
The Users page provides numerous ways to sort, filter, and rank the detected user information to quickly remediate identity risks associated with individual accounts and their permissions.

Filter and Sort Accounts

Use the sortable columns to organize and filter user accounts for assessing identity risks. You can sort user accounts based on the following criteria:

Unused Permission Criticality

Unused Permission Criticality focuses on unused permissions, while Permission Criticality looks at all permissions. Unused Permission Criticality is designed to help you achieve Least Permissive access.

Values: Critical, High, Medium, Low


This is a calculation of risk based on all permissions. See Understanding Risk Scoring for more information.

Values: Critical, High, Medium, Low

% of Unused Permissions

This shows the number of unused permissions per total permissions for the user, shown as a percentage graph.

When remediating, immediately target the users with the greatest exposure and refine them according to the suggestions.

Highest Access

Highest Access offers a quick way to filter by Access Category. It shows this identity entity’s highest level of access according to all of its permissions. For more information, see Understand Highest Access.


  • Admin: Admin access granted
  • Write: Write access granted
  • Read: Read access granted
  • Empty Access: No permissions are granted at all


A finding in Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) indicates poor security hygiene, either due to misconfiguration or inadequate identity security practices. The findings on User pages include:

  • No MFA
  • Admin


  • Access Key Not Rotated
  • Multiple Access Keys Active
  • Root User
  • Inactive


  • Editor Role Applied
  • Owner Role Applied

Available Filters

  • Search: Free text search on terms in the resource name
  • Unused Permission Criticalitys: By severity
  • Cloud Accounts: Account name or account number by cloud provider. For example, AWS
  • Access Categories: Admin, Write, Read, or Empty Access
  • Policy Types: AWS-Managed, Customer, Inline
  • Findings: See Findings

Next Steps

To reduce the entitlements for a particular user, click on the user name to open the detail drawer and subtabs.