Event Forwarding

Sysdig Secure can send security data to third-party platforms and logging tools such as Splunk, Qradar, and Elastic. Use Event Forwarding integrations to view security events and correlate Sysdig findings with the tool you are already using for analysis.

Sysdig supports:

  • Standard event forwarding
  • Agent local forwarding

Supported Data Types

Standard event forwarding and agent local forwarding support different data types.

Supported Data TypesStandardAgent LocalNotes
Runtime Policy eventsAvailable in agent local forwarding only if generated by the agent. For details, see Agent Local Forwarding.
Activity Auditkube activities are available for agent local forwarding when Kubernetes Audit Logging is installed with the AuditLog.
Sysdig Platform Audit
Monitor eventsIf Sysdig Monitor is installed
Older legacy policy events format (Deprecated)
Legacy Compliance v1 (Deprecated)Forwarding options are called “Secure events compliance” and “Benchmark events”
Legacy Vulnerability Scanner v1 (Deprecated)The forwarding option is called “Host Scanning”

Standard Event Forwarding

You can use the Sysdig Secure UI to configure event forwarding to designated third-party systems, including open-ended integrations using Webhook or Syslog. These integrations pass the data through the Sysdig backend and forward to external systems using applicable APIs.


You must be logged in to Sysdig Secure as an Administrator to access the event forwarding options.

Add Standard Integrations

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure as an Admin.

  2. Select Settings > Event Forwarding or Integrations > Event Forwarding.

  3. Click +Add Integration.

  4. Choose a listed integration, or Syslog or Webhook.

  5. Complete the relevant integration fields in UI.

Review Integration Status

To review the status of integrations:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure.

  2. Select Settings > Event Forwarding or Integrations > Event Forwarding.

    In the Status column, you will see one of the possible statuses:

  • Connected: The integration is successful. No errors have been found in the last 24 hours.
  • Not Connected: The integration has not been set up yet.
  • Warning: The integration has had issues in the last 24 hours and the delivery of at least a message was retried.
  • Error: When a message delivery fails after three attempts, the integration status appears as Error and the integration is inhibited for the next five minutes. This ensures the integration does not flood the receiver side with messages.

To review an integration’s status in more detail:

  1. Select an integration with a Warning or Error status.

    The integration detail page opens.

  2. Review the history under the Status section. Here, you can find out when and why the integrations status changed.

    This may be due to an application error, or too many message delivery failures.

Delete Standard Integrations

To delete an existing integration:

  1. Log in to Sysdig Secure as Admin.

  2. Select Settings > Event Forwarding or Integrations > Event Forwarding.

  3. Click the three-dot icon beside an integration.

  4. Click Delete Integration.

  5. To confirm, select Yes, delete.

    Webhooks are not invalidated upon deletion of the notification channel.

Agent Local Forwarding

With agent v.12.18.0+, you can forward data directly from the Sysdig agent. With this method, the data reaches the target platform without passing through the Sysdig backend.

Benefits of the agent local option:

  • Avoid sending data out of your own environment.
  • Avoid exposing a locally hosted SIEM to the internet.

Key differences from the standard event forwarding option:

  • The local forwarder does not support X.509 authentication.
  • Events do not persist, and therefore are lost if not forwarded during an agent restart.
  • Some labels might not be available as they can be populated in a skipped post-processing phase.
  • Description and agentId fields are not available.
  • Requires manual configuration of agent config files rather than UI entry fields.
  • Only the events generated by the agent are available:
    • Workload events (Container Drift, List Matching, Malware and Workload policies/rules)
    • Kubernetes audit, if installed with the AuditLog setup

Configure Agent Local Forwarding

Supported Types

The following channels and types are supported:

TypeRuntime policy eventsActivity Audit

Enable the Forwarder

Edit the agent values.yaml (Helm) or dragent.yaml (non-Helm) to contain the settings to enable the forwarder and to define what data to send to it:

For values.yaml (Helm)

  enabled: true

For dragent.yaml (non-Helm)

  enabled: true

Message_types can be either or both options.

Configure the Target Parameters

Add the configuration details for a selected integration.

  • Helm: If you are using Helm, add to your values.yaml file under the Integrations config parameter.
  • Non-Helm: If you are not using Helm, then add the configuration details in another file located in the same directory as the dragent.yaml: local_forwarder_config.yaml.

