Legacy Support Statement for On-Premises Releases

Sysdig is committed to providing reliable and efficient support for the On-Premise version of Sysdig Platform. This document outlines the support policy for the Sysdig On-Premise, including our version support and end-of-support policies.

Sysdig On-Premises releases are versioned and labeled as [Major Version].[Minor Version].[Patch Number] and a build number. On-Premises releases are categorized as:

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Patch

A major release is defined as having significant changes to the application, such as changes in architecture, addition of a component or service, features, or infrastructure components.

A minor release typically includes functionality or feature enhancements, new features, UX improvements, etc.

A patch release is created when an issue is identified, either in the field or internally, that requires an immediate fix. These typically include bugs, or patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities.

Supported Releases

Customers who run Sysdig on premise are encouraged to stay up to date with our latest releases. This ensures the most hardened code base, infrastructure components, vulnerability patches, and new features.

Sysdig provides support (in accordance with our on prem Support Services Policy) for the most recent major version (n) and one version prior (n -1). Once a release has become unsupported, Sysdig will continue to support that release for a period of three months. This allows our customers a window of planning for an upgrade to a supported version (n or n-1).

Additionally, Sysdig will work to patch the known and impacting vulnerabilities for the most recent version (n) as of the on-premise build date. This will include critical, high, medium, and low CVE severities.

For critical and high vulnerabilities that are not fixed with the latest build, Sysdig will provide a Security Advisory document that details the impact exposure. This can include false-positives or benign vulnerabilities. For vulnerabilities of grave consequence (such as Log4J), Sysdig may provide hot-fixes for the most recent version (n) and the version prior (n -1). All customers are encouraged to keep their environments to n and n-1 versions.

VersionSupported UntilEOS Date
6.x (Latest Version)8.x3 Months after 8.x release date
5.x7.x3 Months after 7.x release date
4.x6.xAugust 2023

If you have questions regarding Sysdig support policy, contact Sysdig Support.