Install Falco Rules On-Premises (Legacy)

Periodically, Sysdig releases new Falco Rules that provide additional coverage for new behaviors, and adds exceptions for known good behaviors. The rules installer is included by default in on-prem installations 6.x and up. If you are using an earlier version, you can install Falco Rules as a container in on-prem deployments.

For airgapped deployments, the instructions vary slightly. See Airgapped Environments.

Download the Container Image

Sysdig provides a container image on to install Falco Rules on the Sysdig Platform. See Falco Rules Installer.

This container image allows easy installation and upgrades of the Falco rules files for Sysdig Secure. The file contains the following:

  • The rule files.

  • The latest version of Falco.

  • The sysdig-sdk-python wrappers that deploy the rule files to a Sysdig platform deployment.

The image is tagged with new versions as new sets of rules files are released, and the latest tag always points to the latest version.

When a container is run with this image, it does the following:

  • Validates the rules.

  • Fetches the custom rules file and verifies compatibility with the to-be-deployed default Falco rules file.

  • Deploys the rules to the configured Sysdig Platform backend component.

The Falco Rules Updater can be run from ANY machine on the same network as the backend that has Docker installed. It does not have to be the backend server.

Install Falco Rules


  • On-prem version 5.x or earlier

Starting from 6.x, the rules installer is included in on-premises installations by default. It checks for rules updates daily and installs the rules automatically, unless disabled.

Non-Airgapped Environment

If the installation machine has network access to pull the image from the Docker hub:

  1. Download the container image:

    docker pull
  2. Use the docker run to install the Falco Rules. For example:

    docker run --rm --name falco-rules-installer --network host -it -e DEPLOY_HOSTNAME= -e -e DEPLOY_USER_PASSWORD=<my password> -e VALIDATE_RULES=yes -e DEPLOY_RULES=yes -e CREATE_NEW_POLICIES=no -e SDC_SSL_VERIFY=True -e ENV_TYPE=onprem

Airgapped Environment

If the installation machine does not have the network access to pull the image from the Docker hub:

  1. Download the container image on a machine that is connected to the network:

    docker pull
  2. Create an archive file for the image:

    docker save -o falco-rules-installer.tar
  3. Transfer the tar file to the airgapped machine.

  4. Untar the image file:

    docker load -i falco-rules-installer.tar

    It restores both images and tags.

  5. Use the docker run to install the Falco Rules. For example:

    docker run --rm --name falco-rules-installer --network host -it -e DEPLOY_HOSTNAME= -e -e DEPLOY_USER_PASSWORD=<my password> -e VALIDATE_RULES=yes -e DEPLOY_RULES=yes -e CREATE_NEW_POLICIES=no -e SDC_SSL_VERIFY=True -e ENV_TYPE=onprem sysdig/falco_rules_installer:latest

Use Falco Rules

You can run this container from any host with access to the server that hosts the Sysdig backend API endpoint. The hostname is specified in the DEPLOY_HOSTNAME variable. The container doesn’t need to run on the hosts where the Sysdig Platform backend components are running.

The container depends on the following environment variables to run:

DEPLOY_HOSTNAMEThe server that hosts the Sysdig API endpoints. The default is
ENV_TYPEThe environment deploying to. Set to onprem unless deploying to SaaS.
DEPLOY_USER_NAMEThe username for the account that has the admin-level access to the Sysdig API endpoints. The value defaults to a meaningless user,
DEPLOY_USER_PASSWORDThe password for the admin user. The value defaults to a meaningless password nopassword.
VALIDATE_RULESIf set to yes, ensure that the rules file is compatible with your user rules file. Otherwise, skip this validation step. The value defaults to yes.
DEPLOY_RULESIf set to yes, the falco rules file is deployed. Otherwise, skip deploying the falco rules file. The value defaults to yes.
CREATE_NEW_POLICIESIf set to yes, will fetch new DEFAULT runtime policies, and restore any missing/deleted DEFAULT runtime policies. This will NOT overwrite any of your existing runtime policies. The value default is no.
SDC_SSL_VERIFYIf set to false, allow certificate validation failures when deploying the rules. The value defaults to true.
SKIP_FALCO_VERSION_0If set to yes, will not deploy falco rules file version 0, only deploys version 8. (Recommended for on-prem customers with version 5.x). Default value is yes.
SKIP_K8_VERSION_2If set to yes, will not deploy k8 audit rules file version 2, only deploy version 8 (Recommended for on-prem customers with version 5.x. Default value is yes.
BEARER_TOKENIf set to the value of the Secure API token for an admin account, will skip logging in and retrieving token through API calls. If not set, will use username and password to retrieve token. Default value is ’notset'.

Learn More

For the latest information about the image and usage, see Falco Rules Installer on