(Legacy) Configuring Sysdig Agent

This reference page offers configuration options for Sysdig Agent.

This feature is not supported with Promscrape V2. For information on different versions of Promscrape and migrating to the latest version, see Migrating from Promscrape V1 to V2.

As is typical for the agent, the default configuration for the feature is specified in dragent.default.yaml, and you can override the defaults by configuring parameters in the dragent.yaml. For each parameter, you do not set in dragent.yaml, the defaults in dragent.default.yaml will remain in effect.

Main Configuration Parameters





See below

Turns Prometheus scraping on and off.


See below

Specifies which processes may be eligible for scraping. See [Process Filter](/en/docs/sysdig-monitor/integrations/monitoring-integrations/legacy-integrations/legacycollect-prometheus-metrics/configuring-sysdig-agent/#process-filter).


See below.

Determines whether to use promscrape for scraping Prometheus metrics.


Promscrape is a lightweight Prometheus server that is embedded with the Sysdig agent. The use_promscrape parameter controls whether to use it to scrape Prometheus endpoints.

Promscrape has two versions: Promscrape V1 and Promscrape V2. With V1, Sysdig agent discovers scrape targets through the process_filter rules. With V2, promscrape itself discovers targets by using the standard Prometheus configuration, allowing the use of relabel_configs to find or modify targets.







The prometheus section defines the behavior related to Prometheus metrics collection and analysis. It allows for turning the feature on, set a limit from the agent side on the number of metrics to be scraped, and determines whether to report histogram metrics and log failed scrape attempts.






Turns Prometheus scraping on and off.



How often (in seconds) the agent will scrape a port for Prometheus metrics



Enables native Prometheus service discovery. If disabled, promscrape.v1 is used to scrape the targets. See Enable Prometheus Native Service Discovery.

On agent versions prior to 11.2, the default is false.



The maximum number of total Prometheus metrics that will be scraped across all targets. This value of 1000 is the maximum per-agent, and is a separate limit from other Custom Metrics. For example, StatsD, JMX, and App Checks.



Determines whether to report histogram metrics. By default, it does not.



Used to configure the amount of time the agent will wait while scraping a Prometheus endpoint before timing out. The default value is 1 second.

As of agent v10.0, this parameter is only used when promscrape is disabled. Since promscrape is now default, timeout can be considered deprecated, however it is still used when you explicitly disable promscrape.

Process Filter

The process_filter section specifies which of the processes known by an agent may be eligible for scraping.

Note that once you specify a process_filter in your dragent.yaml, this replaces the entire Prometheus process_filter section (i.e. all the rules) shown in the dragent.default.yaml.

The Process Filter is specified in a series of include and exclude rules that are evaluated top-to-bottom for each process known by an Agent. If a process matches an include rule, scraping will be attempted via a /metrics endpoint on each listening TCP port for the process, unless a conf section also appears within the rule to further restrict how the process will be scraped. See conf for more information.

Multiple patterns can be specified in a single rule, in which case all patterns must match for the rule to be a match (AND logic).

Within a pattern value, simple “glob” wildcarding may be used, where * matches any number of characters (including none) and ? matches any single character. Note that due to YAML syntax, when using wildcards, be sure to enclose the value in quotes ("*").

The table below describes the supported patterns in Process Filter rules. To provide realistic examples, we’ll use a simple sample Prometheus exporter (source code here) which can be deployed as a container using the Docker command line below. To help illustrate some of the configuration options, this sample exporter presents Prometheus metrics on /prometheus instead of the more common /metrics endpoint, which will be shown in the example configurations further below.

# docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
    --label class="exporter" \
    --name my-java-app \

# ps auxww | grep app.jar
root     11502 95.9  9.2 3745724 753632 ?      Ssl  15:52   1:42 java -jar /app.jar --management.security.enabled=false

# curl http://localhost:8080/prometheus
random_bucket{le="0.005",} 6.0
random_bucket{le="0.01",} 17.0
random_bucket{le="0.025",} 51.0

Pattern name




Matches if the process is running inside a container running the specified image

- include:

container.image: luca3m/prometheus-java-app


Matches if the process is running inside a container with the specified name

- include:

container.name: my-java-app


Matches if the process is running in a container that has a Label matching the given value

- include:

container.label.class: exporter

kubernetes.<object>.annotation.* kubernetes.<object>.label.*

Matches if the process is attached to a Kubernetes object (Pod, Namespace, etc.) that is marked with the Annotation/Label matching the given value.

Note: This pattern does not apply to the Docker-only command-line shown above, but would instead apply if the exporter were installed as a Kubernetes Deployment using this example YAML.

Note: See Kubernetes Objects, below, for information on the full set of supported Annotations and Labels.

- include:

kubernetes.pod.annotation.prometheus.io/scrape: true


Matches the name of the running process

- include:

process.name: java


Matches a command line argument

- include:

process.cmdline: "*app.jar*"


Matches if the process is listening on one or more TCP ports.

The pattern for a single rule can specify a single port as shown in this example, or a single range (e.g.8079-8081), but does not support comma-separated lists of ports/ranges.

Note: This parameter is only used to confirm if a process is eligible for scraping based on the ports on which it is listening. For example, if a process is listening on one port for application traffic and has a second port open for exporting Prometheus metrics, it would be possible to specify the application port here (but not the exporting port), and the exporting port in the conf section (but not the application port), and the process would be matched as eligible and the exporting port would be scraped.

- include:

port: 8080


Matches if an Application Check with the specific name or pattern is scheduled to run for the process.

