Dashboards Visualization Types

This section introduces the types of visualisations available in Sysdig Monitor Dashboards.

To access different visualization types, click the current visualization type when editing a metric query.

Topics in This Section

A Timechart is a graph produced by applying statistical aggregation to a label over an interval. The X-axis of a timechart will always be time.


Number panels allow you to view a single value for a given entity, along with optionally comparing the current value to historical values. Use the Number panel when the number is the most important aspect of the metric you’re trying to display, such as unique visitors to a website.


The Gauge visualization in Sysdig Monitor is a powerful tool for representing single data points in a compact and visually appealing manner. It allows you to monitor and track specific metrics with support for thresholds and emphasis on deviation. The Gauge visualization supports various units, such as percentage, number, byte, rate, and dollar.


A Toplist chart displays the specified number of entities, such as containers, with the most or least of any metric value. This is useful for ranking metric values in order, for example, considering hosts that have the highest amount of pods running or the highest consumers of CPU or memory in your infrastructure.


Histograms visualize data distribution in different range groups. Sysdig Monitor supports three types of Histograms.


The Table panel displays your queries in tabular form. Use Table panels for quantitative analysis where you want to see actual values instead of visual representations. Similar to a spreadsheet, you can look at a combination of metric values and segments. This is useful when you don’t necessarily care about the change of a metric over time, or want to run reports to download as CSV/JSON for offline analysis.


Text panels improve the layout of your dashboard by giving additional context in text form. Basic markdown is supported.