Manual Installation on OpenShift

This page offers instructions for OpenShift Manual Installation for review purposes.

All on-premises installations and upgrades are now scheduled with and guided by Sysdig technical account managers and professional services division. See Oversight Services Now Offered for All Installs and Upgrades.

As of Sysdig Platform v 2.5.0, a semi-automated install option is available and is preferred. This section describes how to install the backend components of the Sysdig platform using an existing OpenShift cluster. It applies to backend versions 1929 and higher.


The Sysdig platform includes both Sysdig Monitor and Sysdig Secure, which are licensed separately. All installations include Sysdig Monitor, while some of the Secure components are installed and configured as additional steps within the overall installation process. When installing the Sysdig platform on OpenShift manually, you will install each backend component with separate oc commands.



  • Access to a running OpenShift v4 instance

  • Two items from your Sysdig purchase-confirmation email:

    • Your Sysdig license key

    • Your Sysdig pull secret

  • octools installed on your machine and communicating with the OpenShift cluster. (Note that your oc and OpenShift versions should match to avoid errors.)

DNS Preparation

If you want more information on OpenShift’s DNS requirements; see the OpenShift documentation.

  • Option 1: DNS without Wildcard

    You need to request two different DNS records from your DNS team: one for the Sysdig API/UI and another for the Sysdig collector. These records should point to your infrastructure nodes and are the two routes that will be exposed, i.e., and

  • Option 2: DNS with Wildcard

    With wildcard DNS, you do not have to make an official request from the DNS team. Your implementation team can pick any two DNS names to use for the API/UI and Collector. These will be exposed to the infrastructure nodes once the configuration is completed. (i.e. and

SSL Certificate Preparation

Step 5: Set Up SSL Connectivity to the Backend discusses how to implement SSL; decide ahead of time whether you will use SSL with wildcard or without.

  • SSL with Wildcard

    With wildcard SSL, you use the same certificate for both the API and the collector.

  • SSL without Wildcard

    You need two SSL certs, one for each DNS record.

Consider Elasticsearch Default Privileges

By default, the Elasticsearch container will be installed in privileged (root-access) mode. This mode is only needed so the container can reconfigure the hosts’ Linux file descriptors if necessary. See Elasticsearch’s description.

If you prefer not to allow Elasticsearch to run with root access to the host, you will need to:

  1. Set your own file descriptors on all Linux hosts in the Kubernetes cluster.

    If one host were to go down, Kubernetes could choose a different node for Elasticsearch, so each Linux host must have the file descriptors set.

  2. Set privileged:false in the elasticsearch-statefulset.yaml file.

    See the step under Configure Backend Components, below, for details.

Prepare the Environment

Step 1 Download and Unpack the Latest Release

  1. Download the latest release from

  2. Unpack the .tar ball.

    The source link has the format:<v1234>.tar.gz.To unpack it, run the following commands (replacing version number as appropriate):

    tar zxf <1234>.tar.gz
    cd sysdigcloud-kubernetes-<1234>
  3. Create a new project called sysdigcloud and copy the cloned folders into it:

    oc new-project sysdigcloud
  4. Apply the correct security contexts to the namespace. (This allows you to run privileged containers in the sysdigcloud namespace)

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -n sysdigcloud -z default
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n sysdigcloud -z default

Step 2: Configure Backend Components

The ConfigMap (config.yaml) is populated with information about usernames, passwords, SSL certs, and various application-specific settings.

The steps below give the minimum edits that should be performed in a test environment.

It is necessary to review and customize the entries in config.yaml before launching in a production environment.

See Making Configuration Changes, below, for the oc format to use for post-install edits, such as adding 3rd-party authenticators such as LDAP.

  1. Add your license key:

    In config.yaml, enter the key that was emailed to you in the following parameter:

    # Required: Sysdig Cloud license
      sysdigcloud.license: ""
  2. Change the super admin name and password, which are the super admin credentials for the entire system. See here for details.

    Find the settings in config.yaml here:

      # Required: Sysdig Cloud super admin user password
      # NOTE: Change upon first login
      sysdigcloud.default.user.password: test
  3. **Edit the collector endpoint and API URL:**Change the placeholder to point to the DNS names you have established for Sysdig.

Remember that you must have defined one name for the collector and another for the API URL.

Note: Change the collector port to 443.

collector.endpoint: <COLLECTOR_DNS_NAME>
collector.port: "443"
api.url: https://<API_DNS_NAME>:443
  1. Recommended: edit the file to set the JVM options for Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and API, worker, and collector as well.

    (To use the AWS implicit key, edit the JVM options as described in AWS: Integrate AWS Account and CloudWatch Metrics (Optional).)

