pulling from registries or locally built) and post the result of the analysis to Sysdig Secure.

Other scanning integrations (i.e. the Jenkins CI/CD plugin) make use of this component under the hood to provide local image analysis capabilities, but it can also be used as a stand-alone component for custom pipelines, or simply as a way to one-shot scan a container from any host.

The Sysdig inline scanner works as an independent container, without any Docker dependency (it can be run using other container runtimes), and can analyze images using different image formats and sources.

This feature has a variety of use cases and benefits:

  • Images don’t leave their own environment

  • SaaS users don’t send images and proprietary code to Sysdig’s SaaS service

  • Registries don’t have to be exposed

  • Images can be scanned in parallel more easily

  • Images can be scanned before they hit the registry, which can

    • cut down on registry costs

    • simplify the build pipeline


At a minimum, the inline scanner requires:

  • Sysdig Secure v2.5.0+ (with API token)

  • Internet access to post results to Sysdig Secure (SaaS or On-Prem)

  • Ability to run a container

Using the is deprecated. This script uses a different set of parameters; for more information about porting the parameters to the inline scanner container, see changes-from-v1xx.

Implement Inline Scanning

Quick Start

You can scan an image from any host by executing:

docker run --rm <image_name> --sysdig-token <my_API_token> --sysdig-url <secure_backend_endpoint>

Status is pass
View the full result @
PDF report of the scan results can be generated with -r option.

You can rerun this Docker command to upgrade to the latest inline scanning component at any time.

Common Parameters



Image name (mandatory)

Container image to be analyzed, following the usual registry/repo:tag format, i.e. If no tag is specified, the latest will be used.

Digest format is also supported, i.e.:

--sysdig-token (mandatory)

Sysdig API token, visible from the User Profile page.


Not required for Sysdig Secure SaaS in the us-east region. For any other case, you must adjust this parameter. I.e. for SaaS us-west it is: --sysdig-url See also SaaS Regions and IP Ranges.

Quick Help and Parameter List from -h

Display a quick help and parameters description from the image itself by executing: docker run --rm -h.

Sample output:

$ docker run -h
Sysdig Inline Analyzer -- USAGE

  Container for performing analysis on local container images, utilizing the Sysdig analyzer subsystem.
  After image is analyzed, the resulting image archive is sent to a remote Sysdig installation
  using the -s <URL> option. This allows inline analysis data to be persisted & utilized for reporting.

  Usage: -k <API Token> [ OPTIONS ] <FULL_IMAGE_TAG>


    -k <TEXT>   [required] API token for Sysdig Scanning auth
                (ex: -k 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx')
                Alternatively, set environment variable SYSDIG_API_TOKEN
                Alias: --sysdig-token
    -s <URL>    [optional] Sysdig Secure URL (ex: -s 'https://secure-sysdig.svc.cluster.local').
                If not specified, it will default to Sysdig Secure SaaS URL (
                Alias: --sysdig-url
                [optional] skip tls verification when calling secure endpoints
    -o          [optional] Use this flag if targeting onprem sysdig installation
                Alias: --on-prem
    -a <TEXT>   [optional] Add annotations (ex: -a 'key=value,key=value')
                Alias: --annotations
    -f <PATH>   [optional] Path to Dockerfile (ex: -f ./Dockerfile)
                Alias: --dockerfile
    -m <PATH>   [optional] Path to Docker image manifest (ex: -m ./manifest.json)
                Alias: --manifest
    -i <TEXT>   [optional] Specify image ID used within Sysdig (ex: -i '<64 hex characters>')
                Alias: --image-id
    -d <SHA256> [optional] Specify image digest (ex: -d 'sha256:<64 hex characters>')
                Alias: --digest
    -c          [optional] Remove the image from Sysdig Secure if the scan fails
    -r <PATH>   [optional] Download scan result pdf in a specified container-local directory (ex: -r /staging/reports)
                This directory needs to be previously mounted from the host to persist the data
                Alias: --report-folder
    -v          [optional] Increase verbosity
                Alias: --verbose
    --format <FORMAT>
                [optional] The only valid format is JSON. It sets the output format to a valid JSON which
                can be processed in an automated way.
    --write-json <PATH>
                Write the final JSON report to <PATH>.
                Output information about the time elapsed in the different stages of the scan process
                Enables malware scan on container.
                WARNING: it's generally a very slow process.
    --malware-scan-db-path <PATH>
                Local container path with updated ClamAV database.
                Will be used to call clamscan command as "clamscan --database=<PATH> ..."
    --malware-scan-output <DIR-PATH>
                Save JSON output of scan to path. Will be saved to <PATH>/malware_findings.json.
                Output is a JSON array of {"path": "...", "signature": "..."} objects.
                Note: path should exists and should be a directory.
    --malware-fail-fast true|false
                Fails immediately when a malware is found, skipping sending analysis
                results to Secure Backend.
                Default: true
    --malware-exclude REGEX
                Exclude dirs (and its content) and files which match the given regex.
                Arguments are passed to ClamAV --exclude AND --exclude-dir options, please
                refer to its official documentation.


