Risk Spotlight Integrations

Sysdig has a simplified way to integrate third-party tools with Risk Spotlight and In Use features.

Integrate with External Platforms

There are two integration models: in-cluster (for Snyk) and API-based (all others). The installation instructions for each are different.

Generate a Token for the Integration

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Integrations > Risk Spotlight Integration.

    The Spotlight Integration page appears, with a list of existing tokens and their expiry dates.

  2. Click +Add Token.

  3. Fill in the attributes and click Create Token.

    • Name: Choose a name that indicates the integration with which the token is associated.
    • Expiration: Select an expiration date (1/3/6 months; 1 year).
  4. Copy the new token as it is displayed in the list.

    Store the token in a safe place; it will not be visible or recoverable again.

To Renew a token at any time, click the Renew button, reset the expiry, and confirm.

To Delete a token, click the X beside the token name and confirm. This action will sever the integration between Sysdig and the 3rd-party tool.

Follow the Platform-Specific Integration Steps

Current integrations include:

Docker Scout

  • Check the prerequisites.
  • Follow the third-party integration guide provided, adding the Sysdig token as prompted.
  • Verify the integration in the third-party UI.