2024 Archive

2024 Archive for Cluster Shield release notes.

1.6.0 Dec 11, 2024

The new Admission Control feature for Vulnerability Management (VM) and Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM) in Cluster Shield is in active development. If you are interested in using this feature, contact your Sysdig representative.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the deny_on_error parameter into failure_policy under the admission_control configuration. The failure_policy parameter will now be a string accepting Ignore (default) and Fail as a value.

Feature Enhancements

  • The helm chart now triggers a new deployment when TLS Certificates changes.
  • Added additional DEBUG-level logs and prometheus metrics to expose the total memory visible from the application and the limits assigned to each component.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the application to use the wrong API endpoint when you select “in1” region.
  • Fixed an issue with the Kubernetes Metadata feature to ensure that it correctly tracks terminated containers.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Container Vulnerability Management feature from performing scans correctly using Admission Control .
  • Fixed some issues that prevented the Admission Control feature from correctly rejecting pods and comunicate with the backend.

1.5.1 Nov 15, 2024

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Kubernetes Metadata feature was not sending init container IDs to the Sysdig backend. This resulted in missing Kubernetes metadata for events associated with those containers.

1.5.0 Nov 05, 2024

Feature Enhancements

  • The audit parameter now lets you set webhook_rules.

    The webhook_rules parameter lets you specify a list of rules used to determine if a request should be audited.

  • The Container Vulnerability Management feature now emits a WARN-level log when a Runtime Scanner is running on the same cluster.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that caused the Kubernetes Metadata feature to correctly use the specified annotations_allowlist.
  • Fixed a defect that caused the Kubernetes Metadata feature to correctly live-reload the configuration upon changes.
  • Fixed a defect that caused the cluster_config.tags validation to throw an error when keys did contain the . character.
  • Fixed a defect that caused the Container Vulnerability Management feature through Admission Control to not correctly propagate errors.

1.4.0 Oct 02, 2024

Feature Enhancements

  • The admission_control parameter now allows to set excluded_namespaces.

    The excluded_namespaces parameter lets you specify a list namespaces that will be exempted from the admission validation.

  • The audit parameter now allows to set excluded_namespaces.

    The excluded_namespaces parameter lets you specify a list namespaces that will be exempted from events watching.

  • The cluster_config parameter now allows to set tags.

    The tags parameter lets you specify an additional set of tags that will be applied to the metadata sent to the backend.

  • Added support for replicationcontrollers events in Container Vulnerability Management feature.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that caused the Container Vulnerability Management feature to wrongly identify Bouncy Castle crypto java package.

1.3.1 Sep 10, 2024

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect where the Container Vulnerability Management feature used incorrect credentials to pull an image from a registry. This occurred when the image pull string resolved by the container runtime differed from the one set in the Kubernetes workload manifest.

1.3.0 Sep 03, 2024

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed internal component names to complete the transition to features. Now log groups and metric contain the feature names instead.

Feature Enhancements

  • The helm chart now supports to set an existing secret for TLS Certificates used by the application.

  • Added a new prometheus metric that expose the enablement status of each feature.

  • The Container Vulnerability Management feature now detects GO runtime vulnerabilities.

  • The kubernetes_metadata parameter now allows to set annotations_allowlist.

    The annotations_allowlist parameter lets you specify a list of annotations to be included for each resource. This configuration is particularly useful for generating KSM annotation metrics.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that causes existing secret credentials to be injected as environment variables
  • Fixed a defect that caused the Admission Control feature to use IPs instead of FQDN when a proxy is configured

1.2.0 Aug 05, 2024

Breaking Changes

  • The helm chart value image.repository has been split into two different values: image.registry and image.repository. These two values are then concatenated to create the image pull string. If global.imageRegistry is provided, it will override image.registry. If you currently have the setting image.repository should update your values to this new structure.

Feature Enhancements

  • Added support for in1 SaaS region.
  • Added support for pods events in Admission Control feature parameter.
  • Allow to tune up the configuration for Container Vulnerability Management feature to properly manage the file size for processed files.
  • Improve manifests parsing on Java packages detection.

