Enable HTTP Proxy for Serverless Agents

Both the orchestrator and the workload agent can be configured to connect to an HTTP proxy.

Orchestrator Agent


As of serverless agent version 4.0.0, the CloudFormation template orchestrator-agent.yaml contains a Mapping section to configure the orchestrator to connect to an HTTP proxy.

  # Upload custom CA certificates
      Type: "base64"
      Value: ""
      Path: "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"

  # Advanced configuration options
      ProxyHost: ""
      ProxyPort: ""
      ProxyUser: ""
      ProxyPassword: ""  # Cleartext or SecretsManager secret reference (arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:secret-name:json-key:version-stage:version-id)"
      SSL: ""
      SSLVerifyCertificate: ""
      CACertificate: ""  # /ssl/proxy_cert.pem

The section:

  • CACertificate.HttpProxy supports the uploading of a CA Certificate for the HTTP proxy, as described in Uploading Custom CA Certificates.
  • Configuration.HttpProxy configures the orchestrator to connect to the HTTP proxy.

The following table describes each configuration option in detail.

Configuration.HttpProxy.ProxyHost``Indicates the hostname of the proxy server. The default is an empty string, which implies communication through an HTTP proxy is disabled. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_host in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.ProxyPort``Specifies the port on the proxy server the agent should connect to. The default is 0, which indicates that the HTTP proxy is disabled. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_port in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.ProxyUser``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the username for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string, which indicates that authentication is not configured. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_user in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.ProxyPassword``Supports both cleartext password and SecretsManager-backed passwords. Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the password for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string. Specifying proxy_user with no proxy_password is allowed. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_password in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.SSL``Defaults to false if not provided. If set to true, the connection between the agent and the proxy server is encrypted. \ Maps to http_proxy.ssl in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.SSLVerifyCertificate``Defaults to true if not provided. Determines whether the agent will verify the certificate presented by the proxy. \ Maps to http_proxy.ssl_verify_certificate in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
Configuration.HttpProxy.CACertificate``The path to the certificate in the Orchestrator. Use the same value as CACertificate.HttpProxy.Path to use the uploaded certificate. \ Maps to http_proxy.ca_certificate in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.


HTTP proxy with user and cleartext password

The following configuration shows how to configure the orchestrator-agent.yaml template to enable the orchestrator agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • my-proxy-password as a cleartext password.
  # Advanced configuration options
      ProxyHost: "squid.my.domain.com"
      ProxyPort: "6443"
      ProxyUser: "my-user"
      ProxyPassword: "my-proxy-password"
      SSL: ""
      SSLVerifyCertificate: ""
      CACertificate: ""
HTTP proxy with user and AWS SecretsManager-backed password

The HTTP proxy password can be fetched from AWS SecretsManager as well. The following configuration shows how to configure the orchestrator-agent.yaml template to enable the orchestrator agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey:: as a password to be fetched from a JSON secret.

Refer to Fetching Secrets from SercretsManager for further details and examples on how to fetch secrets from AWS SecretsManager.

  # Advanced configuration options
      ProxyHost: "squid.my.domain.com"
      ProxyPort: "6443"
      ProxyUser: "my-user"
      ProxyPassword: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey::"
      SSL: ""
      SSLVerifyCertificate: ""
      CACertificate: ""
HTTP proxy with CA certificate

Also, you can provide a CA Certificate to the orchestrator agent and configure it to check the HTTP proxy SSL Certificate.

Refer to Uploading Custom CA Certificates for further details and examples on how to upload and use CA Certificates.

  # Upload custom CA certificates
      Type: "base64"
      Value: "my-base64-encoded-ca-certificate"
      Path: "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"

  # Advanced configuration options
      ProxyHost: "squid.my.domain.com"
      ProxyPort: "6443"
      ProxyUser: "my-user"
      ProxyPassword: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey::"
      SSL: "true"
      SSLVerifyCertificate: "true"
      CACertificate: "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"


The Terraform module fargate-orchestrator-agent >= 0.3.0 exposes the following variables to configure the orchestrator agent to connect to an HTTP proxy.

