Infrastructure Events

Sysdig currently supports event monitoring for the following infrastructure services:

Events marked with * are enabled by default. To configure additional infrastructure events, see Collect Event Data and Understand the Agent Configuration.

Docker Events

The following Docker events are supported.

      - attach       # Container Attached      (information)
      - commit       # Container Committed     (information)
      - copy         # Container Copied        (information)
      - create       # Container Created       (information)
      - destroy      # Container Destroyed     (warning)
      - die          # Container Died          (warning)
      - exec_create  # Container Exec Created  (information)
      - exec_start   # Container Exec Started  (information)
      - export       # Container Exported      (information)
      - kill         # Container Killed        (warning)
      - oom          # Container Out of Memory (warning)
      - pause        # Container Paused        (information)
      - rename       # Container Renamed       (information)
      - resize       # Container Resized       (information)
      - restart      # Container Restarted     (warning)
      - start        # Container Started       (information)
      - stop         # Container Stopped       (information)
      - top          # Container Top           (information)
      - unpause      # Container Unpaused      (information)
      - update       # Container Updated       (information)
      - delete # Image Deleted  (information)
      - import # Image Imported (information)
      - pull   # Image Pulled   (information)
      - push   # Image Pushed   (information)
      - tag    # Image Tagged   (information)
      - untag  # Image Untaged  (information)
      - create  # Volume Created    (information)
      - mount   # Volume Mounted    (information)
      - unmount # Volume Unmounted  (information)
      - destroy # Volume Destroyed  (information)
      - create     # Network Created       (information)
      - connect    # Network Connected     (information)
      - disconnect # Network Disconnected  (information)
      - destroy    # Network Destroyed     (information)

ContainerD Events

The following ContainerD events are supported.

      - create # Container created               (information)
      - exit   # Container exited                (information)
      - die    # Container exited with an error  (warning)*
      - oom    # Container out of memory         (warning)*
      - create # Image created  (information)
      - update # Image updated  (information)
      - delete # Image deleted  (information)

Kubernetes Events

The following Kubernetes events are supported.

      - TerminatedAllPods       # Terminated All Pods      (information)
      - RegisteredNode          # Node Registered          (information)*
      - RemovingNode            # Removing Node            (information)*
      - DeletingNode            # Deleting Node            (information)*
      - DeletingAllPods         # Deleting All Pods        (information)
      - TerminatingEvictedPod   # Terminating Evicted Pod  (information)*
      - NodeReady               # Node Ready               (information)*
      - NodeNotReady            # Node not Ready           (information)*
      - NodeSchedulable         # Node is Schedulable      (information)*
      - NodeNotSchedulable      # Node is not Schedulable  (information)*
      - CIDRNotAvailable        # CIDR not Available       (information)*
      - CIDRAssignmentFailed    # CIDR Assignment Failed   (information)*
      - Starting                # Starting Kubelet         (information)*
      - KubeletSetupFailed      # Kubelet Setup Failed     (warning)*
      - FailedMount             # Volume Mount Failed      (warning)*
      - NodeSelectorMismatching # Node Selector Mismatch   (warning)*
      - InsufficientFreeCPU     # Insufficient Free CPU    (warning)*
      - InsufficientFreeMemory  # Insufficient Free Mem    (warning)*
      - OutOfDisk               # Out of Disk              (information)*
      - HostNetworkNotSupported # Host Ntw not Supported   (warning)*
      - NilShaper               # Undefined Shaper         (warning)*
      - Rebooted                # Node Rebooted            (warning)*
      - NodeHasSufficientDisk   # Node Has Sufficient Disk (information)*
      - NodeOutOfDisk           # Node Out of Disk Space   (information)*
      - InvalidDiskCapacity     # Invalid Disk Capacity    (warning)*
      - FreeDiskSpaceFailed     # Free Disk Space Failed   (warning)*
      - Infra Connectivity      # Connection Failure Between Agent and API Server (warning)*
      - Pulling           # Pulling Container Image          (information)
      - Pulled            # Ctr Img Pulled                   (information)
      - Failed            # Ctr Img Pull/Create/Start Fail   (warning)*
      - InspectFailed     # Ctr Img Inspect Failed           (warning)*
      - ErrImageNeverPull # Ctr Img NeverPull Policy Violate (warning)*
      - BackOff           # Back Off Ctr Start, Image Pull   (warning)
      - Created           # Container Created                (information)
      - Started           # Container Started                (information)
      - Killing           # Killing Container                (information)*
      - Unhealthy         # Container Unhealthy              (warning)
      - FailedSync        # Pod Sync Failed                  (warning)
      - FailedValidation  # Failed Pod Config Validation     (warning)
      - FailedScheduling  # FailedScheduling                 (warning)*
      - OutOfDisk         # Out of Disk                      (information)*
      - HostPortConflict  # Host/Port Conflict               (warning)*
      - SuccessfulCreate    # Pod Created        (information)*
      - FailedCreate        # Pod Create Failed  (warning)*
      - SuccessfulDelete    # Pod Deleted        (information)*
      - FailedDelete        # Pod Delete Failed  (warning)*
      - SuccessfulCreate    # Pod Created       (information)*
      - FailedCreate        # Pod Create Failed (warning)*
      - SuccessfulDelete    # Pod Deleted       (information)*
      - FailedDelete        # Pod Delete Failed (warning)*
      - SelectingAll                        # Selecting All Pods       (warning)*
      - ScalingReplicaSet                   # Scaling Replica Set      (information)*
      - DeploymentRollbackRevisionNotFound  # No revision to roll back (warning)*
      - DeploymentRollbackTemplateUnchanged # Skipping Rollback        (warning)*
      - DeploymentRollback                  # Rollback Done            (information)*
      - SelectingAll                        # Selecting All Pods       (warning)*
      - SuccessfulCreate    # Pod Created       (information)*
      - FailedCreate        # Pod Create Failed (warning)*
      - SuccessfulDelete    # Pod Deleted       (information)*
      - FailedDelete        # Pod Delete Failed (warning)*
      - RecreatingFailedPod # Recreate fail pod (warning)*
      - CreatingLoadBalancerFailed  # Load Balancer Create Failed    (warning)*
      - CleanupLoadBalancerFailed   # Load Balancer Cleanup Failed   (warning)*
      - DeletingLoadBalancer        # Load Balancer Delete Start     (information)
      - DeletingLoadBalancerFailed  # Load Balancer Delete Failed    (warning)*
      - DeletedLoadBalancer         # Load Balancer Delete End       (information)
      - UnAvailableLoadBalancer     # Unavailable Load Balancer      (warning)*
      - UpdatedLoadBalancer         # Updated Load Balancer          (information)*
      - UpdateLoadBalancerFailed    # Load Balancer Update Failed    (warning)*
      - SyncLoadBalancerFailed      # Load Balancer Sync Failed      (warning)*
      - SelectorRequired             # Selector Required          (warning)*
      - InvalidSelector              # Selector Not Valid         (warning)*
      - FailedConvertHPA             # Failed to Convert HPA      (warning)*
      - FailedGetScale               # Failed to get Scale        (warning)*
      - FailedComputeMetricsReplicas # Failed to Compute Replicas (warning)*
      - FailedRescale                # Failed to rescale          (warning)*
      - FailedUpdateStatus           # Failed to update status    (warning)*