
The Piechart helps you visualize how a dataset is divided into segments. It offers an intuitive way to understand distributions and compare parts within a whole. Use a Piechart to visualize metrics like resource allocation, error rates, cost breakdowns, and other categories where relative proportions matter more than exact values.


Configure your query

To create a Pie Chart visualization, you must configure a query with a grouping function to define the segments of the chart:

  1. Open or create a dashboard in the Dashboards module.

    The metrics query page appears.

  2. Select the visualization type Piechart.

  3. Define a metric you want to visualize as a Piechart.

  4. Apply a grouping function such as avg, max, or sum to determine how each entity is calculated.

  5. Choose labels to segment the Piechart, such as kube_namespace_name or kube_node_name.

  6. For Displayed Value, decide whether the Piechart should show the latest value for each segment or an aggregated value across the entire range of the selected time frame.

Configure Units

To display your Piechart with a specific unit, such as seconds, dollars, or percent:

  1. Select the Query tab in the metric configuration.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Define the desired unit for the metric.
  4. Save your changes.

Use Cases

View Container CPU Usage broken down by Namespace

To view the CPU usage of a host using the Piechart visualization:

Click Add Panel to add a new panel to your dashboard.Create a New Panel
Select Piechart as the visualization type.

Choose the sysdig_container_cpu_used_percent metric to monitor the CPU usage of a container.

Select the kube_namespace_name label to visualize this metric broken down by namespace

Save the chart in order to visualize your container CPU utilization sliced by namespace