The integration entries for each type follow this sample format:

- type: SPLUNK
    Index: indexname
    ServiceToken: ***
    ServiceURL: "https://yoursplunkurl.com"

Check the Agent Local Forwarding section on each subpage for the details of that type. For example, see Splunk.

Reference: JSON Formats Used per Data Source

This section is for reference only. In most cases, there is no need to change the default format.

Policy Event Payload

Policy Event Severity

The severity field in the payload is an integer. The following table shows different values event severities can have.

Event SeverityJSON severity value
High0, 1, 2, 3
Medium4, 5

There are two formats supported. See the Runtime Policy Events in JSON Format . The Legacy format has been deprecated as of Jan 18, 2024. See Data Types for Events Forwarding.

To learn about Sysdig Monitor event severity levels, see Severity and Status.

New Runtime Policy Events Payload

    "id": "164ace360cc3cfbc26ec22d61b439500",
    "type": "policy",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "originator": "policy",
    "category": "runtime",
    "source": "syscall",
    "rawEventOriginator": "linuxAgent",
    "rawEventCategory": "runtime",
    "sourceDetails": {
      "sourceType": "workload",
      "sourceSubType": "host"
    "engine": "falco",
    "name": "Notable Filesystem Changes",
    "description": "Identified notable filesystem activity that might change sensitive/important files. This differs from Suspicious Filesystem Changes in that it looks more broadly at filesystem activity, and might have more false positives as a result.",
    "severity": 0,
    "agentId": 13530,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "08:00:27:54:f3:9d",
    "actions": [
          "type": "POLICY_ACTION_CAPTURE",
          "successful": true,
          "token": "abffffdd-fba8-42c7-b922-85364b00eeeb",
          "afterEventNs": 5000000000,
          "beforeEventNs": 5000000000
    "content": {
        "policyId": 544,
        "baselineId": "",
        "ruleName": "Write below etc",
        "ruleType": "RULE_TYPE_FALCO",
        "ruleTags": [
        "output": "File below /etc opened for writing (user=root command=touch /etc/ard parent=bash pcmdline=bash file=/etc/ard program=touch gparent=su ggparent=sudo gggparent=bash container_id=host image=<NA>)",
        "fields": {
            "container.id": "host",
            "container.image.repository": "<NA>",
            "falco.rule": "Write below etc",
            "fd.directory": "/etc/pam.d",
            "fd.name": "/etc/ard",
            "group.gid": "8589935592",
            "group.name": "sysdig",
            "proc.aname[2]": "su",
            "proc.aname[3]": "sudo",
            "proc.aname[4]": "bash",
            "proc.cmdline": "touch /etc/ard",
            "proc.name": "touch",
            "proc.pcmdline": "bash",
            "proc.pname": "bash",
            "user.name": "root"
        "falsePositive": false,
        "matchedOnDefault": false,
        "policyVersion": 2,
        "policyOrigin": "Sysdig"
    "labels": {
        "host.hostName": "ardbox",
        "process.name": "touch /etc/ard"

(Deprecated) Legacy Secure Policy Event Payload

    "id": "164ace360cc3cfbc26ec22d61b439500",
    "containerId": "",
    "name": "Notable Filesystem Changes",
    "description": "Identified notable filesystem activity that might change sensitive/important files. This differs from Suspicious Filesystem Changes in that it looks more broadly at filesystem activity, and might have more false positives as a result.",
    "severity": 0,
    "policyId": 544,
    "actionResults": [
            "type": "POLICY_ACTION_CAPTURE",
            "successful": true,
            "token": "15c6b9cc-59f9-4573-82bb-a1dbab2c4737",
            "beforeEventNs": 5000000000,
            "afterEventNs": 5000000000
    "output": "File below /etc opened for writing (user=root command=touch /etc/ard parent=bash pcmdline=bash file=/etc/ard program=touch gparent=su ggparent=sudo gggparent=bash container_id=host image=<NA>)",
    "ruleType": "RULE_TYPE_FALCO",
    "matchedOnDefault": false,
    "fields": [
            "key": "container.image.repository",
            "value": "<NA>"
            "key": "proc.aname[3]",
            "value": "sudo"
            "key": "proc.aname[4]",
            "value": "bash"
            "key": "proc.cmdline",
            "value": "touch /etc/ard"
            "key": "proc.pname",
            "value": "bash"
            "key": "falco.rule",
            "value": "Write below etc"
            "key": "proc.name",
            "value": "touch"
            "key": "fd.name",
            "value": "/etc/ard"
            "key": "proc.aname[2]",
            "value": "su"
            "key": "proc.pcmdline",
            "value": "bash"
            "key": "container.id",
            "value": "host"
            "key": "user.name",
            "value": "root"
    "eventLabels": [
            "key": "container.image.repo",
            "value": "alpine"
            "key": "container.image.tag",
            "value": "latest"
            "key": "container.name",
            "value": "large-label-container-7"
            "key": "host.hostName",
            "value": "ardbox"
            "key": "process.name",
            "value": "touch /etc/ard"
    "falsePositive": false,
    "baselineId": "",
    "policyVersion": 2,
    "origin": "Sysdig",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718,
    "timestampNs": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "hostMac": "08:00:27:54:f3:9d",
    "isAggregated": false

