Configure Alerts

Configure alerts based on specific metrics, conditions, and thresholds.

Create an Alert

You can create alerts from:

  • The Alert Editor.
  • Metrics Explorer: Select Create Alert.
  • An existing Dashboard: click the three-dot menu icon on a panel, and select Create Alert.
  • An Event panel: Select Create Alert from Event.
  • The Alerts Library: Select Enable Alert on a pre-defined template.

Alert Types

You use the Alert Editor to create alerts.

  • Threshold (Previously Metric): Monitor your infrastructure by comparing any metric against user-defined thresholds
  • Prometheus (Previously PromQL): Monitor your infrastructure with PromQL queries, maintaining full compatibility with OSS Prometheus.
  • Event: Monitor your infrastructure by tracking specific events, and alert if the total number of occurrences exceeds a user-defined threshold
  • Group Outlier: Monitor unusual patterns by detecting deviations from expected group behavior.
  • Percentage of Change: Compare the percentage of change of a metric over two specific timeframes, such as comparing the last 5 minutes to the previous hour.
  • Downtime: Monitor any type of entity - host, container, process, service, etc - and alert when the entity goes down.


  • Alert Severity: Select a priority. High, Medium, Low and Info.
  • Alert Name: Specify a meaningful name that can uniquely represent the Alert you are creating. For example, Production Cluster Failed Scheduling pods.
  • Description (optional): Add additional alert context
  • Group (optional): Group alerts by assigning them to a specific group name. Alerts that have no group name will be added to the Default Group.
  • Orphaned Alerts: Automatically deactivate orphaned alert occurrences and eliminate noise caused by outdated alerts triggered for entities that are no longer reporting data.
  • Link to Dashboard: Select a dashboard that you might want to include in the alert notification.
  • Link to Runbook: Specify the URL of a runbook.

Consistent Alert Preview for Alert Rule Evaluation

Threshold Alerts, Event Alerts, and Prometheus Alerts provide an alert preview that accurately reflects alert rule checks. This aligns the data points in the alert preview with the actual alert evaluation intervals, ensuring a realistic representation of alert behavior, since each point in the alert preview corresponds to an actual alert rule check.

For scenarios where you need to view data in a different format from the alert rule checks, such as data in 10s intervals or a week-long alert preview, switch to Explore Mode. This mode provides the flexibility to view data at different granularities or over extended periods, even if these do not correspond to the specific intervals of alert check. Explore Mode does not apply to Event Alerts.

Evaluation Interval for Threshold Alerts and Prometheus Alerts

By default, alerts are evaluated every minute. However, if an alert has a range of 3 hours or more, it will be evaluated every 10 minutes instead. For instance, if you have configured a Threshold Alert to look at data “over the last 3 hours,” it will be evaluated every 10 minutes. The same applies to Prometheus Alerts like sum(rate(errors_total[3h])) > 100 which will also be evaluated every 10 minutes. Additionally, this means that re-notifications can only be as frequent as 10m for these alerts.

Please note that Threshold Alerts and Prometheus Alerts with ranges of 60 days or more are not supported.

Query RangeCheck Interval
up to 3h1m
up to 1d10m
up to 7d1h
up to 60d1d
60dNot Supported


Notification Channel

After setting up a Notification Channel, the channel will appear on the Notification Channel drop-down list. You can configure alerts for forwarding to multiple notification channels when the alert condition is met.

Resolution Notification

Notification Channels that receive alert notifications can also receive resolution notifications when the alert condition is no longer met. Toggle Get Notified under When Resolved in order to forward resolution notifications so that incidents can be automatically closed in incident management channels such as Pagerduty or Opsgenie.

This setting allows an alert to override the notification channel’s default notification settings. If an override is not configured, the alert will inherit the default settings from the notification channel.

Customize Notifications

Configure Notification Template

Optionally customize alert notifications using custom text and dynamic variables.

Dynamic Variables

Dynamic variable assign themselves the value of the variable which can continually change as the operation is evaluated.

  • The variables should correspond to the segment values you created the alert for. For example, if an alert is segmented by host_hostName and container_name, the corresponding variables will be {{host_hostName}} and {{container_name}} respectively.

  • The variables that you insert must be enclosed in double curly braces, such as {{file_mount}}.

  • Variables are case-sensitive.

  • Notification subjects will not show up on the Event feed.

  • Using a variable that is not a part of the segment will trigger an error.

  • When a variable is not resolved, the output will be “N/a”. No error will be reported.

  • Supported variables are:

  • {{__alert_name__}} : The unique name of the alert.

  • {{__alert_status__}} : the status of the alert, between Triggered and Resolved.

  • {{$value}}: Obtains the metric value that made the alert trigger or resolve.

  • Any label that you can find on the corresponding Scope section of the matching Event in the Events feed, as given below. This can be any of the labels used in the segment or scope, but also any of the expanded labels you are able to obtain, used with the syntax {{labelName}}.

An Alert Event in the Events Feed

No other segment variables are allowed in the notification subject and body.

The body of the notification message contains a Default Alert Template. It is the default alert notification generated by Sysdig Monitor. You may add free text, variables, or hyperlinks before and after the template.


The following example shows a notification template created to alert you on Failing Prometheus Jobs. Adding {{kube_cluster_name}}: {{job}} - {{__alert_name__}} is {{__alert_status__}} to the subject line helps you identify the problem area at a glance without having to read the entire notification body.

Automate Deactivation or Resolution of Orphaned Alert Occurrences

Sysdig Monitor can automatically deactivate or resolve alert occurrences triggered by entities like hosts or containers that are no longer reporting data. This curbs noise from potentially outdated alert occurrences, ensuring that your alert notifications remain relevant.

By automatically deactivating or resolving orphaned alert occurrences, you can eliminate false positives and ensure that only alert occurrences from existing entities are reported in the system.


Automatic Alert Deactivation is available for the following alert types:

  • Threshold Alerts
  • Group Outlier Alerts
  • Downtime Alerts

Automatic Alert Resolution is available for the following alert types:

  • Threshold Alerts

Configure Response to Lack of Data

To configure a response to a lack of alert occurrence data:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Monitor.

  2. Either Create an Alert or edit an existing alert of the supported types.

    The Alert configuration page appears.

  3. Under Settings, review responses to Active Alert Occurrence Stopped Reporting Data:

  • Keep Firing: The alert occurrence will continue, even if no data is reported.
  • Resolve: When alert occurrences are resolved rather than deactivated, notification channels and alert configurations determine whether a resolution notification should be sent.
  • Deactivate: Deactivated alert occurrences will not send any notifications but will be marked in the event feed as deactivated.

Supported Aggregation Functions

The table below displays supported time aggregation functions, group aggregation functions, and relational operators:

Time Aggregation FunctionGroup Aggregation FunctionRelational Operator
not applicablenot applicable>=
not applicablenot applicable!=


Optionally, configure a Sysdig capture. Specify the following:

  • Capture Enabled: Click the slider to enable Capture.
  • Capture Duration: The period of time captured. The default time is 15 seconds. The capture time starts from the time the alert threshold was breached
  • Capture Storage: The storage location for the capture files.
  • Capture Name: The name of the capture file
  • Capture Filter: Restricts the amount of trace information collected.

Sysdig capture files are not available for Event Alerts and Prometheus Alerts. See Captures for more information.