variable "http_proxy_ca_certificate" {
  description = "Uploads the HTTP proxy CA certificate to the orchestrator"
  type = object({
    type  = string
    value = string
    path  = string
  default = ({
    type  = "base64"
    value = ""
    path  = "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"

variable "http_proxy_configuration" {
  description = "Advanced configuration options for the connection to the HTTP proxy"
  type = object({
    proxy_host             = string
    proxy_port             = string
    proxy_user             = string
    proxy_password         = string
    ssl                    = string
    ssl_verify_certificate = string
    ca_certificate         = string
  default = ({
    proxy_host             = ""
    proxy_port             = ""
    proxy_user             = ""
    proxy_password         = ""
    ssl                    = ""
    ssl_verify_certificate = ""
    ca_certificate         = "" # /ssl/proxy_cert.pem

The object:

  • http_proxy_ca_certificate supports the uploading of a CA Certificate for the HTTP proxy, as described in Uploading Custom CA Certificates.
  • http_proxy_configuration configures the orchestrator to connect to the HTTP proxy.

The following table describes each configuration option in detail.

http_proxy_configuration.proxy_host``Indicates the hostname of the proxy server. The default is an empty string, which implies communication through an HTTP proxy is disabled. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_host in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_port``Specifies the port on the proxy server the agent should connect to. The default is 0, which indicates that the HTTP proxy is disabled. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_port in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_user``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the username for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string, which indicates that authentication is not configured. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_user in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_password``Supports both cleartext password and SecretsManager-backed passwords. Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the password for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string. Specifying proxy_user with no proxy_password is allowed. \ Maps to http_proxy.proxy_password in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.ssl``Defaults to false if not provided. If set to true, the connection between the agent and the proxy server is encrypted. \ Maps to http_proxy.ssl in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.ssl_verify_certificate``Defaults to true if not provided. Determines whether the agent will verify the certificate presented by the proxy. This option is enabled by default. \ Maps to http_proxy.ssl_verify_certificate in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
http_proxy_configuration.ca_certificate``The path (relative to /opt/draios) to the certificate in the Orchestrator.Use the same value as CACertificate.HttpProxy.Path to use the uploaded certificate. \ Maps to http_proxy.ca_certificate in Enable HTTP proxy for agents.
HTTP proxy with user and cleartext password

The following configuration shows how to configure the orchestrator-agent.yaml template to enable the orchestrator agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • my-proxy-password as a cleartext password.
module "fargate-orchestrator-agent" {
  source                   = "sysdiglabs/fargate-orchestrator-agent/aws"
  version                  = "0.3.1"

  vpc_id                   = "my_vpc_id"
  subnets                  = ["my_subnet_a", "my_subnet_b"]

  access_key               = "my-access-key"


  http_proxy_configuration = {
    proxy_host             = "squid.my.domain.com"
    proxy_port             = "6443"
    proxy_user             = "my-user"
    proxy_password         = "my-proxy-password"
    ssl                    = ""
    ssl_verify_certificate = ""
    ca_certificate         = ""
HTTP proxy with user and AWS SecretsManager-backed password

The HTTP proxy password can be fetched from AWS SecretsManager as well. The following configuration shows how to configure the orchestrator-agent.yaml template to enable the orchestrator agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey:: as a password to be fetched from a JSON secret.

Refer to Fetching Secrets from SercretsManager for further details and examples on how to fetch secrets from AWS SecretsManager.

module "fargate-orchestrator-agent" {
  source                   = "sysdiglabs/fargate-orchestrator-agent/aws"
  version                  = "0.3.1"

  vpc_id                   = "my_vpc_id"
  subnets                  = ["my_subnet_a", "my_subnet_b"]

  access_key               = "my-access-key"


  http_proxy_configuration = {
    proxy_host             = "squid.my.domain.com"
    proxy_port             = "6443"
    proxy_user             = "my-user"
    proxy_password         = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey::"
    ssl                    = ""
    ssl_verify_certificate = ""
    ca_certificate         = ""
HTTP proxy with CA certificate

Also, you can provide a CA Certificate to the orchestrator agent and configure it to check the HTTP proxy SSL Certificate.