- exclude:

appcheck.match: "*"

Instead of the **`include`** examples shown above that would have each matched our process, due to the previously-described ability to combine multiple patterns in a single rule, the following very strict configuration would also have matched:
- include:
    container.image: luca3m/prometheus-java-app
    container.name: my-java-app
    container.label.class: exporter
    process.name: java
    process.cmdline: "*app.jar*"
    port: 8080


Each include rule in the port_filter may include a conf portion that further describes how scraping will be attempted on the eligible process. If a conf portion is not included, scraping will be attempted at a /metrics endpoint on all listening ports of the matching process. The possible settings:

Parameter name




Either a static number for a single TCP port to be scraped, or a container/Kubernetes Label name or Kubernetes Annotation specified in curly braces. If the process is running in a container that is marked with this Label or is attached to a Kubernetes object (Pod, Namespace, etc.) that is marked with this Annotation/Label, scraping will be attempted only on the port specified as the value of the Label/Annotation.

Note: The Label/Annotation to match against will not include the text shown in red.

Note: See Kubernetes Objectsfor information on the full set of supported Annotations and Labels.

Note: If running the exporter inside a container, this should specify the port number that the exporter process in the container is listening on, not the port that the container exposes to the host.

port: 8080

- or -

port: "{container.label.io.prometheus.port}"

- or -

port: "{kubernetes.pod.annotation.prometheus.io/port}"


A set of include and exclude rules that define the ultimate set of listening TCP ports for an eligible process on which scraping may be attempted. Note that the syntax is different from the port pattern option from within the higher-level include rule in the process_filter. Here a given rule can include single ports, comma-separated lists of ports (enclosed in square brackets), or contiguous port ranges (without brackets).


- include: 8080 - exclude: [9092,9200,9300] - include: 9090-9100


Either the static specification of an endpoint to be scraped, or a container/Kubernetes Label name or Kubernetes Annotation specified in curly braces. If the process is running in a container that is marked with this Label or is attached to a Kubernetes object (Pod, Namespace, etc.) that is marked with this Annotation/Label, scraping will be attempted via the endpoint specified as the value of the Label/Annotation.

If path is not specified, or specified but the Agent does not find the Label/Annotation attached to the process, the common Prometheus exporter default of /metrics will be used.

Note: A Label/Annotation to match against will not include the text shown in red.

Note: See Kubernetes Objects for information on the full set of supported Annotations and Labels.

path: "/prometheus"

- or -

path: "{container.label.io.prometheus.path}"

- or -

path: "{kubernetes.pod.annotation.prometheus.io/path}"


A hostname or IP address. The default is localhost.

- or -
host: subdomain.example.com
- or -
host: localhost


When set to true, connectivity to the exporter will only be attempted through HTTPS instead of HTTP. It is false by default.

(Available in Agent version 0.79.0 and newer)

use_https: true


When set to true, verification will be performed for the server certificates for an HTTPS connection. It is false by default. Verification was enabled by default before 0.79.0.

(Available in Agent version 0.79.0 and newer)

ssl_verify: true

Authentication Integration

As of agent version 0.89, Sysdig can collect Prometheus metrics from endpoints requiring authentication. Use the parameters below to enable this function.

  • For username/password authentication:

    • username

    • password

  • For authentication using a token:

    • auth_token_path
  • For certificate authentication with a certificate key:

    • auth_cert_path

    • auth_key_path

Token substitution is also supported for all the authorization parameters. For instance a username can be taken from a Kubernetes annotation by specifying

username: "{kubernetes.service.annotation.prometheus.openshift.io/username}"

conf Authentication Example

Below is an example of the dragent.yaml section showing all the Prometheus authentication configuration options, on OpenShift, Kubernetes, and etcd.

In this example:

  • The username/password are taken from a default annotation used by OpenShift.

  • The auth token path is commonly available in Kubernetes deployments.

  • The certificate and key used here for etcd may normally not be as easily accessible to the agent. In this case they were extracted from the host namespace, constructed into Kubernetes secrets, and then mounted into the agent container.

  enabled: true
    - include:
        port: 1936
            username: "{kubernetes.service.annotation.prometheus.openshift.io/username}"
            password: "{kubernetes.service.annotation.prometheus.openshift.io/password}"
    - include:
        process.name: kubelet
            port: 10250
            use_https: true
            auth_token_path: "/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
    - include:
        process.name: etcd
            port: 2379
            use_https: true
            auth_cert_path: "/run/secrets/etcd/client-cert"
            auth_key_path: "/run/secrets/etcd/client-key"

Kubernetes Objects

As described above, there are multiple configuration options that can be set based on auto-discovered values for Kubernetes Labels and/or Annotations. The format in each case begins with "kubernetes.OBJECT.annotation." or "kubernetes.OBJECT.label." where OBJECT can be any of the following supported Kubernetes object types:

  • daemonSet

  • deployment

  • namespace

  • node

  • pod

  • replicaSet

  • replicationController

  • service

  • statefulset

The configuration text you add after the final dot becomes the name of the Kubernetes Label/Annotation that the Agent will look for. If the Label/Annotation is discovered attached to the process, the value of that Label/Annotation will be used for the configuration option.

Note that there are multiple ways for a Kubernetes Label/Annotation to be attached to a particular process. One of the simplest examples of this is the Pod-based approach shown in Quick Start For Kubernetes Environments. However, as an example alternative to marking at the Pod level, you could attach Labels/Annotations at the Namespace level, in which case auto-discovered configuration options would apply to all processes running in that Namespace regardless of whether they’re in a Deployment, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, etc.