Upgrade Agents

This topic describes upgrading a Sysdig agent. The steps differ depending whether it was originally installed as a container or a service.

Follow the upgrade best practices for a smooth upgrade and to maximize the value of Sysdig applications:

  • Keep upgrades current

  • Upgrade progressively without skipping versions

  • Test upgrades in a non-mission-critical or staging environment before rolling in to production.

This section describes how to check the current version of the installed agents, and then how to upgrade them.

Agent Version Check

Kubernetes installation

If the agent is installed in a Kubernetes environment, run:

kubectl get pods -n sysdig-agent -l=app=sysdig-agent -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.containers[:1].image}'

Container Installation

If the agent is installed as container, run:

docker exec sysdig-agent /opt/draios/bin/dragent --version

Package Installation

If the agent is installed as a service, run:

/opt/draios/bin/dragent --version

You can also find the agent version in the agent log file,/opt/draios/logs/draios.log.

Look for the Agent starting message, which is logged whenever the agent restarts.

Update Agent

Update the containerized agent version as you normally update any container; the basic steps are given below.

Use the full run command as shown in the Agent Installation Wizard of your account.

Containerized Agent

See tags for the available agent versions.


  1. Update the chart:

    helm repo update
  2. Do one of the following:

  • If you have deployed the chart with a values.yaml file, modify or add (if it’s missing) the agent.image.tag field and run:
    helm upgrade --namespace sysdig-agent sysdig-agent -f values.yaml sysdig/sysdig-deploy
  • If you have deployed the chart by setting the values as CLI parameters, run:
    helm upgrade --namespace sysdig-agent --set agent.image.tag=<latest_version> --reuse-values sysdig-agent sysdig/sysdig-deploy
    Replace <latest_version> with the latest version number of Sysdig Agent.

For more information on using Helm, see Helm Charts.

  1. Check whether .yaml files must be updated.

    Updating the agent image does not overwrite the daemonset.yaml and sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml on your local system. Check the Sysdig Agent Release Notes to see if you need to download the latest .yaml files from the Agent repository.

  2. Perform the update:

    kubectl set image ds/sysdig-agent sysdig-agent=quay.io/sysdig/agent:<tag> -n sysdig-agent
  3. Watch update status:

    kubectl rollout status ds/sysdig-agent -n sysdig-agent


To upgrade, stop the agent, remove it, pull the new agent, and install it.

You can also find the installation command in the Sysdig Agent Installation Wizard.

docker stop sysdig-agent
docker rm sysdig-agent
docker pull sysdig/agent
docker run


For service (non-containerized) agent installations, updates are installed as part of the normal system upgrade available with apt-get or yum.

Starting with agent version 13.1.0, separate packages will have to be installed depending on the driver to be used. Please refer to Package Reference.

Debian, Ubuntu

apt-get update
apt-get -y install draios-agent

CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, Amazon AMI, Amazon Linux 2

yum clean expire-cache
yum -y install draios-agent

Restart the agent

After the upgrade, you will need to manually restart the agent

systemctl restart dragent

Verify Upgrade

To verify the upgrade,

  1. Log in to Sysdig Monitor.

  2. Select Integrations > Data Sources > Sysdig Agent .

  3. On the Sysdig Agent page, check if the upgraded agent version is listed.

    You can use this page to determine which agent is up-to-date, out of date, or approaching being out of date.