Azure Blob Storage

Metrics, Dashboards, Alerts and more for Azure Blob Storage Integration in Sysdig Monitor.
Azure Blob Storage

You can enable this integration using the Connect an Azure Account page.

This integration has 5 metrics.

List of Dashboards

Azure Blob Storage

The dashboard provides information on the Azure Blob Storage integration. Azure Blob Storage

List of Metrics

Metric name

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Azure Blob Storage

This document describes important metrics and queries that you can use to monitor and troubleshoot Azure Blob Storage.

The metrics covered in this document are applicable only to Azure Blob Storage. Sysdig offers a different integration for Azure Storage Accounts.

Most of the metrics return a value of 0 when it should be a null (not applicable) value. That’s why we recommend filtering them out with the PromQL expression metric_name > 0.

Blob Capacity

Use the following query to get the amount of storage used by the storage account’s Blob service in bytes.

azure_storage_storageaccounts_blobservices_blob_capacity_avg > 0

Blob Count

Use the following query to get the number of blob objects stored in the storage account:

azure_storage_storageaccounts_blobservices_blob_count_avg > 0

Blob Provisioned Size

Use the following query to get the amount of storage provisioned in the storage account’s Blob service in bytes. This metric is applicable to premium storage accounts only:

azure_storage_storageaccounts_blobservices_blob_provisioned_size_avg > 0

Container Count

Use the following query to get the number of containers in the storage account:


Index Capacity

Use the following query to get the amount of storage used by Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical index:

azure_storage_storageaccounts_blobservices_index_capacity_avg > 0