Forwarding to Kafka Topic

Kafka is a distributed system consisting of servers and clients that communicate via a high-performance TCP network protocol. It can be deployed on bare-metal hardware, virtual machines, or containers on-premises, as well as cloud environments. Sysdig event forwarding to Kafka is for Sysdig On-Prem users only.

Events are organized and durably stored in topics. In simple terms, a topic is like a folder in a filesystem, and the events are the files in that folder.


This integration is only for Sysdig On-Premises.

Configure Standard Integration

To forward secure data to Kafka:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure On-Prem as Admin.

  2. From the user menu on the bottom left, go to Settings > Event Forwarding.

  3. Click +Add Integration and choose Kafka topic from the drop-down.

  4. Configure the required options:

    Integration Name: Define an integration name.

    Brokers: Kafka server endpoints. A Kafka cluster may provide several brokers; it follows the “hostname: port” (without protocol scheme). You can list several using a comma-separated list.

    Topic: Kafka topic where you want to store the forwarded data

    Partitioner/Balancer: Algorithm that the client uses to multiplex data between the multiple Brokers. For compatibility with the Java client, Murmur2 is used as the default partitioner. Supported algorithms are:

    • Murmur2

    • Round robin

    • Least bytes

    • Hash

    • CRC32

    Compression: Compression standard used for the data. Supported algorithms are:

    • LZ4

    • Snappy

    • Gzip

    • Standard

    Authentication: The authentication method to adopt. Supported methods are:

    • None

    • Kerberos (GSSAPI). If you select this, you must provide the:

      • Principal
      • Realm
      • Service

      And the following files:

      • Keytab
      • krb5.conf
    • SASL/PLAIN. If you select this, you must provide:

      • Username
      • Password
    • SASL/SCRAM. If you select this, you must provide:

      • Algorithm, choosing between SHA-256 and SHA-512
      • Username
      • Password

    Data to Send: Select from the drop-down the types of Sysdig data that should be forwarded. The available list depends on the Sysdig features and products you have enabled.

    Select whether or not you want to allow insecure connections. Insecure connections have invalid or self-signed certificate on the receiving side.

  5. Select Test Integration.

  6. Toggle the enable switch as necessary

  7. Click Save.

Configure Agent Local Forwarding

Review the configuration steps and use the following parameters for this integration.

TypeAttributeRequired?TypeAllowed valuesDefaultDescription
KAFKAcompressionnostringlz4, snappy, zstd, gzip
KAFKAbalancernostringroundrobin, leastbytes, hash, crc32, murmur2murmur2
KAFKAinsecurenoboolfalseDoesn’t verify TLS certificate
KAFKAauthnostringgssapiThe authentication method to optionally use. Currently supporting only GSSAPI
KAFKAprincipalnostringGSSAPI principal. Required is GSSAPI authentication is selected
KAFKArealmnostringGSSAPI realm. Required is GSSAPI authentication is selected
KAFKAservicenostringGSSAPI Service name. Required is GSSAPI authentication is selected
KAFKAkeytabnostringbase64 encoded Kerberos keytab for GSSAPI. Required is GSSAPI authentication is selected
KAFKAkrb5nostringKerberos krb5.conf file content for GSSAPI. Required is GSSAPI authentication is selected
KAFKAalgorithmnostringsha-256, sha-512SASL/SCRAM hashing algorithm
KAFKAusernamenostringSASL username
KAFKApasswordnostringSASL password