Forwarding to Splunk

Splunk is a unified security and observability platform. Sysdig utilizes the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) to forward events to Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform.


Event forwards originate from region-specific IPs. For the full list of outbound IPs by region, see SaaS Regions and IP Ranges. Update your firewall and allow inbound requests from these IP addresses to enable Sysdig to handle Splunk event forwarding.

Set up an HEC on Splunk. Have the following on hand:

  • The URL of the HTTP Event Collector that forwards events to a Splunk deployment.
  • The token generated when you create the Splunk Event Collector.

Configure Standard Event Forwarding

To forward event data to Splunk:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure as Admin and navigate to Event Forwarding via either Integrations or Settings.

  2. Click +Add Integration and choose HEC (Splunk) from the drop-down menu.

  3. Configure the required options:

    Integration Name: Define an integration name.

    URL: Define the URL of the Splunk service. This is the HTTP Event Collector that forwards events to a Splunk deployment. Be sure to use the format scheme://host:port.

    Token: This is the token that Sysdig uses to authenticate the connection to the HTTP Event Collector. This token is created when you create the Splunk Event Collector.

    Certificate: If you have configured a Certificates Management tool, you can select one of your uploaded certs here.

    Index: The index where events are stored. Specify the Index if you have selected one while configuring the HTTP Event Collector.

    Source Type: Identifies the data structure of the event. For more information, see Source Type.

    For more information on these parameters, see the Splunk documentation.

    If left empty, each data type will have a source type. See Appendix: Data Categories Mapped to Source Types for details.

    Data to Send: Select from the drop-down the types of Sysdig data that should be forwarded. The available list depends on the Sysdig features and products you have enabled.

    Select whether or not you want to Allow insecure connections, such as invalid or self-signed certificate on the receiving side.

    Toggle the Enabled switch as necessary. You will need to Test Integration with the button below before enabling the integration.

  4. Click Save.

Here is an example of how policy events forwarded from Sysdig Secure are displayed on Splunk:

Configure Agent Local Forwarding

Review the configuration steps and use the following parameters for this integration.

TypeAttributeRequired?TypeAllowed valuesDefaultDescription
SPLUNKServiceTokenyesstringHTTP Event Collector Token
SPLUNKServiceURLyesstringURL of the Splunk instance
SPLUNKIndexnostringindex to send data to. If unspecified, it will be used the index specified on the HTTP Event Collector configuration on Splunk.
SPLUNKServiceTypenostringtcp, udptcpprotocol, tcp or udp (case insensitive)
SPLUNKinsecurenobooltrueDoesn’t verify TLS certificate

Reference: Data Categories Mapped to Source Types

Sysdig Data TypeSplunk Source Type
Monitor EventsSysdigMonitor
Policy Events (Legacy)SysdigPolicy
Sysdig Platform AuditSysdigAuditTrail
Benchmark Events (Legacy)SysdigSecureEvents
Secure events compliance (Legacy)SysdigSecureEvents
Host Vulnerabilities (Legacy)SysdigSecureEvents
Runtime Policy EventsSysdigSecureEvents
Activity AuditSysdigActivityAudit