Fixed Vulnerabilities

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that could cause truncated log lines.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the helm chart generated Configmap to not be properly formatted.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the helm chart to generate an uneeded empty ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the Admission Control and the Posture features to ignore the ssl.verify configuration.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the Admission Control and the Posture features to not properly use a proxy connection.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the Container Vulnerability Management feature to incorrectly handle responses from older versions of Sysdig On-premises Backend.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the helm chart to not use CA Certificates when defined in the global section.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause the helm chart installation to fail if the kubernetes_metadata parameter is enabled and the global.sysdig.region is defined.
  • Fixed a defect that could cause communication issues with the Audit and the Admission Control features on clusters using custom CNI.
  • Fixed a defect that define namespace in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource created by the helm chart

1.1.2 Jul 18, 2024

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that could cause the Container Vulnerability Management feature to scan images using the x86_64 architecture in arm64 clusters.

1.1.1 July 09, 2024

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that prevented the Container Vulnerability Management feature to properly manage the file size for processed files.

1.1.0 July 03, 2024

Feature Enhancements

  • Ability to run on GKE when the cluster is configured to run with the Autopilot functionality. To enable this feature, add the flag --set global.gke.autopilot=true to the configuration while installation.

  • Added support for Windows worker nodes. Once installed with the kubernetes Metadata feature enabled, it pair with the Windows Agent to include kubernetes information in the events reported by the Sysdig backend.

1.0.1 June 17, 2024

Feature Enhancements

Added the ability to configure ports used by Admission Control and Audit

1.0.0 June 12, 2024

Fixed Vulnerabilities

0.11.0 June 5, 2024

Feature Enhancements

  • Ability to configure external distributed cache
  • Introduced Container Vulnerability Management feature through Admission Control
  • Secure API token is no longer required to configure Cluster Shield for Sysdig SaaS
  • Posture feature now collects information about secrets for Inventory

Fixed Vulnerabilities

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that was preventing already existing credential secrets to be correctly loaded
  • Fixed a defect causing some components to panics due to a missing message keys in their logs
  • Set exit code correctly when the application ends with an error
  • Fixed a memory leak when the Kubernetes Metadata feature was enabled
  • Fixed a memory leak issue when the Container Vulnerability Management feature was enabled
  • Fixed a defect that was blocking the application while starting Admission Control
  • Fixed a defect preventing to display DEBUG-level logs
  • Fixed a defect which could cause long-running workloads to disappear from the UI for Container Vulnerability Management

0.10.1 May 3, 2024

Fixed an issue preventing Cluster Shield to read access_key and secure_api_token from already existing secrets.

0.10.0 May 2, 2024

Feature Enhancements

  • Improved communication with the Sysdig backend by reducing the network footprint for Container Vulnerability Management feature
  • Improved pull secrets retrieval, reducing the memory footprint by filtering supported secret types and adding support for pagination for Container Vulnerability Management feature
  • Decreased the time required to see preliminary container vulnerability results in the UI
  • Ability to configure sysdig_endpoint using region
  • Introduced liveness and readiness probes in the helm chart

Fixed Vulnerabilities

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed a defect that could cause Container Vulnerability Management feature to ignore the image digest, running the risk of analyzing an incorrect image
  • Set correct exit code for sub-processes when running in multi-process mode
  • Fixed TLS certificate generation that was causing issues on AKS clusters

0.9.0 April 15, 2024


  • Supports sending the k8s_metadata message. The agent retrieves the tags used for the Cost Advisor feature from k8s_metadata.

0.8.0 April 4, 2024


  • You can now use an already existing secret (managed from outside the cluster-shield helm chart) to deploy information like Secure API Token and Access Key.
  • Internal communication use TLS by default.
  • The Kubernetes Metadata feature now support monitor events
  • The Kubernetes Metadata feature now support short lived resources

0.7.0 March 19, 2024


  • Added the Kubernetes Metadata feature lets you collect cluster metadata replacing the Delegated Agent functionality.
  • The Cluster Shield can now be executed as single process.
  • Added onPremCompatibilityVersion in the helm chart that can be used to specify the on-prem version used.

Breaking changes

  • Configuration for the container_vulnerability_management parameter:
    • offline_analyzer is not longer available, if you set it please remove it from the configuration.
    • platform_services_enabled is now enabled by default
    • registry_verify_certificate is now replaced by registry_ssl

March 07, 2024

Sysdig Cluster Shield Released as Controlled Availability

Sysdig is delighted to announce the controlled availability of Sysdig Cluster Shield. This solution consolidates multiple agent deployments into a single containerized component, marking a significant advancement in simplifying the deployment, management, and configuration of the Sysdig suite of security and compliance tools at the cluster level. By streamlining operations for Kubernetes environments, Cluster Shield makes it easier than ever to maintain your security and compliance posture.

For more information, see Sysdig Cluster Shield.