
RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker software (sometimes called message-oriented middleware) that implements Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). The RabbitMQ server is written in the Erlang language and is built on the Open Telecom Platform framework for clustering and fail-over. Client libraries to interface with the broker are available in all major programming languages. If RabbitMQ is installed on your environment, the Sysdig agent will automatically connect.

The Sysdig agent automatically collects all metrics with the default configuration. You may need to edit the dragent.yaml file if a metrics limit is reached.

This page describes the default configuration settings, how to edit the configuration to collect additional information, the metrics available for integration, and a sample result in the Sysdig Monitor UI.

RabbitMQ Setup

Enable the RabbitMQ management plugin. See RabbitMQ’s documentation to enable it.

Sysdig Agent Configuration

Review how to Edit dragent.yaml to Integrate or Modify Application Checks.

Default Configuration

By default, Sysdig’s dragent.default.yaml uses the following code to connect with RabbitMQ and collect all metrics.

  - name: rabbitmq
      port: 15672
      rabbitmq_api_url: "http://localhost:15672/api/"
      rabbitmq_user: guest
      rabbitmq_pass: guest

The RabbitMQ app check tracks various entities, such as exchanges, queues and nodes. Each of these entities has its maximum limits. If the limit is reached, metrics can be controlled by editing the dragent.yaml file, as in the following examples.

Remember! Never edit dragent.default.yaml directly; always edit only dragent.yaml.

Example 1: Manage logging_interval

When a maximum limit is exceeded, the app check will log an info message:

rabbitmq: Too many <entity type> (<number of entities>) to fetch and maximum limit is (<configured limit>). You must choose the <entity type> you are interested in by editing the dragent.yaml configuration file

This message is suppressed by a configuration parameter, logging_interval.

Its default value is 300 seconds. This can be altered by specifying a different value in dragent.yaml.

  - name: rabbitmq
      port: 15672
      rabbitmq_api_url: "http://localhost:15672/api/"
      rabbitmq_user: guest
      rabbitmq_pass: guest
      logging_interval: 10 # Value in seconds. Default is 300

Example 2: Specify Nodes, Queues, or Exchanges

Each of the tracked RabbitMQ entities has its maximum limits. As of Agent v10.5.1, the default limits are as follows:

  • Exchanges: 16 per-exchange metrics

  • Queues: 20 per-queue metrics

  • Nodes: 9 per-node metrics

The max_detailed_* settings for the RabbitMQ app check do not limit the reported number of queues, exchanges, and node, but the number of generated metrics for the objects. For example, a single queue might report up to 20 metrics, and therefore, set max_detailed_queues to 20 times the actual number of queues.

The metrics for these entities are tagged. If any of these entities are present but no transactions have occurred for them, the metrics are still reported with 0 values, though without tags. Therefore, when segmenting these metrics, the tags will show as unset in the Sysdig Monitor Explore view. However, all such entities are still counted against the maximum limits. In such a scenario, you can specify the entity names for which you want to collect metrics in the dragent.yaml file.

  - name: rabbitmq
      port: 15672
      rabbitmq_api_url: "http://localhost:15672/api/"
      rabbitmq_user: guest
      rabbitmq_pass: guest
      tags: ["queues:<queuename>"]
        - rabbit@localhost
        - rabbit2@domain
        - bla.*
        - queue1
        - queue2
        - thisqueue-.*
        - another_\d+queue
        - exchange1
        - exchange2
        - exchange*

Example 3: Custom tags

Optional tags can be applied to every emitted metric, service check, and/or event.

Names can be specified by exact name or regular expression.

  - name: rabbitmq
      port: 15672
      rabbitmq_api_url: "http://localhost:15672/api/"
      rabbitmq_user: guest
      rabbitmq_pass: guest
      tags: ["some_tag:some_value"]

Example 4: filter_by_node

Use filter_by_node: true if you want each node to report information localized to the node. Without this option, each node reports cluster-wide info (as presented by RabbitMQ itself). This option makes it easier to view the metrics in the UI by removing redundant information reported by individual nodes.

Default: false.

Prerequisite: Sysdig agent v. 92.3 or higher.

  - name: rabbitmq
      port: 15672
      rabbitmq_api_url: "http://localhost:15672/api/"
      rabbitmq_user: guest
      rabbitmq_pass: guest
      filter_by_node: true

Metrics Available

See RabbitMQ Metrics.

Result in the Monitor UI