Refer to Uploading Custom CA Certificates for further details and examples on how to upload and use CA Certificates.

module "fargate-orchestrator-agent" {
  source                    = "sysdiglabs/fargate-orchestrator-agent/aws"
  version                   = "0.3.1"

  vpc_id                    = "my_vpc_id"
  subnets                   = ["my_subnet_a", "my_subnet_b"]

  access_key                = "my-access-key"


  http_proxy_ca_certificate = {
    type  = "base64"
    value = "my-base64-encoded-ca-certificate"
    path  = "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"

  http_proxy_configuration  = {
    proxy_host              = "squid.my.domain.com"
    proxy_port              = "6443"
    proxy_user              = "my-user"
    proxy_password          = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:############:secret:json-secret-ffKpFB:SysdigAccessKey::"
    ssl                     = "true"
    ssl_verify_certificate  = "true"
    ca_certificate          = "/ssl/proxy_cert.pem"

Container environment variable

Alternatively, you can provide the environment variable ADDITIONAL_CONF to the container running the orchestrator agent to configure it to connect to an HTTP proxy.

The following configuration options affect the behavior of the HTTP proxy setting, and can be specified either in JSON or YAML format under http_proxy heading. Refer to Enable HTTP proxy for agents for further details.

proxy_host``Indicates the hostname of the proxy server. The default is an empty string, which implies communication through an HTTP proxy is disabled.
proxy_port``Specifies the port on the proxy server the agent should connect to. The default is 0, which indicates that the HTTP proxy is disabled.
proxy_user``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the username for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string, which indicates that authentication is not configured.
proxy_password``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the password for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string. Specifying proxy_user with no proxy_password is allowed.
sslfalseDefault: false. If set to true, the connection between the agent and the proxy server is encrypted.
ssl_verify_certificatetrueDetermines whether the agent will verify the certificate presented by the proxy.
ca_certificatetrueThe path to the CA certificate for the proxy server. If ssl_verify_certificate is enabled, the CA certificate must be signed appropriately.

For example, the following configuration shows how to configure the orchestrator agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • my-proxy-password as a password.
  proxy_host: squid.my.domain.com
  proxy_port: 6443
  proxy_user: my-user
  proxy_password: my-proxy-password

Note that newlines and spaces matter when passing such a configuration as a YAML to the workload agent.

ADDITIONAL_CONF="http_proxy:\n  proxy_host: squid.my.domain.com\n  proxy_port: 6443\n  proxy_user: my-user\n  proxy_password: my-proxy-password"

This option supports cleartext passwords only.

Workload Agent

Currently, workload agents can be configured to connect to an HTTP proxy only through the environment variable SYSDIG_EXTRA_CONF to be provided to the instrumented container.

The following configuration options affect the behavior of the HTTP proxy setting, and can be specified either in JSON or YAML format under http_proxy heading. Refer to Enable HTTP proxy for agents for further details.

proxy_host``Indicates the hostname of the proxy server. The default is an empty string, which implies communication through an HTTP proxy is disabled.
proxy_port``Specifies the port on the proxy server the agent should connect to. The default is 0, which indicates that the HTTP proxy is disabled.
proxy_user``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the username for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string, which indicates that authentication is not configured.
proxy_password``Required if HTTP authentication is configured. This option specifies the password for the HTTP authentication. The default is an empty string. Specifying proxy_user with no proxy_password is allowed.
sslfalseDefault: false. If set to true, the connection between the agent and the proxy server is encrypted.
ssl_verify_certificatetrueDetermines whether the agent will verify the certificate presented by the proxy.
ca_certificatetrueThe path to the CA certificate for the proxy server. If ssl_verify_certificate is enabled, the CA certificate must be signed appropriately.

For example, the following configuration shows how to configure the workload agent to connect to the HTTP proxy with:

  • squid.my.domain.com:6444 as a host and port;
  • my-user as a username;
  • my-proxy-password as a password.
  proxy_host: squid.my.domain.com
  proxy_port: 6443
  proxy_user: my-user
  proxy_password: my-proxy-password

Note that newlines and spaces matter when passing such a configuration as a YAML to the workload agent.

SYSDIG_EXTRA_CONF="http_proxy:\n  proxy_host: squid.my.domain.com\n  proxy_port: 6443\n  proxy_user: my-user\n  proxy_password: my-proxy-password"

This options supports cleartext passwords only.