    For installations over 100 agents, it is recommended to allocate 8 GB of heap per JVM.

      cassandra.jvm.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G"
      elasticsearch.jvm.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G"
      sysdigcloud.jvm.api.options: "-Xms4G -Xmx8G"
      sysdigcloud.jvm.worker.options: "-Xms4G -Xmx8G"
      sysdigcloud.jvm.collector.options: "-Xms4G -Xmx8G"

    Note: If you do not wish to use SSL between the agent and the collector, use the following settings instead:

    cassandra.jvm.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G"
    elasticsearch.jvm.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G"
    sysdigcloud.jvm.api.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G -Ddraios.agents.installParams.sslEnabled=false"
    sysdigcloud.jvm.worker.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G -Ddraios.agents.installParams.sslEnabled=false"
    sysdigcloud.jvm.collector.options: "-Xms8G -Xmx8G -Ddraios.agents.installParams.sslEnabled=false"
  2. Optional: Change ElasticSearch container setting to non-privileged.

    To change the default setting, edit the file elasticsearch-statefulset.yaml and set privileged: false.

            - name: elasticsearch
                privileged: false
  3. Deploy the configuration maps and secrets for all services by running the commands:

    For Sysdig Monitor:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/config.yaml
  4. **(Sysdig Secure only) Edit and apply secrets for Anchore and the scanning component:**Edit theyaml files:


      scanning.mysql.password: change_me

    anchore-secrets yaml

      anchore.admin.password: change_me
      anchore.db.password: change_me


      padvisor.mysql.password: change_me

    Then apply the files:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/scanning-secrets.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-secrets.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/policy-advisor-secret.yaml
  5. Edit the API DNS name in either api-ingress.yaml or api-ingress-with-secure.yaml (if using Secure).

    The files are located in sysdigcloud/

         - host: <API_DNS_NAME>
         - hosts:
             - <API_DNS_NAME>
           secretName: sysdigcloud-ssl-secret
  6. Edit the collector DNS name in the file openshift-collector-router.yaml. Use the collector DNS name you created in the Prerequisites.

    The file is located in sysdigcloud/openshift/.

      host: <COLLECTOR_DNS_NAME>

Step 3 (Secure-Only): Edit mysql-deployment.yaml

If using Sysdig Secure :

Edit the MySQL deployment to uncomment the MYSQL_EXTRADB_* environment variables. This forces MySQL to create the necessary scanning database on startup.

File location: datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/mysql/mysql-deployment.yaml

                  name: sysdigcloud-config
                  key: scanning.mysql.dbname
                  name: sysdigcloud-config
                  key: scanning.mysql.user
                  name: sysdigcloud-scanning
                  key: scanning.mysql.password

The scanning service will not start unless MySQL creates the scanning database.

Step 4: Deploy Your Quay Pull Secret

A specific Quay pull secret is sent via email with your license key.

  1. Edit the file sysdigcloud/pull-secret.yaml and change the place holder <PULL_SECRET> with the provided pull secret.

    vi sysdigcloud/pull-secret.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: sysdigcloud-pull-secret
        .dockerconfigjson: <PULL_SECRET>
  2. Deploy the pull secret object:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/pull-secret.yaml

Step 5: Set Up SSL Connectivity to the Backend

SSL-secured communication is used between user browsers and the Sysdig API server(s), and between the Sysdig agent and the collectors.

To set this up, you must:

  • Use an existing wildcard SSL certificate and key, or

  • Use existing standard certs for API and collector, or

  • Create self-signed certificates and keys for API and collector

If you are not using wildcard SSL, you have to use two separate certificates, one for API URL and one for the collector.

  • To disable SSL between agent and collector:

    To disable SSL between agent and collectors, you set a JVM option when configuring backend components (below).

  • To create self-signed certs:

    Run these commands (edit to add your API_DNS_NAMEand COLLECTOR_DNS_NAME):

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=SanFrancisco/O=ICT/CN=<API_DNS_NAME>" -keyout server.key -out server.crt
    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=SanFrancisco/O=ICT/CN=<COLLECTOR_DNS_NAME>" -keyout collector.key -out collector.crt
  • To use an existing wildcard cert:

    Obtain the respective server.crt and server.key files.

To Create Kubernetes Secrets for the Certs

With Wildcard

Uses the same certificate for both the API/UI and the collector.

Run these commands:

oc -n sysdigcloud create secret tls sysdigcloud-ssl-secret --cert=server.crt --key=server.key
oc -n sysdigcloud create secret tls sysdigcloud-ssl-secret-collector --cert=server.crt --key=server.key

Without Wildcard

Uses two different certificates, one for the API/UI, and one for the collector.

Run these commands:

oc -n sysdigcloud create secret tls sysdigcloud-ssl-secret --cert=server.crt --key=server.key
oc -n sysdigcloud create secret tls sysdigcloud-ssl-secret-collector --cert=collector.crt --key=collector.key

Step 6: (Optional) Use CA Certs for External SSL Connections

The Sysdig platform may sometimes open connections over SSL to certain external services, including:

  • LDAP over SSL

  • SAML over SSL

  • OpenID Connect over SSL

  • HTTPS Proxies

If the signing authorities for the certificates presented by these services are not well-known to the Sysdig Platform (for example, if you maintain your own Certificate Authority), they are not trusted by default.

