
Use Cost Reports to understand how much your organization is spending on workloads, containers, and namespaces. You can automate periodic reports in JSON/CSV and send them out to Slack and email, or export them for analysis in third-party tools.

You can also create cost reports in Cost Explorer.

Create a Report

To create a Costs Report:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Monitor, and select Costs | Reports or Costs | Costs Explorer.

  2. From either Reports or Cost Explorer, select Create New Report in the top right corner.

    The New Report page opens.

  3. Configure the report details:

  • Name: Enter a unique name for your report.
  • Description: Enter a meaningful description.
  • Report type: Select your preferred report type.
    • Workload Cost Trends: Analyze workload cost changes over time to track spending trends. This is useful for comparing costs between periods. See Workload Cost Trends Report
    • Wasted Workload Spend: Gain insight into expenses from oversized or underutilized workloads. This is useful for identifying inefficiencies in resource usage. See Wasted Workload Spend Report
  • Export Format: Choose the format the report should be exported in: JSON or CSV. You can export reports for offline processing or integration with third-party tools.
  1. Define the report. By default, the scope includes the Team Scope of the team your current login. You can see the form your report will take in the Data Preview below.

  2. Filter the scope with labels. For example, to limit the report to the namespace risk-flow, use the labels kube_namespace_name in risk-flow. You can add multiple labels to build a highly specific report.

  3. Use Group By to determine which grouping columns will appear in the report. Wasted Workload Spend reports have the groups kube_cluster_name, kube_namespace_name, and kube_workload_name by default.

  4. Time Window: For Wasted Workload Spend, choose the Time Window of the report.

  5. Set the frequency of the report. This determines the time frame of cost data included in the final report.

  6. Select which notification channel, if any, should be notified when the report is ready. The available channels are Email and Slack.

You can observe a Preview of the data to export. You can also retrieve the latest report through our API and connect with your preferred tools.

Types of Cost Reports

Workload Cost Trends Reports reveal which resource consumption trends drive changes in your costs. Use these reports to compare costs between periods, such as week over week or month over month. By grouping data with labels like kube_cluster_name and kube_namespace_name you can identify whether workloads are becoming more or less expensive over time.

Wasted Workload Spend Report

Wasted Workload Spend Reports provide insights into resource consumption at the workload level by calculating how much allocated CPU and memory a workload uses. By default, these reports group cost data by kube_cluster_name, kube_namespace_name, and kube_workload_name. You can add additional label groupings, but these defaults are the minimum required. The report calculates the following cost metrics at a workload level:

  • Accrued Cost: Represents the CPU and memory costs allocated to a workload, based on its configured CPU and memory quotas. If usage exceeds these quotas, the actual usage determines the accrued cost. Costs from Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) are also included in this calculation.

  • Estimated Rightsizing Spend: Represents the cost of resources based on actual usage of CPU and memory as an average over a specified time window. It provides insights into potential savings by aligning resource allocation with actual usage patterns.

  • Wasted Spend: The cost of CPU and memory resources requested by a workload but not utilized. While some buffer is essential for handling spikes, excessive unused resources can result in unnecessary costs.

The relationship between these terms is represented in the formula: Accrued Costs = Estimated Rightsizing Spend + Wasted Spend

Download Reports

To download a report:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Monitor and select Costs > Reports.

  2. From the main Reports page, select a report from the list.

    The detail panel will open.

  3. Select a generated report to Download.

    It will be formatted as CSV or JSON, depending on the Report’s configuration.