VictorOps Notifications

To integrate with your VictorOps account:
  1. Log in to VictorOps.

  2. Go to Settings > Alert Behavior > Integrations in the VictorOps interface.

  3. Select REST from the list of featured Integrations.

  4. Complete steps 1-3 in Set Up a Notification Channel to log in to the Sysdig UI and select VictorOps.

  5. Enter the VictorOps parameters in the Sysdig Notification Channel fields, as follows:

    API Key: everything between "/alert/" and “/$routing_key” in the REST URL

    Routing Key: A VictorOps way of routing alerts to appropriate teams. See their Routing Keys documentation for details, if needed.

    Channel Name: Choose a meaningful name like “VictorOps”.

  6. Enable the channel and desired notification types.

  7. From Shared With: Choose whether to apply this channel globally (All Teams) or to a specific team from the drop-down.

  8. Click Save.