(Legacy) Set up the Environment

This page offers quick starts to collect Prometheus metrics from Kubernetes and Container Environments.

Quick Start For Kubernetes Environments

Prometheus users who are already leveraging Kubernetes Service Discovery (specifically the approach in this sample prometheus-kubernetes.yml) may already have Annotations attached to the Pods that mark them as eligible for scraping. Such environments can quickly begin scraping the same metrics using the Sysdig Agent in a couple of easy steps.

  1. Enable the Prometheus metrics feature in the Sysdig Agent. Assuming you are deploying using DaemonSets, the needed config can be added to the Agent’s dragent.yaml by including the following in your DaemonSet YAML (placing it in the env section for the sysdig-agent container):

      value: "prometheus:\n  enabled: true"
  2. Ensure the Kubernetes Pods that contain your Prometheus exporters have been deployed with the following Annotations to enable scraping (substituting the listening exporter-TCP-port) :

            prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
            prometheus.io/port: "exporter-TCP-port"

    The configuration above assumes your exporters use the typical endpoint called /metrics. If an exporter is using a different endpoint, this can also be specified by adding the following additional optional Annotation, substituting the exporter-endpoint-name:

    prometheus.io/path: "/exporter-endpoint-name"

If you try this Kubernetes Deployment of a simple exporter, you will quickly see auto-discovered Prometheus metrics being displayed in Sysdig Monitor. You can use this working example as a basis to similarly Annotate your own exporters.

If you have Prometheus exporters not deployed in annotated Kubernetes Pods that you would like to scrape, the following sections describe the full set of options to configure the Agent to find and scrape your metrics.

Quick Start for Container Environments

In order for Prometheus scraping to work in a Docker-based container environment, set the following labels to the application containers, substituting <exporter-port> and <exporter-path> with the correct port and path where metrics are exported by your application:

  • io.prometheus.scrape=true

  • io.prometheus.port=<exporter-port>

  • io.prometheus.path=<exporter-path>

For example, if mysqld-exporter is to be scraped, spin up the container as follows:

docker -d -l io.prometheus.scrape=true -l io.prometheus.port=9104 -l io.prometheus.path=/metrics mysqld-exporter