
The Subscription page presents information about your current subscription. It shows what options are enabled and provides insight into your usage for the month to date.

To access the page:

  1. Log in as administrator to Sysdig Monitor or Sysdig Secure.

  2. Select Settings > Subscription via the user menu.

    Your current subscription information is displayed.

Subscription Details

Under Subscription Details, find information about the selected tier, product, and billing cycle. You can also view the number of reserved and on-demand host agents, time series, and Fargate task hours included with your Sysdig subscription.

Additionally, for Sysdig Secure, you can also review the number of connected Cloud Accounts. See Cloud Accounts.

Download Usage

Click Download Usage to download usage history for:

  • Current month to date
  • Last month
  • Two months ago

This information is formatted as a Comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Standard Columns
Field nameDescription
customer_idInternal Customer ID
time_fromStart time for the hourly usage record (UTC)
time_toEnd time for the hourly usage record (UTC)
reserved_agentsThe number of agents available in the license
on_demand_agents_connectedThe number of connected on-demand agents for the given period
Additional Columns Available when Time Series Billing Is Enabled
Field nameDescription
included_timeseries_per_agentTime series per hour included in the agent price
prepaid_timeseriesPre-paid time series per hour
total_reserved_timeseriesTotal entitled time series per hour (included in the agent price and pre-paid)
total_used_timeseriesTime series ingested during the hour
used_timeseries_over_reservedTime series overage (over total entitled)
Additional Columns Available When Fargate Billing Is Enabled
Field nameDescription
workload_agent_usage_minutesSum of all Fargate Agent workload minutes during the hour


Depending on options enabled, you will see some or all of the following sections under Usage:

  • Host Agents: Reserved and on-demand host agents for Secure and Monitor. See Host Agent Licenses.
  • Active host agents deployment type overview: Currently connected agents breakdown per deployment type. See Active host agents deployment type overview.
  • Compute Resources: Number of Compute Resources across all Cloud accounts. See Compute Resources.
  • Cloud Logs: Number of analyzed log events per month. See Cloud Logs.
  • Fargate Task Hours: Fargate task hours month to date. Applicable to Secure only. See Fargate Task Hours.
  • Time Series - Previous Hour: Applicable to Monitor only. See Time Series Billing.
  • Host Agents - Previous Hour: Reserved and on-demand for the previous hour.


Host Agents

When reserved host agent usage or on-demand host agent usage reaches the maximum available number, the usage bar is presented in red color.

Time Series Billing

When usage exceeds the number of available time series, the overage part is shown in red color. The amount of overage is reported underneath the gauge.

Fargate Task Hours

When usage exceeds the number of available Fargate Task Hours, the overage part is shown in red color and the amount of overage is reported underneath the gauge.

Host Agent Licenses

The distinction between reserved and on-demand agents is financial, not technical; when on-demand agents are used they perform exactly like reserved agents.

Reserved Agents

Reserved agents are dedicated agents that are provisioned for a user regardless of usage. You can purchase reserved agents on a monthly or annual basis.

On-Demand Agents

On-demand agents are for short-term use and you pay only for what you use at an hourly rate. You have the ability to add and control on-demand agents. For example, an organization might schedule scale testing for two days and license an extra 500 on-demand agents for that time frame.

Active Host Agents Deployment Type Overview

This bar breaks down the currently deployed agents into different types:

  • Containerised: The number of agents running in a containerized environment.
  • Non-containerised - The number of agents running in a non-containerised environment.
  • Unspecified - The number of agents running in an unknown environment. Update Sysdig Agent to version 12.18.0 or later to receive environment information.

Connect Agents to the Sysdig Backend

The Sysdig platform uses a concurrent licensing model in determining when to allow an installed agent to connect to the back-end servers and report on host metrics. This means you can install Sysdig agents onto any number of instances. However, only the licensed number of agents (up to reserved & on-demand limit) will be allowed to connect and send metrics for recording and reporting.

Agents connect on a first-come, first-served basis and, in the event of an over-subscription (more agents wanting to communicate than are licensed), they will attempt to reconnect on a periodic basis. Once an existing communicating instance goes down and disconnects, the next agent attempting to connect will be allowed in.

To avoid having agents refused connection due to over-subscription, monitor the number of established and allowed connections. To see how many licenses are in use, see the Settings > Subscription page. Use this information to either purchase additional license capacity or to shut down lower-priority agents via normal orchestration and system administration means.

Host Installation

Multiple Installs: An agent is essentially installing a software. If your system changes external IP addresses, or if you shut down a Virtual Machine (VM) image and bring it back up elsewhere, this will remain the same agent connection. However, identical installs that are simultaneously sending data (usually an accident) will be considered two connections. A Media Access Control (MAC) address is used to identify a host for licensing purposes.

Time Lag for License Release: When shutting down a host for any reason, the agent’s license will not be immediately released. This permits the agent to retain its licensing slot for short outages or a reboot. The time-out interval can take up to 20 minutes, and if the connection has not been re-established within the interval the license will be released for use by the next host waiting to connect.

Compute Resources

The Compute Resources bar displays the combined compute resources in use for all the connected Cloud accounts.

Contact your Sysdig representative if you need to license additional compute resources.

Cloud Logs

Sysdig Secure Detection and Response for Cloud Logs includes, per one million analyzed log events per month, threat detection and response capabilities for log-based data sources.

This feature is designed to meet advanced detection and response use cases in a unified Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) experience for any supported log source. Vulnerability Management and Posture Management are not included with Sysdig Secure Detection and Response for Cloud Logs.

The Cloud Logs bar displays the ratio of the amount of analyzed log events and the purchased amount.

Contact your Sysdig representative if you need to purchase an additional one million event batches.

You can download a 6-month usage report, including the data up to the current month-to-date. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Cloud Logs - Month to Date section of the Subscription page.
  2. Select the Download 6-month Usage Data option from the three-dot menu on the top right corner of the section.
  3. Download the CSV file named cloud-logs-usage.csv.

Fargate Task Hours

The Fargate Task Hours bar displays the total Fargate Task Hours used by all Fargate agents for the current month to date.

The Reserved Fargate Task Hours number is calculated by multiplying the number of hours in the month with the purchased number of agents (32 in this example). In this case, it comes to 23040, because the month has 720 hours (24 hours in a day * 30 days). The number of available task hours varies depending on the number of days in the given month.

Number of daysTask hours per agent per month

Usage is calculated by summing the number of minutes each individual Fargate agent was running tasks during the month, rounded up to a minute. That number is then converted to hours (divided by 60) and subtracted from the pre-paid (reserved) amount of hours so that the remaining (if the usage is below the reserved amount) or on-demand (if the usage is over the reserved amount) value can be calculated. Both values are shown in the graph to indicate usage.

See Serverless Agents for more information about ECS Fargate Agents.

Learn More

Topics in This Section
Monitor Time Series Billing

Sysdig Monitor offers transparent Time Series billing with detailed visibility into hourly usage. This page covers the key concepts of time series billing, explains how to identify and understand time series overages, and provides guidance on managing these overages.

AWS Cloudwatch Licensing