    [default] If --storage-type is not specified, pull container image from registry.


        When pulling from the registry,
        the credentials in the config file located at /config/auth.json will be
        used (so you can mount a docker config.json file, for example).
        Legacy .dockercfg file is also supported.
        Alternatively, you can provide authentication credentials with:
        --registry-auth-basic     username:password  Authenticate using the provided <username> and <password>
        --registry-auth-token     <TOKEN>            Authenticate using this Bearer <Token>
        --registry-auth-file      <PATH>             Path to config.json or auth.json file with registry credentials
        --registry-auth-dockercfg <PATH>             Path to legacy .dockercfg file with registry credentials

        == TLS OPTIONS ==

        -n                    Skip TLS certificate validation when pulling image
                              Alias: --registry-skip-tls

    --storage-type <SOURCE-TYPE>

        Where <SOURCE-TYPE> can be one of:

        docker-daemon   Get the image from the Docker daemon.
                        Requires /var/run/docker.sock to be mounted in the container
        cri-o           Get the image from containers-storage (CRI-O and others).
                        Requires mounting /etc/containers/storage.conf and /var/lib/containers
        docker-archive  Image is provided as a Docker .tar file (from docker save).
                        Tarfile must be mounted inside the container and path set with --storage-path
        oci-archive     Image is provided as a OCI image tar file.
                        Tarfile must be mounted inside the container and path set with --storage-path
        oci-dir         Image is provided as a OCI image, untared.
                        The directory must be mounted inside the container and path set with --storage-path

    --storage-path <PATH>   Specifies the path to the source of the image to scan, that has to be
                            mounted inside the container, it is required if --storage-type is set to
                            docker-archive, oci-archive or oci-dir

    == EXIT CODES ==

    0   Scan result "pass"
    1   Scan result "fail"
    2   Wrong parameters
    3   Error during execution

Supported Execution Modes and Image Formats

The inline scanner can pull the target image from different sources. Each case requires a different set of parameters and/or host mounts, as described in the relevant Execution Examples.

Output Options

When the inline scanner has completed the image analysis, it sends the metadata to the Sysdig Secure backend to perform the policy evaluation step. The scan results can then be consumed inline or by accessing the Secure UI.

Container Exit Code

The container exit codes are:

  • 0 - image passed policy evaluation

  • 1 - image failed policy evaluation

  • 2 - incorrect parameters (i.e. no API token)

  • 3 - other execution errors

Use the exit code, for example, to decide whether to abort the CI/CD pipeline.

Standard Output

The standard output produces a human-readable output including:

  • Image information (digest, image ID, etc)

  • Evaluation results, including the final pass / fail decision

  • A link to visualize the complete scan report using the Sysdig UI

If you prefer JSON output, simply pass --format JSON as a parameter.

JSON Output

This feature is in Technical Preview status.

You can write a JSON report, while keeping the human-readable output in the console, by adding the following flag: --write-json /out/report.json

Remember to bind mount the output directory from the host in the container and provide the corresponding write permissions.

PDF Report

You can also download the scan result PDF in a specified container-local directory. Remember to mount this directory from the host in the container to retain the data.