Activity Audit Forwarding Payloads

Each of the activity audit types has its own JSON format.

Command (cmd) Payload

    "id": "164806c17885b5615ba513135ea13d79",
    "agentId": 32212,
    "cmdline": "calico-node -felix-ready -bird-ready",
    "comm": "calico-node",
    "pcomm": "apt-get",
    "containerId": "a407fb17332b",
    "count": 1,
    "customerId": 1,
    "cwd": "/",
    "hostname": "qa-k8smetrics",
    "loginShellDistance": 0,
    "loginShellId": 0,
    "pid": 29278,
    "ppid": 29275,
    "procExepath": "/usr/bin/calico-node",
    "rxTimestamp": 1606322949537513500,
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "tty": 34816,
    "type": "command",
    "uid": 0,
    "username": "root",
    "userLoginUid": 4294967295,
    "userLoginName": "<NA>",
    "labels": {
        "aws.accountId": "059797578166",
        "aws.instanceId": "i-053b1f0509fdbc15a",
        "aws.region": "us-east-1",
        "container.image.digest": "sha256:26c68657ccce2cb0a31b330cb0be2b5e108d467f641c62e13ab40cbec258c68d",
        "container.image.id": "d2e4e1f51132",
        "container.label.io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default",
        "container.name": "bash",
        "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-46-221",
        "host.mac": "12:9f:a1:c9:76:87",
        "kubernetes.node.name": "ip-172-20-46-221.ec2.internal",
        "kubernetes.pod.name": "bash"

Network (net) Payload

    "id": "164806f43b4d7e8c6708f40cdbb47838",
    "agentId": 32212,
    "clientIpv4": 2886795285,
    "clientIpv4Dot": "",
    "clientPort": 60720,
    "comm": "kubectl",
    "containerId": "da3abd373c7a",
    "customerId": 1,
    "direction": "out",
    "dnsDomains": [
    "errorCode": 0,
    "hostname": "qa-k8smetrics",
    "l4protocol": 6,
    "pid": 2452,
    "processName": "kubectl",
    "rxTimestamp": 0,
    "serverIpv4": 174063617,
    "serverIpv4Dot": "",
    "serverPort": 443,
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "type": "connection"
    "tty": 34816,
    "labels": {
        "aws.accountId": "059797578166",
        "aws.instanceId": "i-053b1f0509fdbc15a",
        "aws.region": "us-east-1",
        "container.image.digest": "sha256:26c68657ccce2cb0a31b330cb0be2b5e108d467f641c62e13ab40cbec258c68d",
        "container.image.id": "d2e4e1f51132",
        "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-46-221",
        "host.mac": "12:9f:a1:c9:76:87",
        "kubernetes.cluster.name": "k8s-onprem",
        "kubernetes.namespace.name": "default",
        "kubernetes.node.name": "ip-172-20-46-221.ec2.internal",
        "kubernetes.pod.name": "bash"

