Collect Prometheus Metrics

Sysdig supports collecting, storing, and querying Prometheus native metrics and labels. You can use Sysdig in the same way that you use Prometheus and leverage Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) to create dashboards and alerts.

Sysdig is compatible with Prometheus HTTP API, allowing you to query your monitoring data programatically using PromQL, and extend Sysdig’s functionality to other platforms, such as Grafana.

A lightweight Prometheus server is directly embedded into the Sysdig agent to facilitate metric collection. Use Prometheus syntax to filter and label targets, instances and jobs, and configure the agent to identify processes that expose Prometheus metric endpoints on its own host and send findings to the Sysdig collector for storing and further processing.


You do not need to install Prometheus to collect Prometheus metrics.

Agent Compatibility

See the Sysdig agent versions and compatibility with Prometheus features:

Sysdig Agent v12.2.0 and Above

The following features are enabled by default:

  • Scrape any Kubernetes pods with the following annotation set:
  • Scrape applications supported by Default Integrations.

For more information, see Set up the Environment.

Sysdig Agent Prior to v12.0.0

Manually enable Prometheus in dragent.yaml file:

       enabled: true

For more information, see Enable Promscrape V2 on Older Versions of Sysdig Agent .

Learn More

The following topics describe how to set up your environment for service discovery, metrics collection, and further processing:

See the following blog posts for additional context on the Prometheus metric and how such metrics are typically used.