On-Premises Deployments

On-premises users install and manage the Sysdig backend components as they see fit. This could be in a data center, or in an enterprise’s cloud-provider space, such as Azure, AWS or GKE.

Oversight Services for Installations and Upgrades

As part of our continued focus on our customers, we are now offering oversight services for all on-premises installs and upgrades. Your Technical Account Manager (TAM), in conjunction with our support organization and Professional Services [where applicable], will work with you to:

  • Assess your environment to ensure it is configured correctly.

  • Review your infrastructure to validate the appropriate storage capacities are available.

  • Review and provide recommendations for backing up your Sysdig data.

  • Work with you to ensure our teams are ready to assist you during the install and upgrade process.

  • Provide the software for the install.

  • Be available during the process to ensure a successful deployment.

You can always review the process in the documentation in the on-prem repository or documentation site.

If you are a new user looking to explore Sysdig, contact us directly.

Learn More

Topics in This Section
Architecture & System Requirements

Before installing an on-premises solution, review the Sysdig architecture, sizing tips, configuration options, and installation options.

Sysdig On-Premises Release Support

Sysdig is committed to providing reliable and efficient support for the On-Premise version of Sysdig Platform. This document outlines the support policy for the Sysdig On-Premise, including our version support and end-of-support policies.

Backup and Restore High Availability PostgreSQL Clusters

Sysdig provides you a tool to backup and restore your high availability PostgreSQL in your Sysdig on-prem deployment.

On-Premises Installation

Find the Super Admin Credentials and API Token

Configure Interactive Session Expiration

Upgrade On-Premises License

On-premises environments might require a license upgrade to renew, extend an expiration date, enable new features, add a service, or change the number of licensed agents. This topic describes both manual and automatic methods of license upgrade.

Authentication and Authorization (On-Prem)