File (file) Payload

    "id": "164806c161a5dd221c4ee79d6b5dd1ce",
    "agentId": 32212,
    "containerId": "a407fb17332b",
    "directory": "/var/lib/dpkg/updates/",
    "filename": "tmp.i",
    "hostname": "qa-k8smetrics",
    "permissions": "w",
    "pid": 414661,
    "comm": "dpkg",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "type": "fileaccess",
    "labels": {
        "aws.accountId": "059797578166",
        "aws.instanceId": "i-053b1f0509fdbc15a",
        "aws.region": "us-east-1",
        "container.image.digest": "sha256:26c68657ccce2cb0a31b330cb0be2b5e108d467f641c62e13ab40cbec258c68d",
        "container.image.id": "d2e4e1f51132",
        "container.image.repo": "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
        "container.name": "bash",
        "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-46-221",
        "host.mac": "12:9f:a1:c9:76:87",
        "kubernetes.cluster.name": "k8s-onprem",
        "kubernetes.namespace.name": "default",
        "kubernetes.node.name": "ip-172-20-46-221.ec2.internal",
        "kubernetes.pod.name": "bash"

Kubernetes (kube exec) Payload

    "id": "164806f4c47ad9101117d87f8b574ecf",
    "agentId": 32212,
    "args": {
        "command": "bash",
        "container": "nginx"
    "auditId": "c474d1de-c764-445a-8142-a0142505868e",
    "containerId": "397be1762fba",
    "hostname": "qa-k8smetrics",
    "name": "nginx-76f9cf7469-k5kf7",
    "namespace": "nginx",
    "resource": "pods",
    "sourceAddresses": [
    "stages": {
        "started": 1605540915526159000,
        "completed": 1605540915660084000
    "subResource": "exec",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "type": "kubernetes",
    "user": {
        "username": "system:serviceaccount:default:default-kubectl-trigger",
        "groups": [
    "userAgent": "kubectl/v1.16.2 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/c97fe50",
    "labels": {
        "agent.tag.cluster": "k8s-onprem",
        "agent.tag.sysdig_secure.enabled": "true",
        "container.image.repo": "docker.io/library/nginx",
        "container.image.tag": "1.21.6",
        "container.label.io.kubernetes.container.name": "nginx",
        "container.label.io.kubernetes.pod.name": "nginx-76f9cf7469-k5kf7",
        "container.label.io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "nginx",
        "container.name": "nginx",
        "host.hostName": "qa-k8smetrics",
        "host.mac": "12:09:c7:7d:8b:25",
        "kubernetes.cluster.name": "demo-env-prom",
        "kubernetes.deployment.name": "nginx-deployment",
        "kubernetes.namespace.name": "nginx",
        "kubernetes.pod.name": "nginx-76f9cf7469-k5kf7",
        "kubernetes.replicaSet.name": "nginx-deployment-5677bff5b7"

Sysdig Platform Audit Payload

    "id": "16f43920a0d70f005f136173fcec3375",
    "type": "audittrail",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "originator": "ingestion",
    "category": "",
    "source": "auditTrail",
    "name": "",
    "description": "",
    "severity": 0,
    "agentId": 0,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "",
    "content": {
        "timestampNs": 1654009775452000000,
        "customerId": 1,
        "userId": 454926,
        "teamId": 46902,
        "requestMethod": "GET",
        "requestUri": "/api/integrations/discovery/",
        "userOriginIP": "",
        "queryString": "cluster=demo-env-prom&namespace=sysdig-agent",
        "responseStatusCode": 200,
        "entityType": "integration",
        "entityPayload": ""
    "labels": {
        "entityType": "integration"

(Deprecated) Benchmark Result Payloads

To forward benchmark events, you must have Benchmarks v2 installed and configured, using the Node Analyzer.

A Benchmark Control payload is emitted for each control on each host on every Benchmark Run. A Benchmark Run payload containing a summary of the results is emitted for each host on every Benchmark Run.

