Sysdig Agents

This page shows all of the Sysdig Agents that have reported into the Sysdig backend.

Here you can quickly determine:

  • Which agents are up-to-date, out-of-date, or approaching being out-of-date
  • Which managed clusters have been detected in your cloud environment, but have not yet been instrumented with the Sysdig agent
  • What environment the agents are running in, containerized or non-containerized

Review Environment

Select Integrations > Data Sources | Sysdig Agents.

The resulting page shows all detected nodes in your environment and the status of the agents installed on them, or not. The view shows nodes detected from previously installed agents on hosts and from connected cloud accounts.

Please note that for agents deployed in a Managed Cluster (EKS/GKE/AKS), the Cluster Name displayed will be the value retrieved from the cloud as opposed to the value configured in the agent configmap.

You can:

  • See at a Glance: Quickly identify where agents are installed: by node, cluster name, or cloud account ID.
  • Know the Status: Check agent connection status and age.
  • Search or Filter: Narrow the view by searching or filtering on node name, cluster name, Account ID, agent version, or agent Status.
  • Agent Count: View your total connected agent count over time.
  • Understand Deployment Type: Check the agent breakdown per deployment type.
  • Install or Troubleshoot: Link to quick steps for adding an agent or troubleshooting disconnected nodes.

Understand Agent Status

Never ConnectedCloud Accounts only. Detects nodes in a managed cluster in a cloud account connected to Sysdig, where an agent has not been deployedHover over the status to link to the Helm-based agent install instructions.
Out of dateDeprecated agent version. Agent support is provided for the last three minor version releases.Hover over the status for information on upgrading the agent.
Almost out of dateOn the next agent release, this agent will be deprecated. Agent support is provided for the last three minor version releases.Hover over the status for information on upgrading the agent.
DisconnectedA Sysdig agent on a registered Kubernetes node lost connection to Sysdig.Hover over the status for information on how to troubleshoot an agent installation
Up to dateYour agent version is up to date.
ConnectedThe agent is connected.This status includes agents that are Up to date, Almost out of date and Out of date.

Understand Deployment Type

Deployment TypeDescription
hostThe host agent did not detect containerized environment: virtual machine, host, bare metal server
host, containerisedThe host agent detected the Kubernetes environment by identifying the presence of KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable.
fargateFargate Agent

Agent version 12.18.0 or greater is required in order to show environment type (containerised/non-containerised).

Options to Add Agent

  1. Go to Integrations > Data Sources | Sysdig Agents and select Add Agent.

  2. Select whether your environment is Kubernetes, Linux, Docker or Fargate, and follow the wizard instructions.