To allow the Sysdig platform to trust these certificates, use the command below to upload one or more PEM-format CA certificates. You must ensure you’ve uploaded all certificates in the CA approval chain to the root CA.

oc -n sysdigcloud create secret generic sysdigcloud-java-certs --from-file=certs1.crt --from-file=certs2.crt

Install Components (OpenShift)

Edit storageClassName Parameters

You need a storage class; step 2 shows how to create one if needed.

Enter the storageClassName in the appropriate .yaml files (see step 3).

  1. Verify whether a storage class has been created, by running the command:

    oc get storageclass
  2. If no storage class has been defined, create a manifest for one, and then deploy it.

    For example, a manifest could be named sysdigcloud-storageclass.yamland contain the following contents (for a storage class using GP2 volumes in AWS):

    kind: StorageClass
      name: gp2
      labels: "true" EnsureExists
      type: gp2

    Now run the command:

    oc apply -f sysdigcloud-storageclass.yaml
  3. Using either the existing storage class name from step 1, or the storage class name defined in step 2, edit the storageClassName in the following .yaml files:

    For Monitor:


    With Secure:


    In each file, the code snippet looks the same:

     - metadata:
         name: data
         accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
             storage: 50Gi
         storageClassName: <STORAGECLASS_NAME>

Install Datastores and Backend Components

For Sysdig Monitor

  1. Create the datastore statefulsets for Elasticsearch and Cassandra. Elasticsearch and Cassandra are automatically set up with --replica=3 generating full clusters.

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/cassandra/cassandra-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/cassandra/cassandra-statefulset.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-statefulset.yaml
  2. Wait for those processes to be running, then create the MySQL and Redis databases:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/mysql/mysql-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/redis/redis-deployment.yaml

    To add Sysdig Secure: Create the PostgreSQL database:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/postgres/postgres-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/postgres/postgres-statefulset.yaml
  3. Wait until datastore pods are in ready state, then deploy the backend deployment sets (worker, collector, and API).

    Run the command:

    kubectl -n sysdigcloud get pods

    Then look in the READY column to ensure all pods are ready. For example, displaying a 1/1 means 1 of 1 pods is ready.

  4. Apply the NATS service and deployment to deliver events to Sysdig backend components:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/nats-streaming/nats-streaming-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f  datastores/as_kubernetes_pods/manifests/nats-streaming/nats-streaming-service.yaml
  5. Then deploy the backend deployment sets (worker, collector, and API). Pause for 60 seconds after creating the API deployment.

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/api-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/openshift/openshift-collector-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/worker-deployment.yaml
  6. Create the service for the API and collector:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/api-headless-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/openshift/openshift-collector-service.yaml
  7. For Sysdig Secure Wait for the API, worker, and collector to come up before proceeding.

    Then create anchore-engine deployments and service (used in scanning):

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-core-config.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-core-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-worker-config.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/anchore-worker-deployment.yaml

    Wait 60 seconds to ensure the core-deployment is in Running status, then deploy the rest of the Secure-related yaml files:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/scanning-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/scanning-api-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/scanning-alertmgr-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/scanning-alertmgr-deployment.yaml
  8. Sysdig Secure only Create services, deployments, and a janitor job for the activity audit and policy advisor features:

    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/policy-advisor-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/activity-audit-api-service.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/activity-audit-api-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/policy-advisor-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/activity-audit-worker-deployment.yaml
    oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/activity-audit-janitor-cronjob.yaml

Configure Access for Connectivity to the Cluster

Apply the appropriate ingress yaml. (The API_DNS name was entered in step 7, in Step 2: Configure Backend Components This configures the route to the Sysdig UI.

For Sysdig Monitor

oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/api-ingress.yaml

With Sysdig Secure:

oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/api-ingress-with-secure.yaml

Configure connectivity to the collector for the agent:

oc -n sysdigcloud apply -f sysdigcloud/openshift/openshift-collector-router.yaml

Apply Configuration Changes

Replace kubectl with oc for OpenShift.

Update the Config Map

There are two ways to change the original installation parameters in the config map: edit or overwrite.

  • To edit the config map, run the following command:

    kubectl edit configmap/sysdigcloud-config --namespace sysdigcloud

    A text editor is presented with the config map to be edited. Enter parameters as needed, then save and quit.

    Then restart the config map (below).

  • To overwrite the config map that is edited on the client-side, (e.g. to keep it synced in a git repository), use the following command:

    kubectl replace -f sysdigcloud/config.yaml --namespace sysdigcloud

    Then restart the config map (below).

Restart Configmap

After updating the configmap, the Sysdig components must be restarted for the changed parameters to take effect. This can be done by forcing a rolling update of the deployments.

A possible way to do so is to change something innocuous, which forces a rolling update. E.g.:

kubectl -n sysdigcloud patch deployment [deploymnet] -p \
 "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"$(date +'%s')\"}}}}}"

Replace kubectl with oc for OpenShift.