--report-folder /output

Execution Examples

Docker Daemon

Scan a local image build; mounting the host Docker socket is required. You might need to include Docker options ‘-u root’ and ‘--privileged’, depending on the access permissions for/var/run/docker.sock

docker build -t <image-name> .

docker run --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type docker-daemon \
    --storage-path /var/run/docker.sock \
Docker Archive

Trigger the scan, assuming the image is available as an image tarball at image.tar. For example, the command docker save <image-name> -o image.tar creates a tarball for <image-name>. Mount this file inside the container:

docker run --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/image.tar:/tmp/image.tar \ \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type docker-archive \
    --storage-path /tmp/image.tar \
OCI Archive

Trigger the scan assuming the image is available as an OCI tarball at oci-image.tar.  Mount this file inside the container:

docker run --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/oci-image.tar:/tmp/oci-image.tar \ \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type oci-archive \
    --storage-path /tmp/oci-image.tar \
OCI Layout

Trigger the scan assuming the image is available in OCI format in the directory./oci-image. Mount the OCI directory inside the container:

docker run --rm \
    -v ${PWD}/oci-image:/tmp/oci-image \ \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \
    --storage-type oci-dir \
    --storage-path /tmp/oci-image \
Container Storage: Build w/ Buildah & Scan w/ Podman

Build an image using Buildah from a Dockerfile, and perform a scan. You might need to include docker options '-u root'and '--privileged', depending on the access permissions for /var/lib/containers. Mount the container storage folder inside the container:

sudo buildah build-using-dockerfile -t myimage

sudo podman run \
--rm -u root --privileged \
-v /var/lib/containers/:/var/lib/containers \ \
--storage-type cri-o \
--sysdig-token <omitted> \

Using a Proxy

To use a proxy, set the standard http_proxy and https_proxy variables when running the container.


docker run --rm \
    -e http_proxy="http://my-proxy:3128" \
    -e https_proxy="http://my-proxy:3128" \ \
    --sysdig-url <omitted> \
    --sysdig-token <omitted> \

Both http_proxy and https_proxy variables are required, as some tools will use a per-scheme proxy.The no_proxy variable can be used to define a list of hosts that don’t use the proxy.

Perform Inline Malware Scanning

It is now possible to scan the image contents for malware as part of the inline scanning process.

Note two important details to consider:

  • Malware scanning is resource intensive. Enable this mode for the required set of images only, i.e. images coming from an untrustworthy source.

  • Malware contents in the image are not communicated back to the Sysdig backend. The default behavior if malware is found is to consider the scan failed, report malware details, and abort analysis.

Malware Scanning Flags

  • --malware-scan-enable:Enable malware detection as part of the inline scanner analysis process. Mounting an external malware database (Using ClamAV format) is highly recommended. If no existing malware database is detected, the analyzer will try to download one on the spot, which means the download time will be added to the analysis process and that it will require network connectivity to pull this database from the Internet.

  • --malware-scan-db-path <PATH>:Local container path with updated ClamAV database. Will be used to call clamscan command as clamscan --database=<PATH>

  • --malware-fail-fast true|false:Fail fast is true by default, meaning that, on malware found, the image contents will not be sent to the Sysdig backend for further policy evaluation. If you want to send the image contents to the Backend, even on malware detected, set this parameter to false.

    About this flag, note:

    • If no malware is detected, the image contents will be sent to the backend and follow the regular evaluation.

    • If malware is detected, the container will exit with error code 1.

  • --malware-scan-output <DIR-PATH>: Save JSON output of scan to path. Will be saved to <PATH>/malware_findings.json. Path must exist and must be a directory; remember to mount this path from an external directory if you want to persist the data.

  • --malware-exclude REGEX: It is possible to exclude image directories to speed up the malware analysis (for example directories that only contain signed software or sizable files).

Arguments are passed to ClamAV. For --exclude AND --exclude-dir options, please refer to their official documentation.

Note that /absolute/path/to/clamdb/folder (and its contained files) must have read and execute permissions set for the current Docker user.

Refer to ClamAV official documentation.for how to download and keep a local database in sync.

docker run --rm -v /absolute/path/to/clamdb/folder:/malwaredb --sysdig-token <API_Token> --malware-scan-enable --malware-scan-db-path /malwaredb malwares/malware-example:7

Skipping send analysis to Secure backend due to Malware scan failure.
This behaviour can be tuned via --malware-fail-fast option.
Path                                                                        | Signature
| Win.Trojan.Emotet-6799923-0
| Win.Trojan.Emotet-9769817-0
| Win.Trojan.Emotet-9769818-0
| Win.Trojan.Agent-1280578
| Win.Trojan.Agent-1280578

Example: Download Malware Database Inline

docker run --rm --sysdig-token <API_Token> --malware-scan-enable malwares/malware-example:7

Malware detection is provided by a third-party software. Sysdig cannot directly remediate false negatives or false positives reported by this functionality.

Pipeline Integration Examples

There are well-documented examples for a variety of pipelines:

Additional Options

You can also: