Sysdig follows the Prometheus-compabtible naming convention for both metrics and labels as opposed to the previous statsd-compatible, legacy Sysdig naming convention. However, this page still shows metrics in the legacy Sysdig naming convention. Until this page is updated, see Metrics and Label Mapping for the mapping between Sysdig legacy and Prometheus naming conventions.
The metrics in this section are collected from either default or customized agent configurations for integrated applications. See Integrate Applications (Default App Checks).
For the application metrics collected using Monitoring Integration, see Integration Library
- Apache Metrics
- Apache Kafka Metrics
- Consul Metrics
- Couchbase Metrics
- Elasticsearch Metrics
- etcd Metrics
- fluentd Metrics
- Go Metrics
- HAProxy Metrics
- HTTP Metrics
- Jenkins Metrics
- Lighttpd Metrics
- Memcached Metrics
- Mesos/Marathon Metrics
- MongoDB Metrics
- MySQL Metrics
- NGINX and NGINX Plus Metrics
- NTP Metrics
- PGBouncer Metrics
- PHP-FPM Metrics
- PostgreSQL Metrics
- RabbitMQ Metrics
- RedisDB Metrics
- Supervisord Metrics
- TCP Metrics
- Varnish Metrics
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