
Image profiling in Sysdig enhances the data collection capabilities of the Sysdig agent and is a building block for Machine Learning policies and Risk Spotlight.

Profiling enables you to:

How Image Profiles Work

With image profiling enabled, the agents start sending “fingerprints” of what happened on the containers – network activity, files and directories accessed, processes run, and system calls used – and Sysdig Secure aggregates this information per image. Thus, for multiple containers based off the same image, running on different nodes, the profiler will collect and combine system activity into an image profile.

Internal algorithms determine these aspects of behavior:

  • Length of time observed: Related to the image being in a learning/done learning state
  • Consistency of behavior: Related to the confidence level of the observed behavior

Profile Contents

A container image profile is a collection of data points related to:

  • Network activity
    • TCP ports (in/out)
    • UDP ports (in/out)
  • Processes detected
  • File system (informational only)
    • Files (read/write)
    • Directories (read/write)
  • System calls detected


From Sysdig agent v.12.15+, the Profiling feature is automatically enabled, and the Helm chart parameters for the In Use and Risk Spotlight Integration features are automatically enabled.

You can disable/enable each of these manually, as described below.

Enabling Profiling triggers a feature on the agent that will increase its resource demand, both in memory and CPU. If the agent starts using too many resources, it will automatically and temporarily disable this feature, to avoid impacting its basic functionality.

Disable/Enable Profiling

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure as Admin and navigate to Settings > User Profile.

  2. Toggle the Profiling switch in the Sysdig Labs section.

NOTE: If you disable Profiling, the best practice is to update your Helm charts to disable the In Use and Risk Spotlight Integration parameters.

Disable/Enable Helm Chart Parameters

In Use

The In Use column is displayed in the Vulnerabilities Runtime results in Sysdig Secure and requires an additional parameter for the Sysdig Agent.

See Risk Spotlight (In Use) for details.

To disable the In Use Parameter

Set the following in your sysdig-deploy Helm chart:


Risk Spotlight Integrations

Risk Spotlight integrations are used to enrich the vulnerability findings of external platforms with Sysdig’s runtime “in-use” insights. There are two integration models: in-cluster (for Snyk) and API-based (all others).

See Risk Spotlight Integrations for details

To Disable the Risk Spotlight Parameters

For Snyk:

Set the following in your sysdig-deploy Helm chart:

-- set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.runtimeScanner.settings.eveEnabled=false
-- set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.runtimeScanner.eveConnector.deploy=false

For all other integrations:

Set the following in your sysdig-deploy Helm chart:

-- set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.runtimeScanner.settings.eveEnabled=false