Identity Overview

The Identity Overview page displays global user and permissions summaries based on overall posture, permissions, risk by user findings, and access distribution.

Access the Overview

To access Identity Overview, log in to Sysdig Secure and select Identity > Identity Overview from the left navigation bar.

Learning Status

The Learning Status panel in the upper right corner indicates several possible states for each registered account:

  • Disconnected: A cloud account is Disconnected if no successful scan has ever occurred.
  • In Progress: A cloud account is In Progress when the account was connected less than 90 days prior. This ensures that the user activity has been profiled for a meaningful amount of time.
  • Completed: If not disconnected nor in progress, the account learning status is Completed.


Filter by Zones, Platforms and Cloud Accounts.

Use of the Region scope may result in more data being shown to users in the Identity pages than defined in the Zone.


Use the graphic displays to get a birds-eye view of the most important identity and access findings in your environment. Each panel highlights a particular focus area and is interactively linked to the appropriate sub-page to take action.

The highlights are grouped by:

Identity Posture overall, featuring Inactive Groups, Roles, Policies, and Resources; Admin Groups and Admin Roles, and Users without MFA (multi-factor authentication).

Permissions featuring top unused permissions to remediate, by Groups, Policies, Roles, and Users

Risk by User Findings

Access Distribution for Read/Write/Admin access for Roles, Users, Groups, and Policies

CSV Download

Each page of the Identity module has a Download CSV button for retrieving the page data in a spreadsheet.

If your Chrome browser is set to disallow downloading multiple files from a site, you may only get one CSV download and then a “blocked” message in the Chrome address bar.

You can click the message to access and change the browser setting.