Benchmark Control Payload

    "id": "16ee684c65c356616381cbcbfed06eb6",
    "type": "benchmark",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "originator": "benchmarks",
    "category": "runtime",
    "source": "host",
    "name": "Kubernetes Benchmark Control Reported",
    "description": "Kubernetes benchmark kube_bench_cis-1.6.0 control 4.1.8 completed.",
    "severity": 7,
    "agentId": 0,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "0a:e2:ce:65:f5:b7",
    "content": {
        "taskId": "9",
        "runId": "535de4fb-3fac-4716-b5c6-9c906226ed01",
        "source": "host",
        "schema": "kube_bench_cis-1.6.0",
        "subType": "control",
        "control": {
            "id": "4.1.8",
            "title": "Ensure that the client certificate authorities file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)",
            "description": "The certificate authorities file controls the authorities used to validate API requests. You should set its file ownership to maintain the integrity of the file. The file should be owned by `root:root`.",
            "rationale": "The certificate authorities file controls the authorities used to validate API requests. You should set its file ownership to maintain the integrity of the file. The file should be owned by `root:root`.",
            "remediation": "Run the following command to modify the ownership of the --client-ca-file.\nchown root:root <filename>\n",
            "auditCommand": "CAFILE=$(ps -ef | grep kubelet | grep -v apiserver | grep -- --client-ca-file= | awk -F '--client-ca-file=' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')\nif test -z $CAFILE; then CAFILE=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt; fi\nif test -e $CAFILE; then stat -c %U:%G $CAFILE; fi\n",
            "auditOutput": "root:root",
            "expectedOutput": "'root:root' is equal to 'root:root'",
            "familyName": "Worker Node Configuration Files",
            "level": "Level 1",
            "type": "manual",
            "result": "Pass",
            "resourceType": "Hosts",
            "resourceCount": 0
    "labels": {
        "aws.accountId": "845151661675",
        "aws.instanceId": "i-0cafe61565a04c866",
        "aws.region": "eu-west-1",
        "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-57-8",
        "host.mac": "0a:e2:ce:65:f5:b7",
        "kubernetes.cluster.name": "demo-env-prom",
        "kubernetes.node.name": "ip-172-20-57-8.eu-west-1.compute.internal"

Benchmark Run Payload

    "id": "16ee684c65c356617457f59f07b11210",
    "type": "benchmark",
    "timestamp": 1606322948648718268,
    "timestampRFC3339Nano": "2020-11-25T16:49:08.648718268Z",
    "originator": "benchmarks",
    "category": "runtime",
    "source": "host",
    "name": "Kubernetes Benchmark Run Passed (with warnings)",
    "description": "Kubernetes benchmark kube_bench_cis-1.6.0 completed.",
    "severity": 4,
    "agentId": 0,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "0a:28:16:38:93:39",
    "content": {
        "taskId": "9",
        "runId": "535de4fb-3fac-4716-b5c6-9c906226ed01",
        "source": "host",
        "schema": "kube_bench_cis-1.6.0",
        "subType": "run",
        "run": {
            "passCount": 20,
            "failCount": 0,
            "warnCount": 27
    "labels": {
        "aws.accountId": "845151661675",
        "aws.instanceId": "i-00280f61718cc25ba",
        "aws.region": "eu-west-1",
        "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-40-177",
        "host.mac": "0a:28:16:38:93:39",
        "kubernetes.cluster.name": "demo-env-prom",
        "kubernetes.node.name": "ip-172-20-40-177.eu-west-1.compute.internal"

(Deprecated) Host Scanning Payload

Incremental Report

This is the “vuln diff” report; it contains the list of added, removed, or updated vulnerabilities that the host presents compared to the previous scan.

