Agent Configuration for Secure

The Sysdig configuration library lists all the major configurations required to enable Sysdig Secure features.

Configure Malware Control

This feature is available in Technical Preview status.

Malware Control (also called Malware Detection and Prevention) is enabled by default.

You can optionally configure the dragent.yaml file to:

  • Disable Malware Control globally.
  • Enable Malware Control for the underlying host node.


  • Sysdig Agent v13.0.1 and above
  • Linux kernel v5.0 and above

Enable Malware Control

To enable Malware Control, edit the dragent.yaml configuration file in the /opt/draios/etc/ directory.

  enabled: true

Alternatively, use the following Helm command:

--set sysdig.settings.malware_control.enabled=true

Enable Malware Control for Hosts

Malware Control (Prevention) is disabled by default for Hosts. To enable it on Hosts, use the following configuration:

    enable_prevention_on_host: true

This feature is enabled by default for Containers.

Configure Container Limits

  • For kernel versions below v5.13, Malware can monitor up to 128 containers per node.

  • For kernel versions v5.13 or above, modify the container limit using one of the following methods:

    • Open the sysctl -n fs.fanotify.max_user_groups file and set the new value using sysctl -w fs.fanotify.max_user_groups=<new_limit>.

    • Check the current limit using cat /proc/sys/fs/fanotify/max_user_groups file and use echo <new_limit> > /proc/sys/fs/fanotify/max_user_groups to set the new limit.

Configure Drift Control

Sysdig Agent v12.15.0+

Drift is enabled by default on agent versions v12.15.0 and later.

Optional Values

Enable detections from mounted/persistent volumes.

drift_deny_execution_from_volumes: true
Helm Command
--set agent.sysdig.settings.drift_deny_execution_from_volumes=true

Sysdig Agent v12.14.0

This configuration is deprecated for newer agent versions.

Enable Drift
  enabled: true
Disable Drift
  enabled: false

Here is an example configuration:

    enabled: "true"
    kind: "universal_ebpf"
      enrich_with_process_lineage: "true"
        enabled: false 
Helm Command
 --set agent.sysdig.settings.drift_killer.enabled=true

Configure Container Limits

  • For kernel versions below v5.13, Drift Control can monitor up to 128 containers per node.

  • For kernel versions v5.13 or above, modify the container limit using one of the following methods:

    • Open the sysctl -n fs.fanotify.max_user_groups file and set the new value using sysctl -w fs.fanotify.max_user_groups=<new_limit>.

    • Open the cat /proc/sys/fs/fanotify/max_user_groups file and run echo <new_limit> > /proc/sys/fs/fanotify/max_user_groups.

      Replace <new_limit> with your choice of container limit.

Configure Falco Rule Matching Strategy

Sysdig agent v.12.18+

From Sysdig agent v12.18.0+, the agent evaluates an event against all the rules, potentially triggering multiple alerts. In previous versions, the agent stopped evaluating rules after the first match.

To control this behavior, a new option has been added to dragent.yaml: security.falco_match_strategy

  falco_match_strategy: all

To evaluate all rules for every event; set it to all. This is the default option.

To stop evaluation after the first match; set it to first.

Report Actions in Kubernetes Events

Sysdig agent v.12.18+

For a full description of the feature, see Threat Detection Policies.


  • Helm: If you deploy the agent using Helm, the permissions to enable create and patch actions for events on all APIs are automatically granted.

  • Manual: If you deploy manually, you must set up a Kubernetes cluster role with those permissions enabled. Example without cluster role binding:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: sysdig-agent
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - events
      - create
      - patch

    Example with cluster role binding:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: sysdig-agent
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - events
      - create
      - patch
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: sysdig-agent
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: sysdig-agent
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: sysdig-agent
      namespace: sysdig-agent

Ignore Container Actions at the Agent Level

Sysdig agent v12.10+

For Threat Detection policies, you can use the agent-level configuration, ignore_container_action to prevent the Sysdig agent from taking potentially disruptive container operations, such as kill, pause, stop, regardless of the runtime threat detection policy.

This configuration is disabled by default. To enable it, add the following to the dragent.yaml file:

security:  ignore_container_action: true 

When the configuration is enabled, and a policy instructs the agent to perform a container operation, the agent ignores the policy and creates an Info log message explaining the agent did not perform the action because of the configuration.

See also Workload Policy for an example of the container action at the policy level.

Learn More

Topics in This Section
Enrich Secure Events with Labels

Event labels are used in a variety of contexts in Sysdig Secure, such as Event Forwarding, Posture, and the Events feed. The Sysdig Agent collects a number of label fields by default. This page describes how to collect additional, custom labels, disable the collection of default labels, and disable label collection entirely.