Silence Alert Notifications

Sysdig Monitor helps reduce noise and alert fatigue with Silence Rules. Silences Rules temporarily mute alert notifications that might result from maintenance activities, scheduled downtime, or known issues. Alerts that are silenced by scope or by alert will still trigger but alert notifications to the notification channels will not be sent.

Configure Silence Rule

You can enable Silence Rules immediately or schedule them for the future. This provides the flexibility to plan ahead and avoid unnecessary disruptions.

Additionally, you can send an optional info message to a notification channel to keep teams updated on when a Silence starts and ends.

To configure a Silence Rule:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Monitor.

Click Alerts on the left navigation bar in the Monitor UI.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Alerts > Silence.

    The page shows the list of all the existing silences.

  2. Click Set a Silence.

    The Silencing Rule modal appears.

  3. Specify the following:

    • Name: Specify a name to identify the silence.

    • Silence Criteria: Create a silence by alert and/or scope.

      • By Scope: Specify the entity, workload, or namespace you want to apply the scope as. For example, configuring a silence on the region=us-east-1 scope will silence all alerts in the us-east-1 region.

      • By Alert: Specify the alert that you want to mute. You can configure a silence for one or more alerts. Silencing the Datacenter Down alert instead of the region=us-east-1 scope allows other alerts within the scope to continue notifying.

        For maximum specificity, combine both scope and alert.

    • Begins: Select the day you want the silence to begin.

    • Duration: Specify how long notifications should be muted.

    • Notify: Select a channel that you want to notify about the silence.

  4. Click Save.

Silence Alert Notifications from Alerts Page

To configure a Silence Rule for a specific alert, navigate to the Alerts page and select the alert you want to silence. You can then configure a Silence Rule specifically for that alert.

Silence Alert Notifications from Events Feed

To configure a Silence Rule, access the Events feed. On the Events feed, find the Alert Event created when an alert is triggered. From the Alert Event, you can configure the Silence Rule to include both the scope and the alert that generated the event.

Alert Events from Silenced Alerts

When an alert is silenced, it will not send notifications to your configured notification channels, but it will still generate Alert Events. These events will include information indicating that the alert was triggered during an active silence.

After the silencing window expires, the alert will trigger again if the alert rule continues to be satisfied.

By generating Alert Events, you can review the event history to see when the alert was silenced and when it resumed normal notifications. This helps provide visibility into what happened during the silence and can help with troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Alerts without a notification channel won’t be marked as silenced, and won’t have the crossed bell icon or option to silence events in the events feed.

Manage Silence Rules

You can manage silences individually, or as a group, by using the checkboxes on the left side of the Silence UI and the customization bar. Select a group of silences and perform batch delete operations.

Select individual silences to perform tasks such as enabling, disabling, duplicating, and editing.

Change States

Enable or disable a silence with the State toggle. Active Silences include both running silences and scheduled silences.

Completed silences cannot be re-enabled, but can be duplicated with a new silence period.

Duplicate a Silence Rule

To duplicate a Silence Rule, click the duplicate/copy icon.

Filter a Silence Rule

Filter silences by name using the search bar. Silence Rules can also be filtered by the following categories: Active, Scheduled, Completed.

Edit a Silence Rule

To edit a silence rule, click the edit icon.

You can edit Scheduled Silence Rules before they begin.

Extend the Time Duration

To extend the time duration of a silence, click the duration icon.

You can only extend or disable Active Silences. If you configure a notification channel for the Silence Rule, the channel will be notified regarding the extended or disabled silence rule.