    "id": "167fddc1197bcc776d72f0f299e83530",
    "type": "hostscanning",
    "timestamp": 1621258212302,
    "originator": "hostscanning",
    "category": "hostscanning_incremental_report",
    "source": "hostscanning",
    "name": "Vulnerability updates - Host dev-vm",
    "description": "",
    "severity": 4,
    "agentId": 0,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "00:0c:29:e5:9e:51",
    "content": {
      "hostname": "dev-vm",
      "mac": "00:0c:29:e5:9e:51",
      "reportType": "incremental",
      "added": [
          "cve": "CVE-2020-27170",
          "fixAvailable": "5.4.0-70.78",
          "packageName": "linux-headers-5.4.0-67",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-67.75",
          "severity": "High",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2020-27170",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-headers-5.4.0-67:5.4.0-67.75"
          "cve": "CVE-2019-9515",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "libgrpc6",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "1.16.1-1ubuntu5",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2019-9515",
          "vulnerablePackage": "libgrpc6:1.16.1-1ubuntu5"
      "updated": [
          "cve": "CVE-2018-17977",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-modules-5.4.0-72-generic",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-72.80",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2018-17977",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-modules-5.4.0-72-generic:5.4.0-72.80"
          "cve": "CVE-2021-3348",
          "fixAvailable": "5.4.0-71.79",
          "packageName": "linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-67.75",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2021-3348",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic:5.4.0-67.75"
          "cve": "CVE-2021-29265",
          "fixAvailable": "5.4.0-73.82",
          "packageName": "linux-headers-5.4.0-67-generic",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-67.75",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2021-29265",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-headers-5.4.0-67-generic:5.4.0-67.75"
          "cve": "CVE-2021-29921",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "python3.8-dev",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "3.8.5-1~20.04.2",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2021-29921",
          "vulnerablePackage": "python3.8-dev:3.8.5-1~20.04.2"
      "removed": [
          "cve": "CVE-2021-26932",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-modules-5.4.0-67-generic",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-67.75",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2021-26932",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-modules-5.4.0-67-generic:5.4.0-67.75"
          "cve": "CVE-2020-26541",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "5.4.0-67.75",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2020-26541",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-67-generic:5.4.0-67.75"
          "cve": "CVE-2014-4607",
          "fixAvailable": "2.04-1ubuntu26.8",
          "packageName": "grub-pc",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "2.04-1ubuntu26.7",
          "severity": "Medium",
          "url": "http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/CVE-2014-4607",
          "vulnerablePackage": "grub-pc:2.04-1ubuntu26.7"
    "labels": {
      "host.hostName": "dev-vm",
      "cloudProvider.account.id": "",
      "cloudProvider.host.name": "",
      "cloudProvider.region": "",
      "host.hostName": "ip-172-20-40-177",
      "host.id": "d82e5bde1d992bedd10a640bdb2f052493ff4b3e03f5e96d1077bf208f32ea96",
      "host.mac": "00:0c:29:e5:9e:51",
      "host.os.name": "ubuntu",
      "host.os.version": "20.04"
      "kubernetes.cluster.name": "",
      "kubernetes.node.name": ""

Full Report

The full report contains all the vulnerabilities found during the first host scan.

    "id": "1680c8462f368eaf38d2f269d9de1637",
    "type": "hostscanning",
    "timestamp": 1621516069618,
    "originator": "hostscanning",
    "category": "hostscanning_full_report",
    "source": "hostscanning",
    "name": "Host ip-172-31-94-81 scanned",
    "description": "",
    "severity": 4,
    "agentId": 0,
    "containerId": "",
    "machineId": "16:1f:b4:f5:02:03",
    "content": {
      "hostname": "ip-172-31-94-81",
      "mac": "16:1f:b4:f5:02:03",
      "reportType": "full",
      "added": [
          "cve": "CVE-2015-0207",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "libssl1.1",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "1.1.0l-1~deb9u3",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2015-0207",
          "vulnerablePackage": "libssl1.1:1.1.0l-1~deb9u3"
          "cve": "CVE-2016-2088",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "libdns162",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3+deb9u8",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-2088",
          "vulnerablePackage": "libdns162:1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3+deb9u8"
          "cve": "CVE-2017-5123",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-headers-4.9.0-15-amd64",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "4.9.258-1",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-5123",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-headers-4.9.0-15-amd64:4.9.258-1"
          "cve": "CVE-2014-2739",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-headers-4.9.0-15-common",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "4.9.258-1",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2014-2739",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-headers-4.9.0-15-common:4.9.258-1"
          "cve": "CVE-2014-9781",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "linux-kbuild-4.9",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "4.9.258-1",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2014-9781",
          "vulnerablePackage": "linux-kbuild-4.9:4.9.258-1"
          "cve": "CVE-2015-8705",
          "fixAvailable": "None",
          "packageName": "libisc-export160",
          "packageType": "dpkg",
          "packageVersion": "1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3+deb9u8",
          "severity": "Negligible",
          "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2015-8705",
          "vulnerablePackage": "libisc-export160:1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3+deb9u8"
    "labels": {
      "agent.tag.distribution": "Debian",
      "agent.tag.fqdn": "ec2-3-231-219-145.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "agent.tag.test-type": "qa-hs",
      "agent.tag.version": "9.13",
      "host.hostName": "ip-172-31-94-81",
      "host.id": "cbd8fc14e9116a33770453e0755cbd1e72e4790e16876327607c50ce9de25a4b",
      "host.mac": "16:1f:b4:f5:02:03",
      "host.os.name": "debian",
      "host.os.version": "9.13"
      "kubernetes.cluster.name": "",
      "kubernetes.node.name": ""