Azure API Management

Metrics, Dashboards, Alerts and more for Azure API Management Integration in Sysdig Monitor.
Azure API Management

You can enable this integration using the Connect an Azure Account page.

This integration has 4 metrics.

List of Alerts

[Azure API Management] API Management Service Running Out Of CapacityThe API Management Service is reaching its maximum capacity.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High Overall Request LatencyThe Request latency is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High Backend Request LatencyThe Backend Request latency is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 4XX Overall Error RateThe 4XX Overall Error rate is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 5XX Overall Error RateThe 4XX Overall Error rate is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 4XX Backend Error RateThe 4XX Backend Error rate is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 5XX Backend Error RateThe 5XX Backend Error rate is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 4XX Gateway Error RateThe 4XX Gateway Error rate is high.Prometheus
[Azure API Management] High 5XX Gateway Error RateThe 5XX Gateway Error rate is high.Prometheus

List of Dashboards

Azure API Management

The dashboard provides information on the Azure API Management integration. Azure API Management

List of Metrics

Metric name

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Azure Files

This document describes important metrics and queries that you can use to monitor and troubleshoot Azure API Management.


Use the following query to get the percentage of utilization of the API Management service:



Use the following query to get the overall duration of Gateway requests:


Use the following query to get the duration of Backend requests:



Successful Requests

Use the following queries to get the requests with 2XX and 3XX status codes:



A StatusCode of 0 in the backendresponsecode label indicates that the response was returned at the Gateway level, for example from the cache. This means the request has never reached the Backend.

Error Requests

Use the following queries to get the requests with 4XX and 5XX status codes:



A StatusCode of 0 in the backendresponsecode label indicates that the error was thrown at the Gateway level, for example, a request without the authentication token in the header. This means the request has never reached the Backend.

Error Rates

Total Error Rates

Use the following query to get the overall error rates for 4XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{gatewayresponsecodecategory="4xx"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)

Use the following query to get the overall error rates for 5XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{gatewayresponsecodecategory="5xx"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)
Gateway Error Rates

Use the following query to get the Gateway error rates for 4XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{gatewayresponsecodecategory="4xx", backendresponsecodecategory="None"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)

Use the following query to get the Gateway error rates for 5XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{gatewayresponsecodecategory="5xx", backendresponsecodecategory="None"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)
Backend Error Rates

Use the following query to get the Backend error rates for 4XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{backendresponsecodecategory="4xx"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)

Use the following query to get the Backend error rates for 5XX status codes:

sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum{backendresponsecodecategory="5xx"})
sum by(hostname,location,cloud_provider_resource_name,resource_group,cloud_provider_region_name,cloud_provider_account_id)(azure_apimanagement_service_requests_sum)